This could triple your risk of dying of coronavirus, say experts

New research shows that this common Covid treatment can save many patients and kill others.

COVID-19 has the potential to become fatal for many people who are infected with the virus, especially those withPre-existing conditions. However, recent research suggests that specific protein levels in the blood of a person could allow physicians to know if a treatment common to coronavirus symptoms could help them or mortal. In a new study published in theJournal of Hospital MedicineResearchers at the Albert Einstein College in Bronx, New York, have found that high levels of C-reagent proteins (CRP) - an indication of inflammation - in a person's blood increased the likelihood thatSteroid treatment would be a beneficial part their recovery plan.

"We found that in patients with high inflammation, namely a level of CRP greater than 20, steroids were associated with a75% reduction in the risk of mechanical ventilation Or die, "explainedMarla Keller, MD, the main author of the study.

young asian man in hospital with oxygen mask for coronavirus
Shutterstock / Pordee_aomboon

However, in patients with CRP under 10, "the use of steroids was associated with an increased risk of nearly 200% mechanical ventilation or death," Keller said.

This research may be fruitful for hospitalized coronavirus patients who may have received steroids to the ultimate detriment of their health. The Keller team noted that a common blood test can easily identify those who could benefit from the treatment of steroids and those for whom it would probably be mortal.

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Steroids are not the only medical interventions potentially for coronavirus life that have been examined in recent months. WhileFans were used in the pandemic Provide treatment for severely ill patients with reduced lung function, a June 2020 research analysis published inThe American newspaper of tropical medicine and hygiene suggests that the use of greater constraint in the prescription of the blower treatment - includingwait until patients have trouble breathing To use them instead of basing their use on oxygen levels alone - could actually save lives. And if you wonder what could be a tilting that your COVID case is serious, check the4 symptoms of coronaviruses most likely to be fatal.

Categories: Health
Tags: Coronavirus / News
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