This incredible simple thing can make your face mask a lot safer

Your PPE should help stop the propagation of coronavirus - and it will make sure it will do it.

While social distancing and handwashing are important tools in the fight against pandemic coronavirus, research has proved thatWear a face mask is also needed In order to stop the spread of COVID-19. But if you wear amask with a valveYou can still put other people at risk. According to health experts, non-medical versions of the popularN95 masks which include a respiratory valve areactually spreading the germs They are supposed to block - unless you use a simple look so that your face mask is safer. All you have to do, according toLos Angeles Times, issimplytape on the valve To stop the droplets from escaping and infecting others.

Here is a pedagogical video on what to do with your mask valve:

Masks with valves have been such a problem that at the end of May, San Francisco's public health officials have published an orderProhibition of masks with valves:

Any mask that incorporates a one-way valve (typically a plastic cylinder raised around the size of a quarter to the front or side of the mask) designed to facilitate easy expiration, allows droplets to be released from the Mask, putting others nearby Risk. As a result, these masks are not a face covering in this order and should not be used to comply with the requirements of this Ordinance.

Other regions of California and Colorado, including many public places and attractions, have alsoProhibited face masks with valves, according toStrong. "Face masks with valves beat the goal of wearing a mask in the first place," he wrote. "It would not be surprising to see more cities, counties and perhaps the states adopt the anti-valve layout."

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So, if you have a mask with a valve, make sure to get your cassette and your popefoot, you are ready to leave! And for more information on how to take your EPP in your own hands, checkThese are the materials you need to do the perfect facial mask, scientists say.

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Categories: Health
By: bianca
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