This simple trick will make your teeth more white

A shared kitchen spice is the secret of pearly whites.

Everyone wants a better smile. In fact, according to a recentto studyNearly 60% of Americans would choose to have better teeth than better skin. And this same study contains another amazing figure: an extinction of 87% of the Americans would give up "something" -Maybe is a dessert, maybe it's a vacation - fora whole year Have a perfect smile for the rest of their lives.

However, life is unfortunately not so simple; You can not just give up the pumpkin's pieOr this company in Positano-And you want to miraculously develop an incandescent smile. As for all things, you have to put in work. It means brushing twice a day and visit your dentist twice a year. (And the occasional dose of whitening tapes.) But there is another step that you can take to make sure you have a pair of glittering camsons: you can use turmeric.

Yes, Turcuma - the same rusty dust you have probably hidden on your spice rack right now. Upon arrival, the problem has incredible advantages natural teeth whitening teeth. "Curcuma has abrasive properties," saysDr. Daniel S. Rubinshtin, a cosmetic dentist based in New York and Miami. "So it could whiten your teeth." Now, in the typical language,abrasive rarely means something positive. But in dentistry, it's a good thing - in reason. When a substance is abrasive, it "striped the enamel and deletes the surface layer of a dye," says RubinsHein.

So here's how to do that. To begin, mix a little curcuma with coconut oil - an essential substance for the practice of "drawing", which literally implies toxins in your mouth-toothpaste and your standard toothpaste - to keep the mixture together. (What you haveshould not In all circumstances: rub the curcuma by solitary directly on your teeth. "It could cause big mess," says Rubinshtein.)

Then use this new dough to brush your teeth gently for about two minutes. RubinsHein is clear day on "gently" and really recommends that you use a soft brush. "[A lot of people think] The more they brush, the cleanest than their teeth will be," says Rubinshtein. "But that could damage the enamel." And you certainly do not want to damage the enamel, which can leave the nerves sensitive in your exposed teeth; You just want to scratch the surface. When you have finished brushing yourself, be sure to rinse your mouth carefully. (If you are not complete enough, turmeric, in all its perennial orange yellow glory, could actuallytask Your teeth.) Do this for three days in a row every few months and you will have a ready red carpet smile for good.

There are two things to keep in mind when using this natural teeth whitening method. One: "If this causes a sensitivity,Stop, and does not continue, "says Rubinsthtein. Two: You want to stay away from everything that could cause more colorful to your teeth. A good rule of advanced for knowing what to avoid, says Rubinsshtein," is not Not eating or drinking everything that could stain a white shirt. "Then it's coffee, red wine, soda ... Hey, we told you it would require work. So if you prefer to take the easy road, check out the20 secrets for whiter teeth after 40.

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Tags: Grooming
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