Here is another reason to have eight hours of sleep every night.

Some are nice. Others, we would prefer to forget. And even more weto do Forget. But more than anything else, the memory composes that are. Without our memories, we would not be able to train relationships, move forward in our career or even remember that the food we love (and we hate). Memory, some might say, is the key to life.

Given the way our monumental memories are in our daily lives, most of us know little to know how and why they are trained. But unlike everything we learned in the grade 11 biology class, what happens in the storage centers of our brain memory is anything but boring. For example, it is so foolish enough to think that our brains can theoretically hold more information than more than 4,000 iPhones. And apparently, there is a world record for the most randomly memorized objects: who knew! In this document, we have collected some of the most interesting and crazy facts on the memory as science (and the Internet) has to offer. Thus storing these facts in your long-term memory - and for more brain sharpening tips, try them20 simple ways to improve your memory.

Our brains can store an innovation of information.

College Student Studying at Home 25 Years

According to the psychology teacher of the University of the NorthwestPaul Reber, our brain has the ability to store up to2.5 Petabytes Datas. This is the equivalent of threemillion hours of television programs - or on the same storage as almost4000 256 GB Iphones (the largest size available). And if you want to start filling your brain with fun tintins, start with the30 the craziest facts on the planet Earth you have never known.

We start forgetting childhood memories while we arein childhood.

t-rex Jokes children

Do you remember what it was like when you walked for the first time, or how did you feel for your first kindergarten day? The answer for most of us is probably not. But at what age do these memories begin to fade? Well, the psychologists at Emory University had the same question, and so they decided to determine when we start exactly to experience "childhood amnesia". Theirto study I found that while children aged five and seven remember 60% or more of their first life events, eight and nine years recalled less than 40% of the same memories.

A good night's sleep helps us better store souvenirs.

woman sleeping on bed

Not surprisingly, our brain works better when we are well rested. Ato study I found that people who taught specific finger movements (as if you learn on the piano) were better able to call them back after 12 hours of rest. "When you are asleep, it seems that you can change memory in more efficient storage areas in the brain,"Matthew Walker, Ph.D.,Sleep Laboratory and Bidmc Neotimage saidScience daily. And for more reasons to hit the hay,Here's why get more sleep will make you a better parent.

Walking through a door triggers the brain to forget.

forgetful man Liver Warning Signs

"Entering or going out through a door serves as a" event limit "in the mind, which separates episodes of activity and removal," psychologistGabriel Radvansky RecountLive science. When he and his teamstudied The difference between the subjects in motion of objects between parts relative to the subjects of moving objects in the same room, he found that "people were two to three times more likely to forget what they were supposed to do After traversing a door. "

And so "mentally" walked through a door.

Closing the god damn door, no

If you want to remember something, trynot think of a door. AFollow-up study Radvansky's research revealed that when subjects were invited to remember something after having imagined through a door, they were less likely to recall the information presented.

We do not remember sounds that well.

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It is paying to invest in digital learning aids. About65% of the population is classified as visual learners, who "need to see what they are learning". And as wekeep only about one fifthFrom what we mean, visual assistance can improve the learning of 400% maximum.

Yes, there is a world record for memory.

Work desk with random objects

At only 10 years,Narayanam Nischalclaimedfirst record of the world of Guinness-For most memorized random objects. (In case you want to beat him, he memorized 225 random objects in just over 12 minutes.) A few years later, he also won the title of most numbers memorized in a minute - he memorized 132-and national Geographic inscribed it as one of the "seven brilliant brains of the world".

There is a peak age for facial recognition.

Friends Laughing at Cafe Anti-Aging

"Oh hey ... you!" You'd better get used to this now because your ability to align faces with names will only get worse after your thirty, according to ato study From Dartmouth College and Harvard University. Apparently, our identity ability to the identity of peaks between 30 and 34 years and after that, it slowly declines until we can only recognizeestimated at 75% of people In our 70s. To start a startup head on your mind inevitably disappeared, try them10 ways to develop a photographic memory.

And a peak age for recognition of the name.

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The regions of our brain that control our ability to recognize faces might be might in our 30s, but those that allow us to remember names and store other new information are beginning to decline in our 20 years. Fortunately,scientific Say that most people do not start to notice these deteriorations before reaching their 60 or 70 years.

Memory Hack: Close your eyes.

Woman covering face

You could have a little strange with your closed sealed eyes, but your memory will thank you for that. Ato study inLegal and criminal psychology I found that when people closed their eyes, they could correctly answer 23% of additional questions on a movie they had just been looking. By closing your eyes, you remove exterior distractions and let your brain focus on memories at your fingertips.

Depression affects our ability to remember things.

man lying in bed sad

As if people suffering from depression do not have enough to worry about already,New conclusions Published inNeurology have found that the condition is associated with the deterioration of cerebral health. In the study of 1,111 people, it was found that those with depression symptoms had worse an episodic memory and a smaller brain volume and a higher prevalence of vascular lesions. If you have a serotonin shortage, try them10 free ways of drugs to beat depression.

