This state now has the worst epidemic of absolute Covid in the country

A health manager says it will become even worse in three to four weeks.

While America continues to play a coronavirus sinister game "Hot Potato", a new state is now stuck with the absoluteWorst epidemic of covidae in the countryside.This state is Mississippi.

On aHARVARD GLOBAL HEALTH COVID-19 TRACKER Initiative, Mississippi is the only state currently considered a "red zone", where new daily cases exceed 25 per 100,000 inhabitants. While other states, including Texas, Florida, Georgia and California currently consider higher total case accounts, this is due to their much larger populations. Infection rates in Mississippi are higher per capita compared to these othersSuperspreader states.

From Sunday afternoon, Mississippi had reached a total of77 894 cases and 2,240 deathsaccording to aNew York Times database. And if the cases decreased over the last two weeks, Mississippi's health officials warned the public thatA new thrust is probably on his way.

Thomas Dobbs, MD, MPH, theState health agent For the Mississippi Health Department, said this weekawaits an even more severe surge In three to four weeks of time because of "schools, colleges and really, really bad judgment meet in aCatastrophe triumvirate. "This could be particularly dangerous in counties with the highest infection rates, since some Mississippi hotspot areas have specified 100 new daily cases for 100,000 inhabitants.

In particular, Dobbs would have called people who continue to ignoreRules of social distancing. "A lot of epidemics we see in high schools is because parents areParts of accommodation. Senioris, groups, expenses-at night. I do not know why it's not scary people, but it's illegal! He said.

As for even larger increase, he is waiting for is just around the corner, Dobbs published this warning: "You simply ready." And for more information on the hot spots of coronavirus, checkThis beloved tourist destination has become a superspreader covider.

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