11 ways to highlight high cholesterol

Know the habits that can raise your LDL.

High cholesterol is a national problem. According toCenters for Disaster Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 102 million American adults live with total levels of cholesterol at 200 mg / dL, which is cut for healthy cholesterol. Worse still, one-third of those whose cholesterol goes above the safety zone contains levels greater than 240 mg / dl, which puts them toSerious risk for potentially fatal health problems. According toNicole Weinberg, MD, a cardiologist at the Savidence St. John's Health Center in California, too many LDL, or "bad" cholesterol, blocks your arteries and "can lead to aheart attack,cerebral accident, or death. "

Since high cholesterol is a "silent killer" with virtually noneVisible symptomsIt is almost impossible to recognize when your levels are too high without going to the doctor for a blood test. However, what youcan do is control thehabits that put you in danger For high cholesterol. Continue reading to discover some of the things that high cholesterol. You can adjust your lifestyle levels and cholesterol as possible.

You take anti-acne medications.

Close up Girl applying aloe gel to problematic skin with acne scars, Health care products at medical industry. girl gently touches her forehead with pimples on her skin.

Do you use the anti-acne Accuman to control yourbreak? If this is the case, it could put you greater risk of high cholesterol. In 2006, researchers from theUniversity of California, San Francisco and Kaiser Permanent Data analyzed on nearly 14,000 subjects taking the drug - otherwise called isotretinoin - and they found that 31% had high cholesterol levels. In addition, when these people with high cholesterol have ceased to take the medicine, 79% have seen their cholesterol levels back to normal.

You take contraceptive pills.

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Although birth control pills can be useful for protecting against unplanned pregnancies and symptoms of the serious period, some brands can also come with their fair share of side effects - high cholesterol being one of them. A 2012 study published in thePakistan Journal of Biological Sciences found that oral contraceptive users had total cholesterol levels of 24.43 mg / DL higher than those who have not taken birth.

You live in a highly polluted area.

Pollution in the Skies in Thailand Childhood Habits that Affect Health

When scientists fromEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA) has studied the impact of pollution on the body in 2019, they found that the pollution of fine particles contributes to high cholesterol levels, in particular LDL, in patients with heart disease. In addition, researchers found that "people with higher LDL levels may be more likely to impact the health of air pollution",Dr. Laura McGuinn, Author of the study, in a press release.

You are stressed all the time.

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According toAmerican Heart Association, simplyto be stressed Suffice to increase your cholesterol levels and put your heart to harm your heart. A 2005 study published in the newspaperPsychology of health Studied the impact of mental stress on 199 people and concluded that people with higher stress levels also tend to also have total cholesterol levels and total cholesterol cholesterol and HDL cholesterol.

You drink excessive quantities of coffee.

Women Drinking Coffee
Shutterstock / Kikovic

From each morning With a cup of coffee will not increase your cholesterol levels. This could give you a high cholesterol level, it's drinking excessive amounts of caffeinated beverage. In a 2018 study published in the journalHeart, researchers studied the effects ofCoffee On 116 healthy young adults and found that the greatest coffee drank, the higher their LDL and their total cholesterol levels.

You consume red meat everyday.

a nice juicy steak is delicious, but it can also lead you to an early death.

Although they are decadent and delicious, red meat products likesteaksHamburgers and chopped beef should only be consumed of moderation. These animal derived products are all full of saturated fats, than theMAYO Clinic The notes can increase your total cholesterol. Other foods rich in saturated greases include fatty dairy products and some products derived from the plant such as coconut oil.

You dine at 10 o'clock.

Three young coworkers eat pizza late at night, high cholesterol

When you eat all over your cholesterol levels like what you eat. In a 2019 study published in the journalNutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular DiseasesThe researchers analyzed the effect of meal time on cholesterol and found that total total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol was specifically higher in those who eat later at night. Specifically, LDL cholesterol levels have increased an average of 0.94 mg / dL when topics have eaten 100 calories plus night.

You do not work regularly.

Woman Relaxing and Being Lazy on the Couch High Cholesterol

One of the many things that regular exercise protects against high cholesterol. It is according to theMAYO Clinic, who notes that "exercise Helps strengthen the HDL of your body, or "good" cholesterol while increasing the size of the particles that make up your LDL, or "bad" cholesterol, which makes it less harmful. "

And you do not watch your weight.

belly fat

No body are identical, and so everyone will have different goals and standards when it comes totheir weight. However, there is one thing that everyone can use as a universal measure of health: body mass index or IMC. And when it comes to BMI, the Mayo clinic warns that you do not want to go over 30; Once you have done it in the 30-year-old beach, which is considered obese, you put yourself at a higher risk of high cholesterol.

You are a smoker.

man smoking how people are healthier

Smoking only takes a threat to your health by increasing your risk of lung cancer. According toCDCThis also raises your cholesterol and "damages your blood vessels, accelerates the hardening of the arteries andconsiderably increases your risk of heart disease. "So, if you are currently smoking, then make your heart a favor and give up this habit for good.

You freene the drink.

Man's hand holds whiskey glass at bar, 40 year old virgin

The consumption of the frenzy is bad not onlyFor your liverBut for your cholesterol too. A 2018 study published in theJournal of the American Heart Association Shows that young adults who frustrate regular beverages are more likely to have high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels and high blood glucose. On average, the drinkers of the frenzy of the study had a total cholesterol ranging from 7.7 to 10.1 mg / dl higher than non-binge drinkers. And for more ways to make sure your heart is healthy, pay attention to these23 unexpected signs that your heart is unhealthy.

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