New frightening things doctors say that Covid-19 makes your body

Coronavirus "goes after the liver, brain, kidney and other organs," says a doctor.

Now you know thatCOVID-19 is a respiratory virus Especially distributed by the transmission of aerosolized dropletsfrom person to person contact. The symptoms, of course, include shortness of breath, cough and congestion. But doctors are just starting to fully understand some of the most insidious andadverse effects that Covid-19 has on therest of your body-IN at the same time in the short and long term.

New research indicates that coronavirus mainly attacks all your major organs, in particularthe brainAnd can saddle your body with incredibly long and arduous recovery, assuming, of course, that you actually recover at all. The University of OxfordHelen Salisbury, MD, wrote in theBritish medical newspaper June 23 that, although the symptoms of COVID-19 usually last about two to three weeks, more than10% of patients will suffer symptoms It persists much longer - maybe indefinitely. Read on to discover the onlyCOVID-19 effects on your body. And for health advice supported by experts, make sure you know the3 new symptoms of coronavirus the CDC has just announced.

This essentially affects all your main organs.

man holding stomach

A study published in April in the journalProtein andCell found that Covid-19 spreads by entering first in the lungs, thenInfect cells that light your blood vessels-A key step in its invasion of the body that allows the viral particles to circulate in your blood.

"We thought it was just a respiratory virus"Eric Topol, MD, founder and director of theScripps Research Translational Institute, said Reuters recently. "It turns out, it goes after the pancreas. It goes after the heart. It goes after the liver, the brain, the kidney, andOther organs. We did not appreciate only at the beginning. "

It remains difficult to know if the resulting resulting organ damage, according toNature, "is directly caused by the virus or by secondary complications of the virus", but the damage is undeniable. And for more information up to date,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Thisreally Target your brain.

Low angle view of African American woman wearing face mask at home.
iStock / Drazen Zigique

"The virus can also causeNeurological complications This varies from headaches, vertigo and loss of taste or odor to convulsions and confusion, "according to Reuters". The recovery can be slow, incomplete and expensive, with a considerable impact on the quality of life. "

A new study published on June 25 in the journalPsychiatry lancet unveiled thatCovid-19 can even cause psychosis and lead to dementia. "What was particularly interesting was thatoverflowing the neurological spectrum"MAIN AUTHORBenedict Michael,Doctorate,A neurologist at the University of Liverpool, said Stat News.

This can cause blood notebooks that lead to strokes.

woman is too busy caring about her husband's minor headache to realize she might be having a stroke

Reuters' article also notes that people with coronaviruses can subordinate disorders from blood clotting that "cantraitsand extreme inflammation that attacks several organs. "

It has been reported that patients over the age of 30 have had features as a result of COVID-19. Like the University of VillanovaTheresa Capriotti, DO, MSN, Rn, explained in Healthdine: "The coronavirus has shown that the development of [small cochers] can go to the lung and obstruct the blood flow on the lung, called pulmonary embolism, or travel to cerebral circulation. andcause an ischemic line. "

Capriotti added: "It can happen in any age group and it suddenly occurs." And for more information alarming, check50% of coronavirus patients present this terrifying side effect.

Physical recovery takes a lot of time, perhaps forever.

asian woman with a face mask in a hospital bed looking out the window

Extreme Fatigue is a neglected side effect of COVID-19. In fact, those who have had serious cases of the virus will require weeks of rehabilitation to restore their bodies. "I say to all my post-hospitable patients that you will be tired for a month. You will betired for six weeks," notedStephen Cleves, MD, an internal medicine specialist, in an interview with WKRC, at the end of May.

But according to Oxford University, Salisbury, written inBMJ,There is no guarantee that you will even rebound. "If you have already run 5k three times a week and you feel out of breath after a single staircase, or if you are constantly taping and that you are too exhausted to return to work, the fear you do not receive Maybe ever your previous health is very real, "she wrote. And for more new coronavirus crowns, make sure you are aware of The rare weather event on the point of doing coronavirus even worse still .

Categories: Health
Tags: Coronavirus
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