10 ways of daylight saving time is bad for your health

In addition to cost us an hour of sleep, the eruption time of daylight comes with serious health risks.

For many,Summer time is a minor annoyance, which forces you potentially to sleep or to be late for an appointment. But apart from having to manually update the microwave clock, many might not think that the coming principle is such a big deal. In reality, DST is really correlated with a wide range of serious problems, sometimes even fatal. To increase the incidence of fatal car accidents to trigger heart attacks and stroke, the change of time can be much, much worse than you do. Here are 10 ways to have an hour of day economy is bad for your health.

This increases our risk of getting a car accident.

Front of car damaged from car accident

While some research - like this 2004 study inAccident Analysis and Prevention-Suggest Daylight Time makes driving safer, the reality is more complicated than that. Search published in 2020 in the journalCurrent biology Found a tip in accidents of the fatal car at the U.S. during the work week following the "spring forward" of summer time. This is not an isolated example: the researchers, from the University of Colorado Boulder, reviewed the accident data over two decades, including 732,000 accidents, and found that an average picture of 6% in collisions. deadly during this week.

"Our study provides additional and rigorous evidence that the transition to daylight in spring leads to negative impacts on health and safety", principal authorCéline Vetter, Assistant Professor of Integrative Physiology at Colorado Boulder University, said in adeclaration. "These effects on fatal road accidents are real and these deaths can be prevented."

He ruins our sleep.

Woman can't sleep suffering from insomnia stressed

Losing this time of sleep when clocks jump from the front do not cause light trouble of our defined program - it candisrupt our sleep For a week or more, causing all kinds of other declines in cognitive function. A study of high school students, published in theClinical Sleep Medicine Journal In 2015, adolescence slept during the week following the week after the passage to DST, teenagers slept about 2.5 hours less than the previous week.

He will spoil with our long-term biological clock.

Woman awake looking at clock

Many assume that savings of daylight simply disrupt our schedule for a day or two at most. But researchers have found that "spring" and "autumn" can have an impact on us long after we get used to the change of time.

"People think that the transition of an hour is not a big deal, so that they can overcome that in a day, but what they do not realize that their biological clock is out of synchronization", "Beth Ann Malow, MD, professor of neurology and pediatrics in the Division of Sleep Disorders of the Medical Center of the University of Vanderbilt, said in a declaration.

In 2019, the Malow and his colleagues published comment inJama Neurology Epidemiological studies have recovered advocating the end of summer time. He provided how DST changes disrupt circadian rhythms - and, for example, can affect children with autism for weeks or even months.

"It's not an hour twice a year," added the malow. "It's a misalignment of our biological clocks for eight months of the year. When we talk about DST and the relationship in light, we talk about deep impacts on the biological clock, which is a structure rooted in the brain. This affects brain functions. such as energy levels and vigilance. "

This makes us more likely to have a stroke.

Man experiencing symptoms of stroke

Turn the clock to come (and back) can increase yourRisk of a stroke. In a preliminary study published at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Neurology in 2016, researchers of theUniversity of TurkuDiscovered that during the first two days following the transition of summer time, the ischemic stroke rate jumped an average of 8%. Based on a decade of data, the research compared the rate of stroke in more than 3,000 people hospitalized during the week after the transition from the DST to 11,801 people hospitalized two weeks before or two weeks after the Transition week. But the results also noted that after these first two days, there was no perceptible difference in rates.

This affects our cardiac health.

Man experiencing pain in heart

It's not just features: an article from March 2013 published inThe American newspaper of cardiology found that heart attacks were also slightly higher in the week after day savings.

A separate Swedish study, published inNew England Journal of Medicine In 2008,also found an increase in theRisk of cardiac crises The first three days of the week following the DST.

This can increase the implications of false layers.

Woman getting an ultrasound

Researchers at the University of Boston University have found that miscarriage rates have increased considerably among those who have become pregnant with in vitro fertilization in the first three weeks after the entry into force of the DST. Their conclusions, published in 2017 inInternational chronobiologySpecially found that loss rates were higher when DST occurred after the embryo transfer.

This leads us to waste more time surfing the internet.

Woman looking at laptop

Stop fighting aboutWaste as much time on social media And without obstacles to one website to another and start blaming the light of the day. According to the 2012 research published in theApplied Psychology JournalThe passage in daylight "leads to a dramatic increase in cyberloafing behavior at the national level". The researchers determined this by relying on Google Data to follow the schemas in Surfing Internet on Monday after the transition to DST, by assigning a loss of self-control due to the deprivation of sleep. And if you have not heard,Too much screen time is bad for your health.

This makes more likely injuries.

Woman with cast on wrist

Believe it or not, a little sun could make you much less safe at work. According to a significant 2009 study published in theApplied Psychology JournalWork injuries actually increase during the summer day, mainly as a result of sleep deprivation. That's it for the day being safer.

This can lead to an increase in the suicide rate in men.

Depressed sad man with head in his hands

DST can even affect suicide rates, according to a notable Australian study published in the journalSleep and biological rhythms In 2008. Review suicide data from 1971 to 2001, researchers saw an increase in male suicide rates in the weeks following the kick-off of the day of day of day in March.

This increases headaches.

Woman sitting on couch with a headache

Not only does DST not only cause figurative headaches in the form of macked alarms and missed appointments - it has also been found about an increase in bunch headaches. As theUCI Health Center for Pain and Wellbeing Explains: "The change of time can disrupt sleep schedules. Bad sleep and sleep deprivation can trigger migraines in patients predisposed to have them."

Extra Reporting of Bob Larkin

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