10 Funniest Comedy Podcasts that you can download now

Through the most populated field of the web field so you do not have to.

These days, it seems like everyone and their mother has acomedy Podcast. Now, that does not mean that all comedy podcasts are bad. On the contrary, there are real reliable side separators! But let's put it like this: a media with a barrier as low at the entrance (everything you need is a microphone and a notice) requires a touch of, UM,curation If it must be fully appreciated.

Well, that's where we arrive. Yes, the market is saturated. (According to aFast business Report, Apple podcasts, one of the main podcast services, houses more thanhalf a million Individual podcasts.) But you do not have to go through your way because we have already done it. Whether you are looking for a light laugh, a high-life cerebral humor dose, or everything that happens between the two, here are the most optional comedy podcasts on the web today.

The best comedy podcast for people who can not have enough pop culture:Las Cuisiner

Matt Rogers andBowen Yang are the queens of culture andLas Cuisineris their empire. Instead of simply addressing current pop culture (left) events, Rogers and Yang ask their guests cultural moments that have defined their adolescence and identity.and Discuss contemporary culture along the way (chic).

As they are both rising stars in the New York comedy scene, these two have an impressive list of funny friends, so their guests are still grautors. For example, their latest episode featuresSarah Schneider andChris Kelly, former head writersSNL and the creators of the new hottest show of the Central Comedy,The two others.

A wildly popular segment born from podcast, "I do not think so, darling!," Has been transformed into a live show. In the segment, a group of different comedians join the two hosts in justto remove on culture. Each comedian receives a piece of random culture - maybe it's "the horse tail of Ariana Grande" or "Personal Care". (The comedians can prepare with their own subject or choose from a literal hat.) From there, they have exactly a minute so that the content of their heart is to know why the piece of culture is totally overestimated. The live show is then recorded and transformed into a special episode of the podcast and it really never agies.

The best comedy podcast for people who want a guaranteed laugh:Search for Treatment with Chat and Pat

Hosted by the comedy of the city of New YorkCatherine Cohen andPat ReganThis podcast is what all other fun podcasts hope to be. It is no longer secret that the market is surprature; Many people start a podcast because they assume the biological conversations they have with their friends are super interesting. Most of the time, this hypothesis is incorrect. Not so withSearch for treatment, a podcast apparently on the "guys, dating, [sex] and love" (but, in reality, pretty much more).

Cohen and Regan are the best IRL friends, and all they say to the other are devastating hilarious. If they were only two comedians desperately trying to turn everything in a little, it would be your nightmare of a podcast in a standard way. But the jokes and one duplicates are so easy to these two, in addition, they have an illustrious friendship to build, then listening to their talk is nothing less in hypnotism.

Customers are often drawn from their personal circle - a circle that includes a group of famous comedians. For example, recent episodes have presentedEveryday lifecorrespondingJaboukie Young-White andResearch groupStarJohn early. The conversations are both winding and explicit, and the end of the episode still feels like it comes too early.

The best comedy podcast for people who love bad movies:How? 'Or' WhatHas this been done

Made: long conversations on the movie as a high art are pretentious. Two 2: Hiking discussions on objectively bad movies are hilarious - and the latter is the hollow ofHow was it done.

In short, the comediansPaul Scheer,Jason Mantzukas, andJune Diane RaphaelTalk about the worst movies in the world and try to determine how in the Hollywood world, leave such pastry. All three are L.A-based actors with extensive television and film credits so that they can book high level customers. (Exhibit A:ABBI Jacobson, ofBroad city Fame, makes a recent appearance.) In addition, the three are long-standing friends (and Scheer and Raphael are married) they never feel the need to remember when the banner is heated hilarious - what it still does .

For a good starting point, listen to their series of episodes on theFast and furious franchise, in whichAdam Scott (Parks and leisure,Good place) Prestige guests. Most chatting devotes to emphasize how it is clearly ridiculousdiesel wineSailboat The vehicle is. (Really, how did a group of street runners become superheroes in good faith?) But, at the end of each episode, they gather around another undeniable fact: theFast and furious Totally frank rules.

The best comedy podcast for people who want to learn about something new:How to cum?

Many comedians appearing on women pretending or any right not to be able to reach orgasm, but are there really dedicated actors to investigate this phenomenon? Enter:Remy Kassimir.

Kassimir, 28, had never lived an orgasm, so she did what other young comedian: started a podcast about it. Kassimir speaks at the other comedians and experts - likeDan Savage, the renowned sex chipper - in his climb trip. In addition to being afraid funny, the podcast is also informative. It is a swan dive into a subject whose surface is often barely striped and that it does so with honest humor and curiosity. (In addition, this title is perfect.)

