19 cancer survivors reveal the symptoms that saved them

Do not miss cancer symptoms that have received these diagnosed survivors.

According toNational Cancer Institute, about 1,762,450 new cancer cases were diagnosed in the United States in 2019 alone. And although some cancer symptoms can feel obvious obvious, there are so many things that can be rejected as signs of a virus to the workforce. Others are so subtle that they go completely unnoticed until a routine balance post reveals something that is missing. To keep you healthy and aware of the next year, we have teamed up with 19 cancer survivors to reveal which symptoms have led to their diagnoses.


young asian woman in bed with abdominal cramps
Shutterstock / Nattakorn_Maneserat

Cynthia SWIFT, a three-fold cancer survivor, was at the end of the 1930s when it was diagnosed for the first time with uterine cancer. However, the symptoms were not generally obvious at the beginning - in fact, she initially confused them for something entirely.

"I thought it was a regular pain and menstrual cramps, but it happened to the point that I had to go to the doctor," SWIFT said, who also had constant bleeding that accompanied his discomfort. While his doctor also thought it was a bit more than menstrual pain or fibroids, a series of tests revealed a malignant tumor and the swift's uterus has been removed.

SWIFT then survived two shoulders of breast cancer, noting that it was a regular mammogram that led to its initial diagnosis.

A persistent cough

40-something black woman coughing
Shutterstock / Aaron Amat

While coughing can be a little more than a hindrance most of the time, in some cases they can lead to changing diagnosis of life.

In 2012, at age 65, nurseEmily Ward ended up in the constant cough that over-the-counter treatments could not affect.

"It was as if I had something in my chest that was to come, but I never did," says Ward. "Sometimes I felt like I was trying to spit a lung." While physicians initially believed to have walking pneumonia, a thoracic radiography and a subsequent cat scan revealed liquid around its lungs and a collapsed lung. After more tests, the room has been diagnosed with pleural mesothelioma, a rare form of cancer often associated with exposure to asbestos, which has treated by surgery, chemotherapy and immunotherapy over the seven years since its initial diagnosis.

Swollen lymph nodes

asian man's hairy armpit
Shutterstock / Yamsasi23

Although swollen lymph nodes are not a rare symptom of viruses and more minor infections, they can also be a manifestation of certain types of cancer.

KALIN IVANOV, 22, says that the lymph nodes enlarged on the sides of his neck and under his left armpit were the first thing he noticed before his cancer diagnosis. In fact, he says there were not about other note symptoms.

Unfortunately, due to the limitations of the medical facilities in his hometown of Pleven, Bulgaria, "they could not precisely determine the cancer phase and its exact type, then my treatment had to be continued in Turkey where they have better specialists," Explain Ivanov. However, after receiving eight chemotherapy towers in a more advanced hospital setting, Ivanov says it is now without cancer.

A mass in the neck

young white man having neck examined
Shutterstock / Andrey_Popov

Have a frog in the throat is not just a sign that you attack up to 25 yearsKIMBERLY LAQUEY, Owner ofEmpath coachingIt was the first indication of his stage 2B Hodgkin's lymphoma.

"I found a mass in my neck while I was sitting on the couch during a family birthday party," says Lackkey. "I looked at the gifts to be unpacked and for some reason, I kept the left side of my neck that day with my right hand."

It turned out that Lackkey had a "grapefruit size" tumor in his chest. Additional symptoms, including extreme fatigue, pain and numbness in its arm, as well as rashes, all presented shortly thereafter. After six months of Chemotherapy Abvd, Kimberly was free from cancer and is in remission for 14 years.

Extreme Fatigue

tired doctor or nurse working the night shift, school nurse secrets

"In 2015, I was 44 years old and I was really tired all the time," says ChefJulia Helton ofThe Julia cuisine. Fatigue ended up being the symptom that led to its diagnosis of breast cancer, but it originally brushed it: "What woman over 40 is not drained all day, every day? I do not have never thought it was something serious. "

Helton says that even if the traditional breast self-examinations had revealed nothing, finally, pressed forward and compressing his breasts between his fingers led her to the bump. It was then diagnosed with internship breast cancer 2B PR / ER + HERC, for which it was successfully treated.

