Half of all new cases of coronaviruses come from these 4 states
The United States has struck a record for new COVID cases and nearly half come from four epicenter.

While experts could debate if we are or not in the second wave of thecoronavirus pandemicThere is no doubt that the virus notes an increase in cases across the country. COVID rates, particularly in the parts of the South and Western United States, figures in some areas are so high that half of all new cases of coronaviruses have only four states come from only four states .
With over60,000 coronavirus cases Reported on July 7, the country struck a new record for new cases in one day. And although there are peaks that occur in all but a handful of states that have succeeded incontain their epidemicsThe following four states represent nearly 50% of these new cases, reports CNBC. And for more these states,These are the 4 new epicenter of the pandemic, the former head of the FDA says.
1 Arizona

According to the Mayor of Phoenix,Arizona opened too early-And the rapid increase in the state reflects this assessment. On July 8, there is almost108,650 coronavirus cases in the state. Arizona has theHighest positive test rate In the country at 25.5%, which is one of the reasons why COVID experts are now acting in the Covid "critical" category.
The site also mentions theLack of available ICU beds, which is one of the reasons for which Arizona has begun to implement a scoring system to determineWho will get coronavirus care. And for more states on the "critical" list,These 6 states are now in COVID-19 critical situations, experts say.
2 California

California has been a lot in the new new for itsSoar coronavirus numbers and hospitalizations, especially in the county of Los Angeles. And while the state makes attempts to contain the epidemic, including someDRASTIC MEASURESCalifornia is currently responsible for a significant percentage of new cases in the country. There is now around288 150 cases of covidation in the state, and theinfection rate 1.19 means that the virus is spreading rapidly. And for more states in difficulty,These are the 2 surprising states where COVID cases are soaring.
3 Florida

Florida figures have been raised for a long time that it has been identified as theNext epicenter of the pandemic back in June. But the situation has only disastered since. Florida is another of Covid's "critical" states now act with aHigh infection rate 1.31 and a high positive test rate of 18.6%. From now, there are about 223 775Coronavirus cords in Florida. And if that number seems shocking, discover whyThe Covid figures of this state are probably higher than you think.
4 Texas

Texas rapid climbing numbers have also been worried about experts for some time and the recent hospitalization increase has some state officials urging residents toshelter. Even with a recentFacial mask mandate, Texas faces a hemorovy number - with its ICU beds that decreased, a rate of infection of 1.20 and a positive test rate of 13.3%, Texas acquired the state a place on Covid Act now"Critical" list. On July 8, there is around220 220 Case of covidation in the state. And for more information up to date,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

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