This surprising household article can kill Covid, new study
It turns out that you can already have this killer coronavirus at home.
There arelots of ways you can kill coronavirus. Disease and Prevention Control Centers (CDC) recommendswash hands and use disinfectant hand to kill the virus on your hands, while the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) hasComplete list of disinfectants approved for use against Covid. But it turns out that this can not be all. A new study has found another coronavirus killer who may already be in your household:Citriodiol, an active ingredient in many insect inspulsions.
The study, which has not been peer reviewed, was carried out by the laboratory of science and the British defense technology (DSTL). The researchers found that the chemical had citriodiol "antiviral activity against SARS-COV-2"If mixed with the virus in the liquid phase.
Citriodiol is an active ingredient in many insect répulsionnels with the study specifically testing Mosi-Guard, a repellent commonly used in the UK. The study said "mixing a suspension of virus with components of the spray Mosi-protection or constituent selected components resulting in a reduction of SARS-COV-2" after one minute.
According Cittrefine International citriodiol is made of "Oil of eucalyptus citriodora tree"Especially from the leaves of these trees. And unlike other essential oil based products, citriodiol met many national standards for use in repultants insects worldwide.
Citriodiol has even been approved for use by the EPA, which is the reference by the generic name of "lemon eucalyptus oil." And it was also pushed by the agency for its potential to safeguard against another harmful virus-zika. According CITREFINE International citriodiol is the "only source naturally registered active ingredient for use in the US by EPA listed by the US CDC to prevent mosquito bites with the Zika virus."
So it is very possible that the US will issue its own research on the use of citroidiol against coronavirus. After all, the Defense Ministry noted in a public statement that the study was intended to act "asFoundation for other scientific bodies looking for the virus and possible solutions. "
If you are looking inspulsions specific insects, you can buy that contain citriodiol, read it. And for more ways to protect yourself from getting the coronavirus,Dr. Fauci wants you to avoid doing those things right now 9.
1 repellent spray eucalyptus oil with lemon Murphy
Natural Murphy is aInsectifiant herbal made with 30% citriodiol. Depending on the brand, it is an "insect inspulseur based clinically proven plant that is native to natural and sustainable way." And for some cleaning supplies that can knock Covid DiscoverYour favorite disinfectants, classified by the speed with which they kill Coronavirus.
2 Écoalyptus Cutter Lemon Insective
This cut also insectateurcomprises 30% of the lemon eucalyptus oilOtherwise called citriodiol. This is a version of pump pump and an aerosol release. And for more Covid tips, check these23 cleaning tips from the CDC that you must follow.
3 Repeller inspecting insects lemon eucalyptus plant-based
ThisKnockback pushing back redet claims to protect against the "mosquitoes until 6 o'clock", including mosquitoes that can transmit Zika virus, West Nile, Dengue and Chikungunya because it is also about 30% citriodiol.
4 Coleman Botanicals Insective Repellent
Coleman describes theirCitriodiol, 100% natural insect as "non-fat" with "nice nice formula." It is also available in a pump and a continuous spray format. And for more information up to date,Sign up for our daily newsletter.