A testicular size without pain

close up of white man's feet in the shower

Although many forms of cancer can cause significant discomfort, for some survivors, a pain without pain is the symptom defining.

"End of September 2013, I noticed what looked like a bump at my left testicle," saysPaul Strobel, website manager toERIDE HERO. While Strobel says he did not have trouble or pain associated with the mass, he felt significantly differently in general, which encourages him to see his doctor. Ultrasound, CT analyzes, blood tests and possible deletion of one of its testicles confirmed that it had actually a tumor of seminses, for which he received three chemotherapy towers, entering the remission in August 2014.

Night sweats

white woman sweating
Shutterstock / Yakobchuk Viacheslav

A heavy coverage or hot summer nights could be behind these nocturnal sweats - but in some rare cases, the culprit is cancer.

"During the night, I would throw and turn, sweat with my sheets and that I suffer from pain in my body," saysTL Robinson, founder and CEO ofThe top. Finally, the associated fatigue became too much to bear, and they saw a doctor of their symptoms.

However, while a GP initially rejected the symptoms of Robinson - which also included a weight gain, hair loss, swelling of the face and neck, and fragile nails - as few more than signs of aging, Their OB discovered a tumor in Robinson's neck, leading to a diagnosis of thyroid cancer.

Abdominal sensitivity

Black man experiencing stomach pain

Sometimes a routine assessment is all it takes to reveal symptoms of something more serious.

"My doctor lifted on games of my abdomen [and] noticed that I had a lot of sensitivity throughout," saysRobert Barrows, Owner ofR.M. Barrows, Inc. Publicity and Public Relations. Following a sweep and a CT biopsy, bars were diagnosed with a B-cellars' follicular lymphoma of Hodgkin cell B in its groin and abdomen. After his diagnosis, when interrogated about other unusual symptoms he had, the bars could only think about two: night sweat and dry mouth. Fortunately, after six months of chemo, bar cancer is now in remission.

Bleeding between periods

woman marking calendar
Shutterstock / Sasha2109

Although many people experience irregular menstrual bleeding, spots between periods can sometimes be a sign of cancer. Independent writerCynthia "CYN" MACGREGORSaid that after months of observation she sought medical assistance, leading to colposcopy and a diagnosis of potential cervical cancer.

MacGregor has undergone five weeks of external cobalt cobalt, two intracavity radium inserts and total hysterectomy, and has now been without cancer for 44 years.

A loss of appetite

not hungry woman refusing food
Shutterstock / Best_NJ

A sudden loss of appetite was a key signature to getRebecca Adams' Diagnosed blood cancer.

Follow what she thought was a cold and bound fatigue during the 2014 holiday season, Adams, the founder ofMy alchemy skin, found himself having trouble eating.

"[I] I lost my appetite, pick my food, do not want to eat, skip meals - nothing seemed well," she explains, noting that she was originally wondering if her symptoms could be related to Mono. After finding herself more than 20 pounds without trying, Adams went to the doctor, whose tests do not reveal one, but two types of stage chances of stage 4. The next day, Adams started chemotherapy.


Female bare feet with weight scale in the bathroom

Jessica Valencia, a director of sales operations toHealth Gryt, was diagnosed with colon cancer when she was only 25 years old. Despite blood tests returning to normal, she remembers: "I was extremely exhausted, my hair illuminated [and] I lost weight." Following his intestine, Valencia called many doctors until she finds one who would perform more tests to see what was happening. "As they diagnosed me three months later, they told me that I had two months to live without treatment," says Valencia. It was six years ago.

While fatigue, thin hair and weight loss are common signs of cancer, the Valencia says they are often overlooked because they allow many alternative explanations. "The best thing people can do is advocate themselves," she calls.

