Surprising coronavirus modifies your brain, doctors warn

New research suggests that Covid-19 can result in permanent neurological damage.

Of course, you know about the ravage that coronavirus can make your lungs. You may also have read what it does with your blood, kidneys and heart. But a new medical report provided disturbing evidence as toHow Covid-19 contagion can enter his brain and possibly cause permanent neurological damage.

The research, published in theAmerican medicine newspaper, focused on a 25-year coronavirus patient, whose brain scans revealed "Invasion of the viral brain, "who seems to have temporarily changed areas of his brain. The term for this is" neuroinvasion "and doctors believe that this can be partially responsible for theRespiratory failure of coronavirus patients.

The patient in question is a radiographer who worked in a Covid-19 district, without any significant pre-existing condition. After having a dry cough who lasted a day, she lost her sense of smell and taste, but had no othermajor symptoms like a fever or shortness of breath. Without significant medical history - and other negative test results - a brain MRI was performed.

What the brain scans revealed have led that the researchers believe to be "the first report of the participation of the Vivo human brain in a patient with CVIV-19, showing an alteration of the signal compatible with the invasion of the viral brain in a cortical region ". In the terms of nature, the contagion invades parts of the neural cortex, which affects the meaning of taste, smell and perhaps leads to larger respiratory problems. That said, according to researchers, more studies are needed before all conclusions can be drawn.

"We know earlier research than some people with SARS-COV-2 infections can develop neurological and psychiatric symptoms", "John Hardy, president of the molecular biology of neurological disease at the University London College, which has not been involved in the study, stated in a declaration viaScientific Media Center. "What remains to be seen, it is to what extent the symptoms are due to a viral infection of the brain itself or to side effects, including inflammation in the brain triggered by the response of the immune system to the virus."

The study ends by saying that it is unclear that all coronavirus patients suffer from "neuroinvasion" of theCOVID-19 [Feminine, or maybe it might simply be an early stage of the harmful effects of the virus. And for more ways Coronavirus affects you overall, checkHere's how coronavirus affects your body, your head to the toes.

Categories: Health
Tags: Coronavirus / News
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