It is who transmitting more than 50% of COVID cases.

While the coronavirus pandemic flies over the United States, these conclusions could help avoid "a vast epidemic".

Public servants find it difficult to keep coronaviruses showing that the United States areas continue to see new recording infections. Fortunately, medical experts become increasingly convinced that the spread of the disease can be slowed down by practicing social distancing, wearing a facial mask and increased tests to avoid new epidemics to crop. But the latter can be particularly important, based on new research. According to a recent study by the University of Yale for the modeling and analysis of infectious diseases,Infected patients without symptoms are responsible for the transmission of more than half of the cases of COVID-19.

"Our results indicate thatTransmission of silent disease During pre-symptomatic and asymptomatic stages, account for over 50% of the overall attack rate in COVID-19 outbreaks, "the authors write in the study, recently published in the newspaper.Acts of the National Academy of Sciences. Pre-symptomatic patients are those without symptoms that end up showing signs of the virus, whileasymptomatic patients Never develop noticeable symptoms of the disease.


The study founded its conclusions on a model created using existing research to try to determine the best methods of containing the new coronavirus. Since the majority of cases "can be attributable to the silent transmission of a combination of pre-symptomatic and asymptomatic infections", the authors write ", even if all symptomatic cases are isolated, a vast epidemic can nevertheless unfold. "

The results add toProof of assembly only "Silent Spreaders"-A patients who do not know they are infected and contagious - constitute a major contributor to the epidemics of the CVIV-19 community. Since patients without symptoms are unlikely to refrain from social interactions, it puts them at greater probability of transmitting Covid-19, the study poses.

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As a result, the authors suggest using a combination of techniques, including increased tests and contact tracing, to control coronaviruses. "Our results highlight the urgent need to overwhelmed suspected cases testing without symptoms," they writes. "Delays in contact tracing increase the risk of transmission in force, especially since they without symptoms are generally not aware of their risk of infection for others and are therefore less likely to reduce interactions. social. "

On Twitter, the main author of the study,Alison Galvani, PhD,Professor of epidemiology At Yale University, said the results prove that "symptom-based control, such as temperature controls, is not enough" to stop the coronavirus of propagation. And for more information on the guidelines to follow, consultHere's how long you will have to wear a face mask, say experts.

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