12 essential ways that you can reduce your risk of dementia today, according to science

Making these changes easy to do can all the difference for the future health of your brain.

If you have already looked at experience experience experience, you know how difficult the disease is. As explained by the Mayo Clinic, dementia is agroup of symptoms that affect memory, thought and social capabilities that interfere with your daily life and result from damage or loss of nerve cells and their connections in the brain. Unfortunately, as there is currently no cure, the best you can do is try to mitigate your chances of experiencing these symptoms. Fortunately, you can do many things to reduce your risk of relief, according to health experts.

With regard to dementia, the best defense is a strong offense. According to a report published inThe lancet, the experts identified 12 risk factors that, if modified, couldDelay or prevent 40% of cases of dementia. Read on to learn the changes you can bring to your lifestyle now to reduce your risks. And to stay alive,You are twice as likely to develop dementia if you do not do it, the study says.

Reduce your alcohol consumption.

Woman with a glass of wine in her hand

Excessive consumption is known to negatively affect cognition. A five-year study published byThe lancetexamined more than 31 million hospitalized and have found that alcohol use disorders were associated with ahigher risk of dementia. The study notes that the alcohol use disorder was also present in 56.6 cases of "dementia of early elimination", which it defines as something less than 65 years old. Researchers recommend limiting alcohol consumption to 21 units (each unit is 10 ml of pure alcohol) a week to reduce your risk of dementia. To learn more about how your nocturnal glass of wine affects you, thatA new study even shows a small amount of alcohol ages your brain.

Avoid injuries to the head.

Woman just got in car accident sustained head injury

A study published byThe Journal of the Neurology of the American Medical Association (JAMA)I examined 28,815 seniors who had supported a braincommotion. The study revealed thatTheir risk of dementia doubled, with one in six of them developing dementia on an average follow-up of about four years.

According toThe lancetTraumatic brain injuries are most often caused by automotive accidents, contact sports, boxing, military service, horse riding and falls. Therefore, avoiding high-risk occupations or situations where cereals and brain injuries are more likely to be maintained will mitigate your risk of relief.

Living somewhere with minimal atmospheric pollution.

Man walking outside in fresh clean air

Pollution is not good for any aspect of your health, including your mind.The lancetsays that these studies have shown that "Airborne particle pollutants"Neurodegenerative processes [accelerated] [accelerated]" in animals. A study published by theAlzheimer's Disease JournalfoundExposure to some pollutants was "associated with an increased risk of dementia" in humans. In addition, a 2019 study published byJamafound only death anddementia associated with a particular pollutant Black individuals and people in socio-economic communities disadvantaged are disproportionately. While avoiding these pollutants is not always possible, know that fresh and fresh air is better than the health of your brain. And for another council,This thing that everyone can lead to dementia as you get older.

Avoid hypertension.

Blood pressure cuff
Shutterstock / Fottana

Watching your blood pressure is a chore that many must take while they get older. And keeping constant and healthy blood pressure can help reduce your risk of dementia, according toThe lancet. A study published by neurology.org found that "high"arterial pressure During mid-life, the persistence of high blood pressure in the late life and, among nonmetallous, a steep decrease in blood pressure during the average life in late life was associated with increased risk of dementia. To obtain your number of waste.25 extremely effective means of reducing your blood pressure naturally.

Take care of your audience.

Man wearing a hearing aid

This precaution may not seem obvious, but the protection of your ears can contribute to a reduced risk of dementia. A hearing loss surprisingly represented the highest percentage - eight percent reduction in the prevalence of dementia if eliminated, according toThe lancet. A study published inJama Otolaryngoloexamined 36 studies and more than 20,260 participants and found thathearing loss has been significantly associated with the decline of all major cognitive areas and with increased risk of cognitive impairment and incident dementia. "

Another study published byJama OtolaryngoloI found that the more your hearing decreases, the more your chances of developing dementia are increasing. The study found a decrease in cognition with all 10 dBreduction of the hearing. To minimize your risk of dementia, the Lancet Commission advises the use of hearing aids according to the needs and protection consistent against excessive exposure of noise.

Do not smoke.

Man putting out a cigarette after smoking

According toThe lancet, "Smokers are at higher risk of dementia than non-smokers." However, if you are a smoker, it's not too late to reduce your risks. A study published by Wiley Periodic revealed thatMen who had never smoked 19% were less likely to develop dementia than current smokers. The study also revealed that men who had stopped smoking for at least four years were 14% less likely to develop dementia than those who still smoked.

Get an education.

Older students raising their hand in class

Obtaining an education is beneficial for many reasons - one of them being that it diminishes your probability of developing dementia. According toThe lancet,Several studies argue that "levels of education of superior youth and the highest level of education of life reduce the risk of dementia." A study published by theNational Academy of Sciencessuggests thatEducation earlier in life Is more influential in mitigating the possibility of developing dementia because global cognitive ability increases with education until it reaches a tray during the end of adolescence.

To be active.

A couple walking holding hands

Maintaining an active lifestyle is good for your general well-being and can also contribute to a lower risk of dementia. According toThe lancetstudies ofphysical activity There are complex, due to many changing variables, but multiple studies that extend from one to 21 years "have shown exercises to be associated with a risk of reduced dementia." For starters, discoverThe 50 best 5 minute exercises that everyone can do.

Avoid obesity.

Healthy salad
Shutterstock / Nadianb

Obesity is on the rise in America. According to disease control and prevention centers (CDC), thePrevalence of obesity In 1999-2000 was 30.5% and reached 42.4% in 2017-2018. A study of the Alzheimer Association found that obesity, but not overweight, was associated withdementia of late life. The Lancet Commission recommends reducing the chances of becoming obese by consuming healthy foods and living in a healthy environment that promotes movement. And for more information up to date,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

To be social.

Group of older female friends hanging out

The lancetreports that "several studies suggest that fewer social contacts increases the risk of dementia". In addition, being married is associated with lower risk, probably because of the social benefits of marriage. A study published by theJournal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatryfound that "compared tothose who are married, single people and widows for life have a high risk. Whatever your marital status, maintaining a social lifestyle - especially later in life - could keep you strong for years to come.

Maintain good mental health.

Woman talking to her therapist

"Previous depression dementia Can be a causal risk factor for its appearance, reads the 2014 World Alzheimer's report. There are many potential chemicals produced by depression that could contribute to the future emergence of dementia. That is why maintain good mental health through therapy, medicines and forms of personal care can help reduce your risk. If you encounter a depression, you should talk to a therapist on how to handle your symptoms.

Avoid or manage diabetes.

Woman checking blood sugar
Shutterstock / Andrey_Popov

A study by the American Diabetes Association (ADA) revealed that type 2 diabetes was "associated with 60% Increased risk of any dementia In both sexes. "ADA also noted that the risk of dementia development was larger in women with diabetes than in men with diabetes. According to The lancet , the risk of dementia increases as the duration and severity of diabetes increases. To avoid developing diabetes, take healthy diet and stay active.

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