25 things you should clean every day and how to do it

Some quick tips on how to keep these items from the collection of germs and harmful bacteria.

As thecoronavirus pandemic Spreads, it is more frustrating than ever not to control the cleanliness of the surfaces and things you are experiencing outside your home. But instead of stressing this, it is useful to focus on the cleanliness of your own clean space. You may think you are covered by wiping your kitchen counters and saving your bathroom from time to time, but there are many more points around the house that could use once daily and rarely, If ever, get one. To keep you and your family in good health, we have gathered this list of thethings you should clean every day. Some of them can surprise you.

Your keyboard

Keyboard things you should clean every day

You probably type your computer every day, so it is not surprising that the thing has crawled with bacteria. According to a 2018 study published in theInternational Journal for Environmental Research and Public Health, your keyboard can even be grumpy with sTaphylococcus aureus, which can cause potentially serious infections in humans.

Make sure to exit any dirt that hides between your keys with a computer dander and give your keyboard a daily cleaning with an electronic safety cleaner or an alcohol to rub, keeping not to saturate The cloth you apply.

Your bed

unmade bed in room for isolation

When you wash your sheets and pillowcases every day, it's important to clean your bed daily for your mental and physical well-being. A 2016AmeriLeep's study found that yourpillowcase Only three million bacteria per square inch at the end of a single week, with this number jumping at 11.96 million here at the end of a month. So, at the very least, you should wash your sheets once every seven days.

Your bottle of water

blue water bottle with silver top
Shutterstock / Fabrikasimf

Any attempt to improve your health with a reusable bottle of water could simply return fire if you do not clean it daily. Research published in theAnnals of civil and environmental engineering In 2017 revealed that the average quantity of bacteria in adultsReusable water bottles was 75,000 per milliliter. If left is not cleaned, this number had the potential to reach up to two million per milliliter in one day.

If you want to keep your bottle clean, make sure to empty the water bottle at the end of each day and wash it with a mixture of antibacterial soap and hot water. Or, if you have one, simply do it in thedishwasher. And if you want to reduce the growth of bacteria in the first place, try copper bottles, which have anaturally antimicrobial effect.

Your rings

Man is taking off the wedding ring

The main purpose of your wedding ring is to serve as a symbol of your commitment to your spouse. But it is also apparently a breeding ground for seriously coarse bacteria.

In 2009, researchers at the University of Oslo discovered thatrings Increased total number of bacteria in the hands of health workers. In fact, individuals wearing rings were twice as likely to haveEnterobacteriaceae (a group that includesE. coli andsalmonella) on their hands than those who have not worn jewelry. Fortunately, just put these rings in a mixture of hot water and soap or jewelery antibacterial soap can help reduce the bacterial load.

Your phone

Woman Using Fingerprint Scanner on Smartphone things you should clean every day

Hundreds of times a day,You touch your phone-Reve it to your face. Needless to say, the thing could certainly use a regular cleaning. So, how dirty is your device? According to a 2017 study on health workers' phones published in theIranian newspaper of micobiology46% of participants had six different types ofBacterial growth on their phones.Acinetobacter Baumannii, a major source of infection in hospitals and antibioticsTaphylococcus aureus were among the most common.

However, a simple swildy with a cloth soaked (not soaked) with frictional alcohol can quickly kill a large part of unwanted bacteria on your phone.

Your cup of coffee

young woman yawning while having coffee in the morning at home

MicrobiologistDr. Charles Gerba RecountTime than about 20% ofFecal bacteria of coffee port, and this empires: the amount they wore can grow considerably if you rinse only instead of giving them a deep cleaning.

To maintain the growth of bacteria at the bay, put your cup in the dishwasher or wash it with hot water with antibacterial soap with a flat brush that has recently been disinfected. And about these flat brushes and sponges ...

Your sponges

Sponges things you should clean every day

Sponges are not exactly impeccable-in fact, far from it. You can use them to clean your dishes and wipe your counters, but if you are notClean your sponge flat Everyday, everything you do isspillaround your house. According to the search published in theInternational Journal of Food Microbiology in 2003,Kitchen sponges are frequently contaminated by pathogens likeE. coli andSalmonella.And you can easily transfer these potentially harmful bacteria to other surfaces when you use them to clean.

Fortunately, kill bacteria on your sponge is relatively simple: do it in the dishwasher for a complete cleaning and a dry cycle and youkill so many pathogens as a cleaning method can. According toGood HousekeepingYou can also disinfect your sponge in the microwave. Simply sature the sponge in the microwave with water, then heat it for a minute to two minutes.

