The epicenter of the Pandemic of Covid has just published this new shocking order

With still cases, Florida agents have drawn attention to a surprising ad.

In recent weeks, coronaviruses spread rapidly in some parts of the country, motoring states like Florida, Texas and Arizona to becomeThe last epicenter of the pandemic. And despite this, one of these hot spots made a surprising ad. In aemergency order issued on July 6th, theThe Florida Education Department said that all schools must reopen in August, with person instructions at the disposal of any student who wishes.

In order, the Commissioner for State Education,Richard Corcoran, stated that all brick and mortar schools must be open to instruction at least five days a week.Remote learning will always be an option, according to order, but any parent who wants their child to receiveClass instruction in person From a teacher will have this filled request, as it belongs to the "full range of services" all schools should provide.

Black girl on school campus wearing a mask for coronavirus protection.

"Education is essential to the success of the state and an extended school closure can hinder the educational success of students, affect the well-being of families and limit many parents and guardians to return to Work, "wrote Corcoran in order.

The order came despite the Florida being the current house ofone of the worst epidemics of the pandemic. The state reported nearly 7,350 new cases on 7 July wearing its total to nearly 213,800.

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Although the new Order has indicated that schools would be allowed to close if local health leaders consider them too dangerous to operate, it was not enough to mitigate the shock of many educators felt when they heard that they will benecessary to return to school in a few weeks.

"I can not think of any other industry requiring the entire workforce in such a dangerous environment"Amy spies, a fourth year teacher in Daytona Beach, told NBC News. "It is physically impossible to meet [Disease Control and Prevention Centers] Social Distanciation Requirements if schools are at full capacity." And for more information on how coronaviruses affects students, check1 million people may need to leave the United States for this reason in the fall.

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