The only worst place in public that you should never go

You have to wait for the call of nature, but so doing so safely can be more complete than you expect in the middle of coronavirus.

Like public spaces around the country continue toReopen in the middle of the coronavirus pandemicAs every newly open place poses a new risk, shopping at a crowded retail store to swim in a pool with strangers. However, experts say there is a place where you are more likely to meet a contamination than any other coronavirus in the middle of the AMID: apublic toilets.

So, why are the public toilets such an amusal of coronavirus activity? "Public toilets are usually dirty places," saysTaylor Graber, MD, aPhysician resident at UC San Diego and founder ofASAP IVS. "See each of the surfaces of the bathroom as a source of contamination."

Since most public toilets have multiple high-ended areas where multiple potentially contaminated hands have contacted the same surface-shaped sink faucets, rinse levers and paper towel dispensers, it is easy forCoronavirus to pass between several people in a short period of time. And given the small space of a public toilet stall, it is easy enough for the contaminated respiratory droplets of a person of sternten or a cough to land on surfaces - or even other people in toilet.

But how contaminated these surfaces? In a 2019 study published inAntimicrobial resistance and infection control, in a sample of 55 public toilets,Researchers found 52 species distinct from bacteria, with high contamination levels on surfaces comprising door handles, paper towel dispensers and hand dryers.

Of course, coronavirus is a viral infection and not a bacterial, but we know that it canLiving on stainless steel up to three days. So a public toilet, with its doors and stainless steel faucets, creates the perfect storm for cross-contamination.

If you arrive to touch a sink faucet or other multi-touched surface in a public bathroom, Graber prevents you from touching your face, mucous membranes or clothes until you have the chance to wash yourself completely hands. Once you are ready to go out, "Use a paper towel or fabric to touch all door surfaces, faucets - in the bathroom before going out", it suggests.

Bathroom door open looking at a toilet

Another concern with public toilets and coronaviruses? Lack of ventilation. We know thatPoorly ventilated interior areas are risky places in terms of COVID-19. A study on JapanNational Institute of Infectious Diseases, which has not yet been examined by peers, found that "the chances that a transmitted primary case Covid-19 in a closed environment was 18.7 times higher than that of an outdoor environment". And public toilets are not exactly known to have good air flow.

But it's not all either. As it turns out,Aerosolization of faecal matter When you slide, the toilet can also spread the contagion. Preliminary studies have shown thatToilet Rinse aerosolizes Infectious microbes in the air And these microbes remain in the air for at least a few minutes. The first research on COVID-19 have also shown thatBathrooms on cruise ships andBathrooms in hospitals were highly contaminated places. So, one of the best things you can do to avoid the propagation of Covid-19 is close to the toilet seat before hunting.

As for the best absolute thing you can do? Use the bathroom before leaving the house. And if you want to know how you put yourself in danger, check these5 sneaky ways that you expose to Coronavirus.

Categories: Health
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