Your remote control

Remote Control things you should clean every day

If you want to keep your home at your home an entire cleanser, make a wiping point of your remote controls at the end of each day. The research presented at the 2012 General Meeting of the American Society of Microbiology revealed thatremote controls are the most loaded items of germs in the hotel rooms, with fecal bacteria appearing on81% remote controls studied. Fortunately, everything you need is a bit of frictional alcohol on a clean cloth, if not simply an antibacterial hypotherapy - to kill most of these Icky germs.

Your handle handle

brass doorknob, things housekeepers hate
Shutterstock / B.E. Lewis

If you think these people using their elbows or paper towels to open the doors are paranoids, think again. According to a 2012 study published in theContinental Journal of Medical Research, among 180door handles and pippes wrapped by researchers, nearly 87% had bacterial contamination, with 30% positive test forStaphylococcus aureus, 16% positive test forE. coliand 26% hostingKlebsiella pneumoniae, Bacteria associated with the development of pneumonia and bronchitis.

And although it may seem scary, a simple essence with an antibacterial cleaner can take care of most of this bacterium.

Your shower head

shower head things you should clean every day

If you think your shower head is a self-cleaning entity, you are mistaken unfortunately. In fact, keeping everyone in your healthy household, it's worthwhine to wipe a shower shower solution every day with an antibacterial cleaning or daily whitening solution. So, what do you risk if you choose not to do it? Well, research published in 2018 by American society for microbiology links bacteria commonly found onshowerhead at an increased risk of respiratory diseases.

Your bath towels

a shirtless man holding a towel looking in the mirror, things you should clean every day

Just because your bath towels dry your so-called clean body does not mean that they are clean themselves. Mr. Gerba's research has indicated a 90% rate of the contamination of coliform bacteria on bath towels, with about 14% of towels hostE. coli.

It's because the hot and humid air of your bathroom is the ideal environment for such bacteria to multiply and, if you share towels, you can also cross conditions such as ringworm and impetigo . To make sure your towels are clean and ready to use, wash and dry thoroughly on high heat to beat everythingpersistent germs.

Your loofah

loofah and bath brush, things you should clean every day
Shutterstock / Alina_danilova

Exfoliate with a loofah and you might beAdd more bacteria to the surface of your skin that you slouge. A 1994 1994 study of OFT published in theClinical Microbiology Journal unveiled thatLoofahs Transporterpseudomonas,xanthomonas,klebsiella,Enterococcus, andGroup B Streptococcus bacteria. And since the loofahs are made of natural materials, making them difficult to disinfect, you will do better with a toilet glove regularly washed or of an exfoliating silicone glove (which can be sterilized with boiling water).

Your sink and your countertop of the bathroom

Shutterstock / Joseph Jacobs

You use your bathroom sink to wash your face and brush your teeth, but if you do not clean it daily, you could make a bad service.

According to recent research conducted by Travelmath,Bathroom meters In the hotel rooms feature an average of 1,288,817 bacterial units in the colony - and they are professionally cleaned on a regular basis. It means that your sink at home could haveeven more Bacteria. Nevertheless, there is no huge need to freder: a wipe with a solution of bleach every day and water can kill these bad bacteria in an instant.

Your sink trap

Bathroom drain, sink trap, things you should clean every day

These germs you arewash one's hands do not necessarily go straight in the drain; Many stick around your sink trap. According to the search published inControl of hospital infections and epidemiology In 2018, the source of an epidemic of antibiotic-resistant bacteria at an Israeli hospital was found at the propertycross. The running water caused the bacteria that are hosted there to become a airborne.

To prevent this from happening at home, clean your sink with daily antibacterial cleaners or make your own solution of bleach and water to pour the drain.

Your razor

middle aged man shaving beard

A "clean shaving"May not be as clean as you think. A 2019 study published inEuropean radiology foundBarbs contain quantities of "significantly higher" bacteria that dogs, including potentially harmful varieties, such asStaphylococcus aureus. When you shave, some of these bacteria are transferred to your razor and the frequently wet environment of your bathroom creates an ideal atmosphere to multiply.

So, how do you take care of this potentially infectious problem? Replace these blades regularly and give your razor a soak in a solution of white half-vinegar and half-water to kill all persistent bacteria.