Pelvic pain

Woman holding her bladder in pain

Kristen Hovet, the founding editor ofBrigide magazine, was almost 35 when she was diagnosed with uterine cancer. "I had a pelvic pain that was pretty severe," she explains. "It prompted me to go for a Pap smear and be above the follow-up appointments."

Once the source of its pain has been revealed by cancer, the Hovet has undergone a hysterectomy, a lymphatic ganglion suppression, cisplatin chemotherapy and pelvic radiation. She was without cancer for three years now. "The pain saved me," says Hovet.

A burning sensation

woman checking breast, subtle symptoms of serious disease
Shutterstock / 9nong

The bumps can be the most obvious signs of breast cancer, but they are far from the only.

Sara Oleher, founder ofPowerful + brilliant, described being "saved by a sensation of milk being dropped into my left breast". After talking with his mother, who described to feel the same thing, calling it a "burning sensation", the two women were diagnosed with canaltal carcinoma, milk duct cancer.

"It's not a symptom that people speak," said Olesher, who has done a goal of raising awareness of less known symptoms of the disease.

Rib pain

woman in blue shirt with rib pain
Shutterstock / Andrey_Popov

GAYLE CARSON, founder ofOld Spunky Large, expected to find broken ribs when she went to the doctor as a result of severe nerve pain pain. Instead, "After an analysis of the bones, we discovered tumors," says Carson.

It turned out that Carson's Fourth Breast Carson Combat (his first three presumed breast cancers had been discovered during routine mammograms). Carson, who had already had a mastectomy before his fourth diagnosis of cancer, wants people to know that cancer can occur even among those who have already undergone surgery. "It can happen even with the breasts gone," she says.

Blood in the urine

a fancy toilet in a fancy luxury bathroom

"My doctor had disturbed me on the microscopic blood in my chosen urine," says the cancer survivorJeff Blumenfeld ofBlumenfeld and Associates, a marketing public relations company.

However, instead of revealing an injury or an infection, the bladder bezel and the Blumenfeld MRI has been treated with something else: a small tumor on his kidney. Blumenfeld was then withdrawn his kidney and spent nearly 10 years since his initial diagnosis in what he describes as "excellent" health.

A tooth in the chest

white woman touching her breast
Shutterstock / Bigmankn

While many people think that lumps when imagining breast cancer symptoms for survivorJulie DibeneIt was a sudden tooth in his chest that rested her.

Dibene, which is now without cancer, a decade after his initial diagnosis, explains that a tumor in his chest pulled his thoracic muscle inward, which causes the tooth. Dibene credits his insistence on medical attention to beat the disease.

"Going to the doctor quickly saved me," she says.

A mammary mass

woman checking breast, subtle symptoms of serious disease

While breastfeeding can lead to changes in the breasts of the person, the cancer survivor and the health coachColleen CarlsonWas not confident when it was told that the size in his chest was a little more than a barked milk conduit.

After insisting on additional tests, Carlson learned that she had a breast cancer scene 3, a disease she was struggling for more than 15 years before entering remission.

Recurrent utis

man's legs in pajamas while he pees in a toilet

Jim Scott72 years ago, it was said that he suffered recurring utis before being officially diagnosed with bladder cancer.

However, when his symptoms did not go with a treatment, he returned for more tests, which led to his diagnosis of possible cancer. While Scott is now in remission, he says that his diagnosis gave him a new perspective on life, saying, "I feel so blessed to have had cancer."

Smear without inconsistency

woman at the doctor's office
Shutterstock / Chinnapong

Survivor of cervical cancer Jennifer Light Reich , co-founder and CEO of Publishing Momosa , says it was incoherent PAP tests that led to his diagnosis. They were "normal, then not normal, then normal," she recalls. Fortunately, the doctor of Reich insisted on the following tests that finally led to his diagnosis. Today, she is without cancer.

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