This state now knows the worst thread of COVID in the United States.

Cases of coronavirus per capita put this state in a red zone where another lock is needed.

Coronavirus has spread through states at different speeds and at different times since its arrival on the shores of the United States in March and April, states like New York and New Jersey were epicnets, while other states were left relatively intact. But as the reopening takes place everywhere throughout the country,Several new hotspots have sounded, especially in the south and west. The large number of new cases recorded by California, Florida, Texas and Arizona, among other states, have often been mentioned in the news during the summer. But from the moment of publication,Georgia is experiencing the worst pushed Covid of any state in the United States.

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According to the COVID-19 risk level map, maintained by the Harvard Global Health Institute (HGHI),Georgia has the highest Average of seven days of new daily cases at 29.9% per 100,000 people. This puts the state in the red zone of HGHI, which means that it is at "a tipping point" and "the orderly orders at home [are] necessary". The only other state in the red zone is now in Florida, with 28.6 new daily cases for 100,000 people. The rest of the country is in orange ("accelerated dismay" for which rigorous test and / or residence commands are recommended) or the yellow zone ("spread of the community" with test and recommended trace programs ) There are no states in the green area or "on the containment track".

Atlanta Georgia at sunset

By data fromThe New York Times,Georgia recorded his greatest number New daily cases on July 10 with 4 904. But the curve has not been flattened since. The state still records new cases in thousands of thousands of days.

Meanwhile, theThe state remains completely reopened (Home stay orders expired on April 24), with indoor dining room, gymnasiums, film theaters and other companies legally allowed to operate.GOV. Brian Kemp At the same time was a mask mask mandate and even tried to continue the city of Atlanta to prevent them from promulgating their own. However, last week heremoved the costume and signed a new executive order which allows local governments to mandate masks in their fields, byThe Atlanta Journal-Constitution.The order also expands the prohibition of the state on major collections and Covid security requirements for businesses until August 31, but it does not include any aspect of reopening. And for more on the challenges, Georgia is confronted,Covid is "expanding" in this state, leak from the white house warns.

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