The best comedy podcast for people who love true crime:My favorite murder

Can not have enoughSerial? Well, answer your new favorite podcast!Karen Kilgadiff andGeorgia Hardstar Are only two girls who love comedy and real crime. Or rather they likespeaking About True CRAVe-and they are really good at that too.

The show has the duo discussing their favorite murder cases. But as they clearly say from the beginning, they donot Have the stories checked. Given their chemistry, their charm and comedy chops, which should be a totally farchical business is rather an informative and informative issue. The real crime is incredibly hot right now and the comic element makes listening without having to sleep with the light. (That being said, we will gladly admit to sleeping with light after a few episodes.)

The best comedy podcast for people with difficulties in mental illness:Crazy; In bed

They say that comedy is equivalent to tragedy more. Well,Crazy; In bed Attack comedy and tragedy at the same time. Hosted by the comediansAlyssa Limperis andMay Wilkerson, each episode deals with a subcategory of mental illness. Both hosts had trouble disorders depression, anxiety and food and used comedy as an exit to share their experiences. Their guests are generally other actors who have also treated a mental illness, making gross and surprisingly uplifting conversations.

While the podcast is really funny enough, it is not afraid of being serious. Most comedy faucets in sadness to a certain extent - and yes, there are a lot of jokes along the way - but Limperis and Wilkerson do not always try to the typing line. In his heart,Crazy; In bed is a way for those who live with mental illness to listen and feel less alone. It's Catharique and it's different from any other comedy podcast on the market. In short, it could be the most amusing session of group therapy that you can find.

The best comedy podcast for feminists:The Bechdel Cast

For those who have not heard of the Bechdel test, here is a (very brief) lesson. In 1985, draftsmanAlison BechdelCreated a simple way to measure the representation in a work of fiction: Does this piece of fiction have two women (or more) who talk to each other than men? Some people are surprised to find that most films can not succeed in this test. Guests of theBechdel cast are not if people.

The Bechdel Cast Spotlights A new film Each episode and pose it to Bechdel's test and discusses women's roles in the movie in general. The podcast is hosted byJamie Loftus andCaitlin Durante, two comedians based on the prolific and proposes first-class guests - for example,Naomi Ekperigena writer onBroad citywriter, andNicole Bierthe star ofI have arrived! The two hosts are deliciously funny and well paid on the subjects of the film and feminism. In addition, who does not like to make fun of sexism? You can not dismantle the patriarchy without stimulating it publicly.

The best comedy podcast for political junkies:THE PODCAST BETCHES SUP

Betches Media houses many fun podcasts, but it is the only one that covers the policy exclusively. BETCHES STAFFERSMorale,Bryan Russell Smith, andSami Fishbein Cover the big titles of the day, all with a high dose of Sass and sarcasm that the franchise Betches is notorious. The three in turn host and, from time to time, there is a special guest of belt trenches. (A remarkable recent guest wasMichelle Wolf, Who may remember that a moment when she did everyone really crazy by welcoming the correspondent dinner of the White House.)

The nacelle is released every two weeks, making it a great way to stay informed about the news without having to spend each week with a deep dive the news feed. The three guests are very knowledgeable and passionate, and their humor listens to the impression that you are happy to talk about politics with your most intelligent friends, without having to do all the hard work (leave your apartment, hang out with your friends , talk about politics). Sit down, listen and talk the facts!

The best podcast comedy for political addicts who want a new perspective:Hysteria

This Crooked media production brings a feminine perspective so much needed to the political podcast space.It's always sunny in Philadelphiawriter and political commentatorErin Ryan Is joined by a women's co-host rotation group to talk about the news and how it affects women. Co-hosts included heavy strippers, likeAlyssa Mastromonaco,Blair imani,thanks,Kiran Deol,Megan Gailey, andZiWe Fumuudoh, andNaomi ekperigin, Which all bring their unapologetic, obstinate, hot takes what is happening in the world. Bonus: Having so many co-hosts allows the show to have a great variation in women's views.

The best podcast comedy for pod friends:LOVETT or LEAVE IT

If you wantPod save America But meant a little funny, it's the podcast for you! The show is hosted byJon Lovett, One of the founders of Crooked Media and a former speech editor forPresident Barack Obama. If you ever wondered why Obama's speeches had that kind of humor inherent to them, Lovett is the reason. He brings his joke writing chops and more to this podcast, where he invites a panel of guests to discuss burning subjects. And it's not one of these podcasts where people speak only for an hour: there are games and questionnaires, too! It is fast, fun and informative. And for more performances of this nature, here is12 The best podcasts for the type of story Each buff.

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Categories: Culture
Tags: Funny / humor
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