This is what the CDC says to do if you have been touched by Hurricane Laura
If you are stuck following a hurricane, you just have these expert advice.

As the approach of the hurricane season,Many are not prepared for future disasters, as they are busy dealing with a national pandemic. But like disease control and prevention control centers (CDC), guidelines to help people mitigate coronavirus spread, the Agency has also issued guidelines on how to deal with other annual disasters - such as doAfter a hurricane. And sinceHurricane Laura has just hit the coast of LouisianaThese are advice that many can get to need in the coming weeks. So, if you are looking for CDC tips to stay safe after a hurricane, read it. And for CDC tips by remaining safe, check these50 security tips Covid essentials the CDC wants you to know.
1 Avoid damaged buildings.

Hurricanes can easily damage a building, even without you knowing. The CDCwarns people not to enter clearly damaged buildings until they are determined safely by local authorities. And if your home or building you are in changing or unusual noises, leave immediately. The CDC says "Strange noises could mean that the building is about to fall".
2 Go back if your car is approaching a flooded area.

After a hurricane, many areas are experiencing high flood levels. TheCDC says you should never drive in flooded areas, as your vehicle can not protect you from flood water. In fact, the CDC says your car is likely to "be swept or can stand out in moving water". Instead, you should always follow warnings on flooded roads and turn around if you discuss flood water, whatever your route. And for more ways to stay safe, regardless of disaster, check these27 amazing personal security tips that will change your life.
3 Do not try to swim or walk in flood waters.

Your car is not the only thing that should not enter the flood waters. The CDC says "Cross water can pose a drowning risk for everyone, regardless of their ability to swim." The shallow water can be murderer for adults if it moves quickly and dangerous for small children, even if it's just water standing. And for more hurricanes this season, discoverThe reason it could be the worst hurricane season for more than 200 years.
4 Wash the ignition areas of the flood waters as soon as possible.

Another reason you should not venture into the flood waters is because you do not know what isin Water, the CDC says. Flood waters may contain "human waste and livestock, household, medical and industrial waste, coal ash waste that can contain carcinogenic compounds such as arsenic, chromium and mercury, and other contaminants. can lead to disease ".
That's why they recommend youWash contaminated areas with soap and clean water As soon as possible, and if you do not have access to soap or clean water, use liquor-based wipes or disinfectant. The CDC also says that you should "wash contaminated clothing with flood or wastewater in hot water and detergent before reuse."
5 Never use portable fuel fuel equipment in your home.

Fuel combustion equipment such as generators, coal grilling and camp stoves may be needed to use after a hurricane. CornThese devices create carbon monoxide, which can cause sudden disease or death if it rests in your home. The CDC says you should never use fuel equipment "inside your home, basement or garage". Instead, they must be kept outside and at least 20 meters from the window, the door or vent.
6 Be careful if you are near a car that has been in the water.

If your car has been submerged or in contact with water after a hurricane, there may be persistent damage that could hurt you. The CDC says that "even if they are in flood waters, car batteries can still have an electric charge," so if you will remove the battery, be careful. You must also wear insulating gloves and pay attention to any acid that can be reversed from the damaged car battery.
7 Know how to avoid electrical risks inside or outside your home.

There may also beOther electrical hazards both inside and outside your home After a hurricane or flood. The CDC says you should turn off the power supply and natural gas or propane tanks in your home to "avoid fire, electrocution or explosions". In addition, you should never touch a falling power line if we have been overthrown after the disaster. Instead, you should call your local electricity company to report fallen power lines.
8 Use pocket lamps instead of candles if your power is out.

If a hurricane knocked out your power, you will have to turn to a different light source. However, for fire safety, the CDC still recommends using flashlights instead of candles. If you have to use candles, the CDC warns people to "keep them away from all that can catch fire" and "stay close to lit candles." And for more information up to date, Sign up for our daily newsletter .