More than half of the states with rising Covid deaths have this in common

The coronavirus becomes more and more murderer in 12 states that have refused to issue this type of order.

Coronavirus case numbers have begun to overcome in most states in recent weeks, particularly in the southern region of the country. And now, to follow, the mortality rate follows the pursuit. According toThe New York Times,The daily deaths of COVID are on the rise in 22 states. And on these 22, more than half of these states have one thing in common: they do not have a state mask mandate at the state level.

On aHealth affairs June study,State mask mandates allowed to curb Nearly 230,000 to 450,000 cases coronavirus between April and May. There are 12 states on the 22 where new deaths increase to not have state mask mask mandates. And three of the remaining 10-Alabama, Louisiana and Montana - go mask mask mandates this week, which means that their impact is not yet reflected statistically. For more information on why facing coatings are important, checkThese were the first states to mandate masks. Here's how they do.


tampa florida skyline

Behind California and Texas, Florida, which has been nicknamed theNew epicenter for the virus-to theMost new daily deaths in the country, byThe New York Times. Florida recorded more than 4,520 totals of coronavirus, reaching a daily height for new deaths on July 14 with 132. Despite the growing number of people, Gov.Ron Desantis has avoided requesting a mask mandate - theLast coming from Mami-Dade County Mayors, Who said they may have to start reopening the reopening of reopening if things do not improve rapidly over the next two weeks. And for more information on difficult areas, seeTexas and Florida take this major step to get coronavirus numbers down.


tucson arizona skyline

Arizona has made headlines for its disastrous coronavirus surge in recent weeks, withThe New York Times indicating that it is the only place around the world with the mostNew cases of daily coronaviruses per capita-Even more than any country in the world. According to the output data, the Arizona falls right behind Florida forNew daily deaths coronavirus and reported nearly 2,500 total. The Spike prompted many mayors from Arizona, including the Mayor of PhoenixKate Gallego, send a letter to the governorDoug Ducey Request a mask mandateBut the letter has become unanswered by the governor so far.


Macon, Georgia, USA historic downtown skyline.

Georgia does not only have a state mask mandate, but on July 16, Gov.Brian Kemp delivered an executive orderProhibit counties and cities of the state to apply their own mask commands. Meanwhile, Georgia's coronavirus statistics increase regularly. TheCoronavirus of the total state of death has already broken 3,000. And for a ventilation of which carries masks and why, checkThis is actually the least likely to wear a mask.

Caroline from the south

charleston south carolina skyline

South Carolina daily death per capita increases, also.The New York Times Said that the seven-day average of seven days for new deaths is maintained around 20 years for most of July, with the state of nearly 1,000 total coronaviruses. South Carolina Gov.Henry McMaster Also refused to issue a state mask mandate, the inapplicable appellant.

"I can not apply, theState authorities can not apply a state mandate For masks on five million people, "said McMaster at a press conference on July 10, without elaborating why this is the case. And for more information on South Carolina, checkThe Covid epidemic is worse in this state than in whole countries.


Jackson, Mississippi, USA skyline over the Capitol Building.

Mississippi has awardedMore than 1,300 dead at the coronavirusAnd this number has always increased over the last two weeks. On July 7, the state reached a new daily summit of 44 deaths reported in one day. Yet Mississippi Gov.Tate Reevesremained in response againstApply a mask mandateBy saying that he believes that people will simply neglect a state order.


knoxville tennessee skyline

While Tennessee allows counties to make their own mask requirements, Gov.Bill Lee did not indicate that he intends to issue a state warrant, such asHe did not publish new actions of the state Since May,Tennessean reports. However, Tennessee has a lot of reason to take new actions. Have not onlyDaily daily coronavirus numbers of the state Systemmented systematically during the month of July, they also saw nearly 800 total coronaviruses, reaching a new July 9 everyday with 22.



Not only Iowa does not have a state mask mandate, but local governments within the state couldnot even have the power to deliver their own under the GovernorKim Reynolds"Statement of statements of the State, theIowa City Press-Citizen reports.The Iowa mortality rate is back on the riseCulminating for the first time since the beginning of June with 18 new deaths on July 15, bringing the total total to nearly 800 coronavirus deaths.


park city utah skyline

The new cases of daily coronaviruses of Utah jumped exponentially in the last month and the mortality rate is also increasing. The state has reached a high level for new per capita deaths on July 14 with 10 new deaths in one day, pushing the state on the total mortality mark of 200. And while Utah Gov.Gary Herbert By pushing Utahhs to voluntarily wear masks to reduce the numbers, he says he will not deliver a state command.

"At that moment, IChoose not to make a mandate"Said Herbert at a press conference 9 July" I will give Utah's inhabitants an opportunity to show the kinds of people, the character they are, that I think we have demonstrated in the past . "


tulsa oklahoma skyline

Oklahoma isSee an increase in coronavirus deaths daily, reaching nearly 450 total deaths. Oklahoma Gov.Kevin Stit refused to issue a mask mask mandate and became thefirst governor in the country To announce that he had tested positive for the coronavirus on July 15 - but that has not changed position.

"We respect the rights of people ... not to wear mask," Stutt said at a virtual press conference on July 15th. "You have just opened a big can of worms. Many companies require them, and that's good. I'm fine. Just hesitant to mandate something that, in my opinion, is problematic to apply."


downtown coeur d'alene idaho

WhileHealth care leaders in the state begging a mask mandate, GOV.Bradish has not moved yet, with his spokesmanMarissa Morrison To say in a statement of July 14th that he "has no draft state mask mandate in Idaho at that time." However, coronavirus deaths are on the rise of the state. Idaho reported eight new deaths on July 15, themost of the state saw for a single day During the entire pandemic. And for more information up to date,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

South Dakota

Panorama of Rapid City, South Dakota, USA

The daily settlement of coronavirus deaths increases South Dakota. On July 10, the state recorded 10 new deaths for a day, the highest as the one observed from the pandemic began. But seeing that South Dakota wasone of the only states to never turn off completely, GOV.Kristi Noems The decision not to issue state mask warrant is not surprising.

"Anybodyshould have the freedom to wear masks If it makes them feel safe, but science on masks is very mixed, "Tweeted Noem on July 9 in response to a question aboutif there should be a national mask mandate-Ligh lightening hem of the South Dakotans will not see a state order at any time, either.


skyline of denver colorado

Colorado Gov.Jared Polis only Reversed its position on a state mask mandate this afternoon on July 16, but that will not enter into force before midnight. Its decision to issue a mandate for indoor public spaces is that the number of Colorado has begun to increase. The state isNear 2, additional coronavirus totals And they started to increase again. This increase arrives after Colorado had actuallysaw a decrease in new deaths at the end of May, asDENVER POST reported.

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Tags: Coronavirus
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