The world's population will start shrinking in 40 years, the study says

This will be the first time since the 14th century that the number of humans on earth will begin to decline.

As is currently, land has about 7.8 billion inhabitants. In fact, scientists say that theThe world's population has increased Overall, since the end of the plague of "black death" in the 14th century, with an annual growth rateMember of Parliament around 2.2. Percentage in the 1970s. But a recent study found that theThe world's population will start to reduce For the first time for centuries over the next 40 years. Why? Well, scientists claim thatIncreased access to modern contraception and increased education for women and girls around the world will refuse the population.

The study, which was conducted by researchers from the Metric and Health Assessment Institute (IHME) at the University of Washington School of Medicine, used models to predict that the world's population will probably loot 2064 to about 9.7 billion, before decreasing to 8.8 billion by 2100. Research indicates that at the end of the century, the fertility rates projected in 183 out of 195 countries will not be high enough. To maintain the current populations "without the policy of liberal immigration".

"Responding todecline of the population is likely to become a vital political concern in many countries, but should not compromise efforts to strengthen the health of women's reproduction or progress on women's rights, "Stein Emil Vollset, MD, head of the study of the study and Professor Ihme, said in a statement.

A modern floor with legs of a crowd walking in a shopping mall in the background

Vollset added that "findings suggest that the decline in the number of working-age adults will reduce GDP growth rates that can lead to major changes in the world's end of the end of the century".

Richard Horton, MD, Chief Editor of the ReviewThe lancet, which published the study, said that the findings had profound consequences not only on the planning of the future, but also in terms of describing and protecting the policies that progress progress. "[This study] provides a vision of radical changes in geopolitical power, challenges to myths on immigration and emphasizes the importance of protecting and strengthening women's sexual and reproductive rights," he said in a declaration.

Horton added that, according to the study, "the 21st century will see a revolution in the history of our human civilization. Africa and the Arab world will shape our future, while Europe and Asia will roll back Their influence. At the end of the Century, the world will be multipolar, with India, Nigeria, China and the United States the dominant powers. It will really be a new world, we should prepare today. "

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The study contradicts the conclusions of aReport published in June 2019 by the United Nations, which claims that the world's population will not contract, but will continue to reach 11 billion by the year 2100. But despite competing models in disagreement on global reproduction rates, the UN report also notes An increase in average age and global population size will put stress on the global economy. And for more about what can be in store for humanity, check25 things that would arrive at the planet if the population continues to grow.

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