Do not make this mistake before leaving the house, the CDC says

Do not put yourself and other people at risk leaving your home without doing it first.

At this stage of the coronavirus pandemic, you are probably more than a little familiar with the appropriate protocol and daily habits.wash one's hands, wearing a mask, social distancing, etc. - Protecting you and others to be infected with COVID-19. But with the ongoing reopening of all throughout the country, now is probably a good time for a small recycling - because there is a good chance that you make a huge mistake every time you leave your house: do not wash the hands.

TheCritical importance of frequent hand washing As a method of limiting coronavirus propagation, it is a message from disease control and prevention centers (CDC) that you have heard time and time during the pandemic. And while you may be your part with diligence by washing your hands every time youto recover from the outside world, tap your mail or manage any item with even the most tense potential to be contaminated, give yourself a good cleaningbefore You leave the house? Otherwise, you must start now.

In theGuidelines to stay safe when traveling through a means of transport-Public or private - the CDC advises: "Before leaving, wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use a hand disinfectant with at least 60% alcohol. It should be done as soon as you arrive at your intended destination.

Why before, do you ask?

Just because you come from home does not mean that your hands can not be exposed to the virus, which could beLive on any number of surfaces or articles that you are in close contact with. By not washing your hands before leaving the house, you may wear the virus with you. If this happens, you have the potential to contaminate spaces, objects or people you enter into contact with-possibly on a chain reaction allowing the virus to spread.

General prettify? Before missing from the door, take a second to ask you, "Did I have washed my hands?" And for more hands safety tips,The CDC says you have to keep the hands disinfecting away from children under this age.

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