Get ready for the "Coronavirus season" each year, the doctor warns
The virus will not be one thing once in life for life, according to the former FDA Commissioner.

The Covid-19 pandemic has ravaged the United States for four months. More than four million people have been infected in the United States and the numbers continue to rise. Even when the experts race toFinalize a coronavirus vaccine for public useHe became clear that we are still far from stopping this pandemic.Anthony Fauci, MD, the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), recently said, "Ido not really see us eradicating, "and now, in a new interview, former Commissioner for the Administration of Food and Drugs (FDA)Scott Gottlieb, MD, has an even more disastrous assessment: it says we should be prepared for the "Coronavirus season" each year.
Gottlieb appeared on CNBCSafeOn July 22 to discuss antibodies, coronavirus vaccines and herd immunity. And according to the former head of the FDA, this coronavirus, Sars-Cov-2, "seems more like a seasonal coronavirus, in that you get an antibody response that is robust but it's not as durable. "
For example, a 2016 study published in theEmerging Infectious Diseases Newspaper found thatNeutralizing antibodies persisted in 86% of patients with seas Nearly three years after the 2012 epidemic in Jordan. In comparison, Covid-19 studies have shown that antibodies that work against the new coronavirus disappear quite quickly. The newest was a study by King's College London, pre-published on July 11. He found thatCoronavirus antibody Declined only three weeks after the start of the infection. According to Gottlieb, that means everythingImmunity in Covid will probably only seasonal.
"People who could have run coronavirus in March or April, with this fall or winter, they may not have many neutralizing antibodies outstanding," he says. "If you are reinfected, [you're] probablyDo not go so seriously sick As you might have the first time, but you do not get sterile immunity. You can be infected again, then you can transmit the infection. "
However,Michael Mina, MD, an immunologist at Harvard University, saidThe New York TimesRecently that a drop in antibodies is actually a normal event. "It's a famous dynamic ofHow antibodies develop after infection: They are very, very high, then they come back, "said Mina.
The temperaturequotes another recentStudy of the Duke-Nus Medicine School In Singapore, which has been published in the newspaperNatureThe 15th of July. These researchers examined three groups of different people: those of the first group had been exposed to the Roman Coronavirus, those who had been infected with the SARS in 2003, and those of the third had not been exposed to either. However, people in all three groups have hadT cells specific to coronavirus, which can also help your body fight against the virus.
So, what does this tell? "ALevel of pre-existing immunity against Sars-Cov2 seems to exist in the general population "Antonio Bertoletti, MD, a virologist at the School of Medicine Duke-Nus, saidThe temperature.
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However, if the evaluation of gottlieb is right, it says that "you will need a seasonal vaccine" for Covid. This will probably "become like the influenza vaccine where you will get it in advance of each coronavirus season," suggests Gottlieb. And for more information on the Pandemic of Covid, checkThere is now evidence these two things you have constantly expanded Covid.

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