Exactly how far you have to get up from someone from sick to avoid getting the flu

Do not be too close!

Season of influenza. At the end of December, we are officially inscribed on the coldest, the most unpleasant and the sick of the year. It is also the extent of the year when you are probably in your most paranoid. You know, every time a colleague or a loved one goes a good cough, you can not stop you from getting a look that all but shouts,"Are you about to get sick?!"

Our collective fear raises an interesting question: Is there a "safe" distance from science that we should keep from someone we presume carries the contagious virus?

Believe it or not, there is a very specific answer.

According toCDC, one personinfluenza can infect anyone within six feet radius.

"Most experts think that flu viruses spread mainly through droplets made when people with flu, sneezing or discussion," says the CDC. "These droplets can land in the mouth or nose of people who are nearby or possibly be inhaled in the lungs. Less often, a person may be a flu by touching a surface or an object that has an influenza virus on it Then touch his own mouth, nose, or possibly their eyes. "

Couple Sick with the Flu {How Far Can Flu Germs Spread}

If it does not escape you enough, consider the fact that the flu is a delicate virus that housed its time. According to William Schaffner, M.D., a flu specialist at the University of Vanderbilt, you can be sick for two entire days with the flu without even knowing that you have it. "If I'm infected, I can spread the flu for 24 to 48 hours before I get sick",Recount The Journal de Wall Street. "It is in favor of the virus. This facilitates spread."

It's all terrible news if you live in a major city and use public transport. But whatever the place of action, your best action plan to prevent you from capturing the virus that kills up to 12,000 Americans a year is to go to your pharmacy and get a shot of flu.

According to the CDC, it "protects against viruses that research suggests will be the most common".

And once you are vaccinated, you can alsoinfluencate By frequently wicking your hands, wipe with gym equipment before using it, avoid contacting with people you know are sick and that you clearly lead these25 habits that increase your risk of influenza.

Oh, and stay at least six feet of Steve in accounting that has a really unpleasant cough.

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Categories: Health
Tags: Cold and Flu
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