These 5 states represent nearly half of the cases of COVID of the Nation

These COVID hotspots belong to a club that no one wants to join.

US accounts for almostA quarter of the coronavirus cases in the world and recorded the maximum number of COVID-related deaths around the world - the two surprising statistics by a measure. That's what makes it just shocking thanNearly half of the country's five million countries were concentrated in only five states in the country.

AsCnn reported, these five states counted40% of the total number of cases of the country, each their own regional epicenter ofviral destruction at one time or another. Read it to know which states have gained this graphic distinction and where they stand today. And for more states that have trouble containing COVIDs,The CDC says that this state has just entered the coronavirus red zone.

new York

The skyline of New York City at sunset, with the Empire State Building and Midtown West in view

New York appeared as the first coronavirus crisis area, with a case of a single day of more than 11,000 at its peak in mid-April. After aStrict locking And strict policies, including a mask mandate and travel restrictions, the city regularly started the slow but steady process to transform things later this month.

The New York Times reports that the state has recorded a total of425 000 cases and 32 345 deaths to date, but the new cases have slowed considerably to aPositive test rate In stationary flight just under one percent. The new number of daily cases is currently on average 654, down seven percent of the state average two weeks ago. And for more information on how New York did it, discover whyThis state is the beautiful history of success of the pandemic, says the doctor.


skyline of atlanta georgia

More recently touched by the climb of Coronavirus, Georgia is currentlystruggle to bring its numbers. The state recorded a few 200,000 states and lost more than 4,000 lives. Despite the continued nature of the epidemic, public school districts have reopened earlier this month for a generalized criticism asPhotos Surfacées Online their overcrowded conditions.

According toThe New York Times, the state of the fishery had an average of3,211 case a day During the last week, a decrease of two percent of the previous two weeks.


downtown los angeles skyline

Bringing the nation with the total number of highest cases, California has had more than 556,000 cases of total coronaviruses in its name. At its peak, the number of cases of a single day in California competed in the worst days of New York, exceeding 10,000. Deaths remained below those of the Empire State, with a total of10,299 lives lost.

Fortunately, the cases have moved significantly down in the last two weeks, the state tightened its settlement rules. During this period, California saw a33% decrease In new cases compared to the previous two weeks. And remember the days of California Sunnier, check these35 vintage photos that show us what beach day used to look like.


tampa florida skyline

At its peak inmid-JulyFlorida considered nearly 11,500 new cases in one day and the mortality rate climbed. It might be without surprising, after videos on the social media of the parties of ragged blocks and beach bases in which the participants gathered in packaged crowds, with few masks in sight.

The figures of the state have recently taken a significant trick for the better 40% decrease in the last two weeks and a small number of cases reduced by 6,650 per day. According toThe New York Times, The total number of cases of Florida isCurrently 526 569, with more than 8,100 dead.


dallas texas skyline

Texas is also surpassing the half-million bar, with 502,533 total cases. When the state has reached its peak in mid-July, it has experienced a record number of cases of a single day ofMore than 15,000, according toThe New York Times.

Unfortunately, Star Star state is barely out of the woods. The Coronavirus Covid Act follow-up website now rank out the state as"Active or imminent epidemic", And notes that their current positive test rate is located more than 16%, indicating insufficient tests. Today alone, more than 200 people died of Covid-19 in Texas. And for more state strategy,It is the "only way" to avoid another lock, the governor of Texas warns.

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