17 Engineering Tips for the Perfect Nap

Your afternoon closure has just made much softer.

About one in three adults in America regularlytake a nap, according to a 2009 survey conducted by thePEW Research Center. But that means that two-thirds of adults in the United States are probably just rightscrape five cups of coffee And the barrel of the day instead of taking a 20-minute snooze to recharge. If you are one of those people avoiding an afternoonClosed session, we are here to offer you advice and tricks to take theperfect nap.

Invest in a white noise machine.

white noise machine perfect nap
Shutterstock / Luca PBL

In order to make the most of your snooze, you must make sure to drown any noise that could disrupt your sleep. And, according toMatthew Ross, co-founder and COO of Sleep of Sleep and Mattress Review SiteThe Sleep CourtYou can easily block (and prominently block sounds with a white noise machine.

"A product I found extremely useful for taking a peaceful nap is awhite noise machine, "Ross said." This helps drown all the outside noise so you can relax and say quickly. They make sure you are not bored or tense of the barking of your neighbor or your children who play down. "

Take a cold shower.

man in shower perfect nap

Above allIn the heat of the summerKeeping the temperature of your lower body is ideal for the perfect nap, says Ross. "Shower will drop your body temperature before going to bed. It will make you more comfortable and make you easier to fall asleep, "he says.

Stretch the.

woman stretching perfect nap

About 15 to 30 minutes before your nap, trying to facilitate the rest of your bodyelongation. "If I try to go to sleep tight, I finish throwing and shooting a lot to find a comfortable position," says Ross. "I would recommend a little light stretch when you prepare a nap. This will help release your muscles and bring your body into a relaxed state to sleep."

Take a cup of Joe.

businessman drinking coffee perfect nap

That's right:Cup of coffee Before hitting hay can actually benefit you in the long run, saysKatie Gold, publisher and head of sleep research at Mattress Clarity.

"If you are running on time, you can consider a" coffee-nap ", also called ataffeine-What involves drinking coffee or caffeine, then take a short nap of 20 minutes, "says Golde." The idea is that you will wake up when caffeine begins, and you will jump the groggy feeling that is also known asinertia of sleep. "

Keep it short and sweet.

Napping asleep perfect nap

To really make sure your afternoon snooze is working on your advantage, plan to keep your short and sweet naps. What is the short? TheNational Sleep Foundation Recommends limiting NAPS to just 20 to 30 minutes, resting it longer than you will only make you grung that you were not going for before the nap.

Not only that, but the nap for longer periods is sure to wreak havoc on your regularizationsleeping schedule And you let yourself feel perpetually tired.

Snooze in the afternoon.

Old black man in khakis and button down napping on yellow couch perfect nap
Lightfield Studios / Shutterstock

If you work aWork from 9 to 5, Golde recommends planning your snooze for the afternoon, especially between 2%. and 3 m. "[This] will help with yourLevels of vigilanceBut will be too early to interfere with bed, "she explains.

And if you work other hours, plan to take your nap about two to three hours before the end of your shift to harvest the same energy benefits.

Find a dark area to omit.

get rid of night lights bedroom how to sleep better perfect nap

"You will have the most successful nap if you practice good sleep hygiene keeping your dark, cool and quiet dark district," says Golde. "Earplugs Or a white noise machine will not hurt if you are in an area where you could be interrupted during a slight sleep step. "

Direct digital devices.

Man is alone in bed reading his phone perfect nap

Not surprisingly, scroll on Facebook when you set to sleep is not exactly the best way toEnsure a closure of quality. Rather than running the risk of wasting all your lunch break watching social media instead of getting a quality sleep, it is better to dispel these electronic devices that increase only the vigilance of your brain.

"Artificial lights, such as neon and electronics, can be an aggressive stimulus to our brain. The most different light sources, the more we will be alerts," saysDr. Nikola Djordjevic, MD, founder ofMedalerthelp.org. "Our bodies are designed to rest during the night when it is completely dark. Delete unnecessary light from the room that we sleep can significantly improve the quality of the NAP."

Stick to the couch.

woman napping on couch perfect nap

Opt at the nap on yoursofa Instead of your bed is one of the best things you can do,Michael Grandner, Ph.D., a psychiatry instructor at the University of Perelman School of Medicine of Pennsylvania, saidHealth. Since the bed can inspire you to take a longer and quieter nap, the sofa is always a better option if you hope to keep your snooze short and soft.

Sniff a lavender.

lavender candles perfect nap

Keeplavender Around your NAP domain designated to make sure your mind and body have the same goal: resting sleep. According to an article by 2013 published in the magazineComplementary and alternative medicine based on evidence, a few drops of lavender can improve the quality and duration of sleep, as well as to feel more rested.

Meditate before your nap.

Woman meditating in bed perfect nap

Meditating Before a nap can prove to be incredibly beneficial because it gives you time to make peace with your thoughts and send them away. However, asSleep Advisor Suggests, you should schedule your meditation time to finish at least one hour before your nap. During meditations, stay as alert as possible so that you can gather your thoughts and redirect them positively.

Make sure there will be no interruption.

man napping perfect nap

The ideal basket stations must be equipped with alock. In this way, you will not have to worry about intruders or distractions during your brief sleep stand.

Try a nap.

Facial Acupuncture perfect nap

Although to fall asleep with needles of your body may seem uncomfortable, a snooze happens to be a fairly common side effect of an excellent acupuncture session, likeEVA ZELLER, a licensed acupuncturist, saysWell + good.

This alternative medicine allows the body to silence its alarm bells, thus helping you reach a state of calm and relaxation. Acupuncture NAPS are also able to help you increase your sleep in minutes.

Put an alarm.

woman turning off alarm perfect nap

If your body is not used to taking 20 minutes Naps, set aalarm is a useful way to make it known with this new sleep program. In addition, since you probably do not want to miss your 3 m. Meeting with your boss, the definition of an alarm will help make sure you do not know too many people - or you do not worry about sleeping as much as that prevents you from closing your eyes at all.

Try to rest.

woman resting at work perfect nap

If you find that you are struggling to take a nap during the day, despite the exhausted exhaustion, simply close your eyes and let your thoughts drift to more relaxing pastures can do wonders for your vigilance. Even a few moments of silence and relaxation can offer the boost that your day has been so desperate.

Experiment to find your perfect nap time.

man napping perfect nap

Although it is recommended to take your nap during the afternoon for 20 minutes, it does not work for some people - and it's totally ok. "Many people swear a nap of 20 minutes of power, while some people find that 45 minutes are the sweet spot for them. Our body needs rest, especiallyas we get older ... but the effects vary from person to person, "saysTo fish, a certified sleep science coach and co-founder of the above websiteTo spill. "Nap time can also play in its effectiveness. If you wake up at 6 o'clock in the morning, for example, your optimal nap time would have an NAPS experience at different times of the day as well as duration to discover what leaves you the most refreshed. "

Then maintain it regularly.

millionaire man looking at watch perfect nap

Apply a daily appendix of the NAP will keep the sleep schedule of your body in perfect harmony, declares the leadership mentor and the lifestyle coachMichael Hyatt. An easy way to do that? "Plan it," he advises. Napper at the same time every day helps stabilize your circadian rhythm and allows you to maximize the benefits of peaceful practice. And learn why you should worry about resting and recharging, That's what too small sleep makes your brain .

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