The photos of the jaw drop reveal what Hurricane Laura looks like the space
It is the largest storm in the region in a century.

On Earth, Hurricane Laura is one of the most dangerous and destructive forces of nature we have seen for some time. In fact, the category 4 storm system is the largest as the region has seen for a century and it constitutes a major threat toSeveral southern states and south-south As heads north-east on the other side of the country, delivering violent winds, torrential rain and possible tornadoes. So far, thousands of residents on the Gulf coast are already without power, because the hurricane made the ground at 1am on Thursday.
From space, however, Hurricane Laura appears as something else entirely: a relaxing cloudy training quietly which has nothing wrong with the decline of the jaw to see. Yesterday, Nasa astronaut andChris Cassidy Posted these totally amazing images of the Storm of the International Space Station:
Yes, it's an image of an equal hurricane for the storm the most duration in the history of Louisiana - and a greater than Hurricane Katrina of 2005. But NASA astronauts are not the only ones. With an aerial view of Hurricane Laura. The Oceanic and Atmospheric National Administration (NOAA) also revealed these beautiful images and videos, too:
The people of the weather chain contributed to these:
Atmospheric scientist at the University of Albany, Suny, Philippe Papin offered this beautiful video:
And a Twitter account based in Canada which is a meteorological passion posted compared to NOAA.
Since creativity, Hurricane Laura's winds have beenreduced At 85 mm / h, but there was at least one death registered so far, while 500,000 inhabitants of Louisiana - and more than 125,000 in Texas are already without power. We can only hope that everyone remains as safe as possible. And find out more about these heartbreaking natural phenomena, be sure to read these18 hurricane facts to put you in an impression of mother nature.

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