Some lies are easier to remember than others.

Person lying with fingers crossed behind their back

Done: Everyone resides. CornHow? 'Or' What We have a surprising impact on whether we can remember our old fables. According toresearch From the University of the State of Louisiana, false descriptions - elaborate inventions of the imagination - are easier to remember only false denials (when you deny something that is really true). "If I'm going to lie to you about something that has not happened, I will have to keep many different constraints in mind", author of the studySean Lane explained toEurek alert.

"Love at first sight" is a manufacturing.

happy couple Bad Dating Marriage Tips

Think you and your partner experienced love at first sight? It could just be your mind play tricks on you, according to ato study from the University of the Northwest. Apparently, when we reote at the time we met our other other, we tend to project our current feelings about our past souvenirs. "Your memory collects and publishes events to create a story to adapt your current world", Senior AuthorDonna Jo Bridge Explain. Sorry, romantic without hope.

Most short-term memories are, in the short term.

Businesswoman handing over a blank business card.

We believe that you can holdbetween five and nine Articles in your short-term memory, and they will stay there for just 20 to 30 seconds. These memories that are not stored in the long-term memory are finally forgotten.

Meditation can improve your memory.

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Full consciousness makes a memory more magical. Just ask forscientificAt the University of California in Santa Barbara: they discovered that students who participated in 45-minute meditation sessions at four times a week marked 60 more points on the GRE verbal exam after only two weeks. I still do not believe that? Well, the proof is in the pudding - and if you have trouble cleaning your mind when sitting, try these10 ways to better focus during meditation.

Fake memories are real (and serious).

confused woman hardest words to pronounce

Have you ever beenif on On a souvenir you learned that you learned had never happened? This phenomenon is not only little rare, but it affects almost everyone - including those with autobiographical memories. Whenpsychologists At the University of California, Irvine, subjects tested with normal and upper memories, they found that the two types of people could be deceived in false memories. For example, when psychologists used "Lure" words aspillow,comforter, andnap, a majority of the subjects believe beyond a reasonable doubt they had heard the wordto sleep.

Some people have memory compendiums.

couple eating Bad Dating Marriage Tips

Scientists do not really know about the highly higher autobiographical memory or HSAM. What they know is that the few people who may have remember almost everything that happened to them, like what they had for breakfast on March 12, 1998. Although you think that memory is a perfect memory, it's not all rainbow and butterflies: Jill price, the first person ever diagnosed with HSAM,describe The condition as "non-stop, uncontrollable and totally exhausting. And for more foreign facts that fiction, do not miss these30 crazy facts about life that do you make a little bit.

Leftsmen have better memories.

Writing in journal

The left-handed make up just10% of the population, But this small part of people - and those who are related to them - have a better chance of remembering the information they participate compared to their right-hand counterparts.Obviously, The left-handed left and their loved ones have larger corpus callosums, which connect the hemispheres of the brain and make more memories in the mind.

The eyewitnesses based on memory are notoriously inaccurate.

Eyewitness testifying in court

Seventy-thirteen percent of the 239 convictions reversed by DNA testing since the 1990s were originally condemned because of the testimony of eyewitnesses, according toThe innocence project. This statistic goes hand in hand with the fact that our brain tends to remember false truths that we can not distinguish.

Mozart had a legendary memory.

Mozart, composer

In the mid-1600s, there was a piece of music composed of Italian composerGregorio Allegri This could only be done in the Sistine Chapel and should not be written for traffic. Up to 1770, only three copies of work existed - but after hearing the room once, fourteen years oldWolfgang Amadeus Mozart was capable ofCompletely transcribe from memory. A few months later, the composer genius has been recalled in Rome byPape Pliament XIV, who rented his talents and assigned him the chivalrous order of the golden spur. And for more historical trivia, check these30 things in the manuals of the story that were not there only 10 years ago.

The good memories stick more than the bad ones.

Travel with Children

In the 1930s,psychologists Various people asked remind memories about various events of life, denoting them with pleasant or unpleasant. Week later, psychologists have once again asked the subjects - without warning - to recall these same memories, and they found that 60% of the bad times were forgotten compared to only 42% of the good.

"They" are right: TV recovered your brain.

man watching tv with feet up

Netflix and Chill? More like Netflix and killing - your brain cells, that is to say. Ato study Published inBrain and cognitionDiscovered that, for every hour, a person aged 40 to 59 spends television, their risk of developing alzheimer increases by 1.3%. And for ways to live a healthier life, follow these40 ways to make your 40 years the greatest decenary the healthiest.

The surgical removal of half of the brain is possible with only minor consequences.

Woman with Doctor

In rare and attenuating circumstances (specifically related to various seizure disorders), doctors must perform a hemisphere in which they have to surgically eliminate half of the brain. However, this procedure leaves the brain of the patient relatively intact, save yourself for a few minor modifications. "Usually, memory, humor and personality will recover, but cognition could change a little", the staff clinicianBrandon Brock, MSN, BSN,RecountReader's Digest.

A quick nap can help you maintain new information.

