The first case of coronavirus at dog confirmed in Hong Kong

Dog owners rush to buy masks to protect their coronavirus puppies.

A dog in Hong Kong contracted Coronavirus, marking the first known transmission of COVID-19. The potential pandemic has doctors and researchers working feverishly to better understand how this disease is spreading and the dangers it presents. It was not clear before recently thatDogs were sensitive to coronavirus.

The news broke last week that a dog in Hong Kong tested "low positive" for COVID-19. Although the owner of the dog has coronavirus, the pet did not show any clear symptoms. On aPost of New YorkReport, the dog was "placed under the quarantine in an animal installation after three tests the confirmed, it happened with a" low level infection "of the Virus Covid-19".

Hong Kong's Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) stated that "Ensuring Public and Animal Health, the Ministry strongly advises [s] mammalPatient pets have confirmed to have been infected with the Virus Covid-19 to quarantine by the AFCD. "

AFCD stated that they would put pets under veterinary surveillance for 14 days and collect samples "forCovid-19 virus test if any. "The spokesperson also reminded the owners of animals to" maintain a good hygiene habit, andWash your hands well With alcoholic soap or disinfectant after contacting pets. "

The authorities of Hong Kong haveadvised residents not to kiss their dogs In case they contracted COVID-19.

The concern about the Canin coronavirus has dog owners who rush to buyCoronavirus masks Protecting their puppies from the perilous pathogen.Daily mailReports that a local pet retailer in China has experienced sales to increase by 150 per month to 50 per day.

Watch a video of dogs wearing masks below via theNew York Post:

Categories: Health
Tags: Coronavirus / News
By: geoffrey
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