The best way to wash your hands to avoid getting sick

Wash your hands properly is essential to your health.

WhenCold and flu season Hits, people will do practically everything to avoid getting sick. And withCase of coronavirus On the rise in many parts of the world, personal hygiene and cleanliness are more important than ever. Because the best way to avoid seasonal diseases and that potentially dangerous virus does not start with medicine - it starts with a sink. Yes,wash one's hands Regularly is the best way to keep these wicked germs at the bay. The bad news? Your usual routine will probably not cut it.

So whatis The safest way to wash your hands? The ideal method for handwashing is: start, wet your hands with clean running water from any temperature. Although many people believe that hot water will keep your hands cleaning, any temperature will work, according to a 2002 review of research published inFood Services Technology.

Once your hands are wet, turn off the water with your wrist or elbow and foam with soap for at least 20 seconds. (Tip: a good way to measure is to sing "happy birthday" to yourself twice.) According to theMinnesota Ministry of Health, the friction created by the vigorous is removed the microbes and the dirt of your hands. While you scrub-a-dub-dub-dub, make sure you get the soap in the folds of your fingers, between your fingers, on your thumbs and under your nails, where there is usually a higher concentration of Bacteria.

Once your 20 seconds are rising, rinse your hands thoroughly to eliminate all the debris you have just rubbed. Turn off the faucet with your wrist, then dry your hands with a clean towel. If you do not have clean towel, air drying is preferable.

However, even if you integrate all these steps into your own routine, they will not do much good if you do not hit the sink one or twice a day. If you wantAvoid getting sick, You should give your mittens a good wash before and after having prepared food, before eating, after handling foods or treats for pets, and at any time you touch the garbage. And, of course, be sure to always wash after blowing your nose, cough, sneeze or after contacting someone who is sick. (It goes without saying that your hands degraded in depth when they are visibly dirty.) Disease control and prevention centers (CDC) also recommend these steps to reduce your risk ofcontract the coronavirus-The same they recommend to avoid any respiratory disease.

Seeing that the appropriate hand hygiene can be a little more intense labor, you are probably wondering now if and when you can replace hand disinfecting for deep wash. Simple answer? Use it sparingly and only if you need. Why? This disinfectant can do more harm than long term. Research published in 2011 in theCanadian Medical Association JournalFor example, suggests that hand disinfectant can actually increase the risk of developing a person's norovirus. More scary, a 2014 study published inPlos a reveals that the disinfectant of the hands can actually increase the absorption of a person of BPA, a chemical bound to an increaseRisk of diabetes and obesity.

Fortunately, if you follow this step by step guide to wash your hands safely, you should be able to go throughinfluenza season without so much sniff.

Additional reporting by Sage Young.

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