Napping asleep

Take a nap after a long evolution of studies does not interfere - in fact, it is quite the opposite. WhenGerman scientists Asked two groups of subjects to memorize cards sets, they found that the group that took a 40-minute nap remembered 85% of the cards, while the group that remained awake remembered only 60% of them. And if you have trouble drifting, try them11 Secrets approved by the doctor to fall asleep faster.

Exercise improves your ability to remember new information.

People running on the treadmill at the gym.

When we exercise, we shape not only our glutes and abdominals, but also the muscles of our mind. Participate in physical activity has the capacity ofimprove the functioning of the hippocampus, The part of the brain which is the memory storage center. And if you are new in the gym, start with these40 great exercises to add muscle over 40 years.

Sit directly to remind memories more easily.

Stress, posture

Stops so much to flock!It's bad for your back, yes, But this also has an impact on your ability to lead your memories.ResearchersAt the State University of San Francisco, the State University of San Francisco noted that standing or sitting rule makes it less difficult to remember, because these positions stimulate the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain up to 40%.

The smell is the most settled perfume in memory.

50 funniest facts

You catch a pump of pumpkin pie and you are immediately brought back to the afternoon festive falls to Gam Gam's House. But what concerns the smells that immediately transports us to times as specific in time? According toDr. Joseph Mercola, the perfumes we are ringing are treated through the olfactory bulb, which is closely linked to the hippocampus region of the memory of the brain memory. "Close-up can explain why a perfume could be attached to living memories in your brain, then come back when you are exposed to this particular smell trigger"wrote Dr. Mercola.

The loss of memory could be a symptom of thyroid problems.

Doctor in lab coat

"Although the thyroid has no specific role in the brain, the loss of memory is the only thing a person has notice when it stops working normally"Majid Fotuhi, MD, PhD,RecountABC News. "People with high or low thyroid levels, which are very common in women - may have difficulty with memory and concentration." And for more than this inexpired gland, learn the20 reasons Your thyroid is more important than you have never imagined.

Your memory works better outside.

man ready for winter

It's probably not the news you want to hear (because who loves brutal brutal and hiking through the snow?), But to be outside, even in cold weather, improves our memory and our scope.Psychologists At the University of Michigan found that when people spent an hour outside, their scope of attention and their memory performance improved by 20%. The authors of the speculant study that the interaction with nature has the same effect as meditation, another brain stimulation activity. Fortunately, for those of us who prefer to stay inside during the snowstorms, the authors of the study noted that watching images of nature does not work as well. And if youreally want to make the most of the mother nature, make a trip to one (or all) of these15 cascades so magical that you will not believe that they are in the American state

For easy study, use a funky font.

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Almost everything we read is in the same pounds shot, so naturally when we read something in a police like Monotype Corsiva, he will stand out in our memory. And that's exactly whatpsychologists At the University of Princeton, the University of Princeton discovered when they had students prepare for a test using study guides written in a traditional font or a usual font: those whose guide. of study was written in the unknown police considerably better on the tests.

Stephen King remembers just writing at least one novel.

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During the 1980s, authorStephen King notoriously struggled with drug and alcohol dependencies. Looking back this time, King noted that there were a lot of things he does not remember - including writing an entire novel. "There is a novel,Cujo, that I barely remember writing at all, "kingnoted. "I'm not saying with pride or shame, only with a wave sense of sorrow and loss. I like this book. I would like to remember to enjoy the good parties while I put them on the page."

Take a picture of something makes your memories of this worse.

Instagram food

In irony of all the ironies, taking a picture to remember an important moment in time making our memories of this moment worse. Ato study published in theResearch log applied in memory and cognition I found that the subjects who did not take a picture of a painting had better memories of this one than those who took a picture and only spent 15 seconds by analyzing works of art.

And it's not necessarily because you know you can always go back and watch the photo again that you do not pay attention. The authors of the study believe that taking a photo force our brain to focus on the process of photographing instead of what is photographed. And for the means of living healthy and happy, try them20 ways to improve your mental health every day.

You are more likely to remind you something if you say it aloud.

Woman speaking to colleagues in the office.

The next time you want to memorize an important speech or brush on facts about a new customer, try reading important information aloud.British researchers Discover that "the effect of production", or say things aloud while reading them, helps store these words in our long-term memories.

The NFL is focused zero for memory loss.

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The NFL has been criticized by adversaries for years as a dangerous game with risks that outweigh the benefits andthis studyadds that fuel to fire. When scientists analyzed 202 former football players, they found that 87% of them had diagnostic signs of chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), a neurodegenerative disease that causes a loss of memory and possibly dementia. And when do not include the old NFL players of the study, this number jumped 99%.

An upon-to-date person has an Alzheimer's disease.

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Unfortunately, Alzheimer's disease is incurable and relatively common. According to Health services of the Texas State Department, The progressive brain disorder concerns 5.7 million Americans and 10% of people aged 65 and over. And for more information on this widespread condition, read our Exclusive report on Alzheimer's in America.

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Categories: Health
Tags: Facts / Fun Facts
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