Here's why coronavirus deaths go to Spike again, say experts

Although coronavirus deaths are down right now, experts say they expect them to turn on again.

Although we sawCOVID-19 Case Numbers SHIP During the United States, theNumber of coronaviruses fell by almost half in the last two weeks. Although a descending number of deaths is a great statistic to celebrate, experts say that everything could change soon. It's because, while coronavirus previously struck the oldest older populations, the current increase ofCases of coronaviruses have been attributed to younger people more than ever.Tom Frieden, MD, former Director of Disease and Prevention Centers (CDC), warned a recent tweet that "with younger age of recent infections in at least certain places such as Florida, Expect has alower mortality rate In this wave ... until children from 20 to 40 years old infected today continue to infect others. "

Coronavirus tends to manifest in lighter symptoms among young people, with thehospitalization rate For those who test positive for Covid-19 in the twenty of less than four percent, according to the CDC. And this may be why mortality rates are low for the moment.

Young people wearing masks out for dinner and drinks

Freiden is not the only expert who is concerned about coronavirus deaths to come in the future.Anthony Fauci, MD, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), gave a warning similar to the potential consequences of CVIV-19's current numbers. "Themortality rate Always lagging several weeks behind the rate of infection, "said Axios de Faucios. His concern is that young infected at the moment", they come home, then they infect the elderly. TheOlder people get complications, then they go to hospitals. "Who is exactly what can potentially send skyrocketing rates.

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In addition to Florida, as Freiden mentioned, theChange Covid-19 Case Demographics Has been reported to Washington, California, Texas, North Carolina, South Carolina, Arizona, Wisconsin and Colorado, according to the NPR. So, especially in these states, the dark projections of Freiden and Fauci dosocial distancing andmask In even more complete public than ever. For more expert thoughts about coronavirus-related deaths, seeHow many Americans are CDC predicts will die by mid-July.

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