Dr. Fauci says it's the Covid figures we should see by autumn

If we do not hit this reference, the coronavirus pandemic could become much worse.

Early in thecoronavirus pandemicThe question most of us found ourselves asking ourselves was: "When will it be finished?" And while this question still persists in many spirits, it seems clear that the virus does not disappear at any time. The new question, asCOVID CASE SOULINI IN STATES Through the country, it's: "When are we going to get out of the danger zone?" According toAnthony Fauci, MD, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), in order to control the US pandemic,COVID figures should be up to 10,000 daily cases by autumn.

The country is "just in themiddle of the first wave, "Fauci says in a LiveStereamed interview with theAMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL. Currently, the United States experienced a period of 50,000 and 60,000 new cases of coronavirus each day. "If we do not take them, we will have a very bad situation in the fall," he said.

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A fall of theDaily case rate indicate that the efforts of containing the virus - includingmasks and social distancing measures - have proven itself. But more importantly, in doing so before the autumn greatly slows the propagation of Covid in the country at a pivotal moment, before the start ofSeason of influenza and cold weather Make things worse.

The rise in influenza cases alongside the propagation of coronavirus could be catastrophic to one alreadyOverloaded health care system. But the temperature drop can also make the crisis of Covid worse. No,The hot weather does not kill the virusBut Chillier cold weather will force more people inside. The more we realize on how Covid propagates - and the danger ofPoorly ventilated interior spaces-The plus we understand the push that a temperature drop could cause.

Fauci's tips for getting the number of daily cases stay the same. While he does not advocate acomplete lockHe suggested that the country "shows a degree of coherence" when it comes to masks, social distancing, andhand washing, all have been recommended by health experts for several months. And for more perspectacability of the main infectious infectious expert of the nation,Mr. Fauci says there is now proof that coronavirus spreads in this way.

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Tags: Coronavirus / News
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