Your toothbrush

Toothbrush holder in the bathroom, things you should clean every day

You use your toothbrush to clean food particles, plate and other sources of your teeth, so it should be as little surprising as it is a bacterial activity. A review of research published inNursing research and practice In 2012 suggested thatToothbrushes are systematically contaminated with things likeStaphylococcus aureus,E. coli, andPseudomonas.In addition to this, traditional storage techniques - like putting a toothbrush on a bathroom counter or covering it with a bacterial growth of capital increase.

However, there is a simple right solution in your bathroom: soak your toothbrush in an antibacterial mouthwash can significantly reduce its bacterial load.

Bath toys of your children

rubber ducks floating in water things you should clean every day

It's not because they spend their time sitting at Studs does not mean that bath toys are clean as a whistle. Think of it in this way: the bath toys actually spend a good part of their day soaked in the water charged with bacteria. Search published inBiofilms and microbiomas In 2018 revealed that 58% ofBath toys contained mushrooms, while a third of the bath toys had bothlisteria andL. pneumophila Bacteria, the latter being a main cause of legionnaires.

Your cooking meters

granite counters things you should clean every day

To simply put it, chances are high, your kitchen counters are disgusting. According to the 2011 research of the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF),Kitchen counters are part of the dirtier parts of a house, with more than 30% hosting potentially harmful coliform bacteria.

However, some soap and water followed by a dilute whitening solution can accelerate these germs once and for all.

Your dishes

dish washing hacks
Shutterstock / Africa Studio

If you want to keep your own cleanser at home, it's important not to let the dishes languish in your sink for days at a time. The combination of food particles and lukewarm water in your sink creates the perfect breeding ground for bacteria. In fact, the NSF found that cooking sinks had the second largest bacterial concentration of the whole house.

So, to the extent possible, scrape your plates and charge them directly into the dishwasher or wash them by hand immediately after use. Make sure you wipe your sink with an antibacterial cleaner or blend of bleach and water.

Your cutting boards

Sharp knife chopping tomatoes things you should clean every day

Leaving these cutting tables just used on the counter without washing it is a recipe for bacterial growth. According to a 1997 study at the National Center of France for veterinary and food studies, there is a wealth ofBacteria hanging on your cutting board- Will you welcome if it's wooden. Even worse, common means of eliminating foods from cutting boards, such as scratching, only receive bacteria to dig deeper. So, make sure to wash your cutting boards on everyday life!

Your flat towels

dish towel things you should clean every day
Shutterstock / Africa Studio

If you do not wash your tea towels every day, you could put yourself at risk of illness. As they are regularly used to dry hands, clean the countertop spills and wipe the surfaces, the tea towels pick up huge amounts of daily bacteria. The NSF has even listed them as the most in charge of germs in a typical house, sharing the top of the square with kitchen sponges.

To clean them, make sure to run them through a disinfection cycle in your washing machine and dry them completely.

Your coffee maker

coffee maker things you should clean every day

If you use your coffee maker every day, you have to clean it every day, just as you would make any other food preparation tool. The coffeemaker reservoir takes the fifth place on the list of household germs of the NSF; Its dark and humid environment is a perfect breeding ground for mold and bacteria.

To keep it clean, run a solution of vinegar and water. Then use the same solution to wipe it when you have finished using it for the day.

The litter box of your cat

litterbox things you should clean every day

Keep your pet comfortable and healthy means more than providing belly treats and friction. If you have a feline friend in your home, it is important that you keep their clean litter box with the softening daily. If you do not do it, you do not just create a source of stress for your cat, you may encourage them inadvertently to treat anywhere else in your house - carpets to cardboard boxes - like their litter de facto. We do not need to explain how raw and unhealthy.

Your edges

wood windowsill things you should clean every day

Anyone who loves to keep his windows open on a temperate spring day would be wise to give their edges a laundry of daily edges. Open windows can contribute to higher interior pollen levels than average. Given thatPollen season of Amolvia increases more and more inside the United States and that there has been a potentially linkedUtility in environmental allergies and asthmaIt is important to keep all surfaces that can lead to own pollen accounts.

Your steering wheel

man driving car, things you should clean every day
Shutterstock / Andrey_Popov

Before going out for a reader, you may want to consider wiping your steering wheel first. A recent study of Carrentals.com revealed that the averageHarbors of flying 629 bacterial units of the colony By centimeter-four times the amount found on a medium public toilet seat! The solution? Give your wheel a wipe with an antibacterial cleaner, regularly change your filters, regularly wipe your filters and often suck your car.

Additional reporting by Sage Young.

Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: cleaning / Home
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