You can have your in-laws to blame for this bad habit, the study says

Looking at family connections could help you get to the root of your dependence.

The influence of a parent on their offspring 'alcohol consumption Is well documented, and it makes sense that, thanks to the nature and maintenance, the clean habits of a parent could take into account those of the next generation. But oneNew surprising study Published in the newspaperPsychological science Suggests that the family factor of alcohol abuse is much more complex than previously thought.

As it turns out, the risk of alcohol abuse extends well beyond the most immediate family ties and breaks the theories that genetics is always to blame for theseunhealthy habits. The study concluded thatHaving for parents with a history of alcohol use disorder (AUD) can make you more likely to have a problem of drinking yourself, even if your spouse does not do it.

The research team, led byJessica SalvatorePh.D., stumbled on this shocking insight while trying to answer a separate issue. They wanted to know if the genetic makeup of a spouse affected the likelihood of a person of AUD, which is characterized by aInability to stop drinking despite the negative consequences. To this end, they analyzed the conjugal stories of 300,000 couples and their parents-in-law in the registers of the Swedish population.

"In a somewhat surprising twist, we found that it was not the genetic makeup of the spouse who influenced the risk of AUD. Instead, if the spouse was raised by a parent affected by the AUD ", Salvatore explained. But before identifying with your in-laws in the name of recovery, it should be noted: the team determined that their conclusions would be true, that a person has had a lot of direct contact with theirSpouse's parents.

As Salvatore explained, "Growing up with a parent affected by AUD can teach people to act so as to strengthen the problem of consumption of a spouse". It has streamlined again that one could be more likely to allow a spouse if they have grown depending on the dependence of their parents. These enabling behaviors may include a problem that a problem exists, helping to soften the consequences ofexcessive (Salvatore stressed the example of taking care of a hierarchical spouse) and drink together to strengthen the relationship.

The good news is that the study leaves us an important message to take away: the addiction is complex and rarely arrives in a vacuum. Interventions for those who may be more successful when partners are included, and when the complete complexity of ourAttitudes towards alcohol and activation is taken into account. Aloneso Let's start breaking the cycle and avoiding our problems to the next generation. And for more examination of addiction, checkA new way to watch your alcohol habits.

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