Fucius says that hydroxychloroquine is not a proven coronavirus dumerur
The head of the working force of the White House Coronavirus house is charging enthusiasm for unproven Covid-19 treatment.

Pandemic coronavirus has the world attempting to limit the epidemic and treat mortal contagion that should cost hundreds of thousands of American lives. In the midst of this fear of surreal public health, it has been reported that a treatment against malaria known asHydroxychloroquine is an effective treatment for COVID-19. CornAnthony Fauci, MD, the first virologist on the working group on the coronavirus of the White House, suggests that it is too early to see it as an effective treatment.
Over the last two weeks, hydroxychloroquine has entered the vernacular many Americans, partly because of the presidentDonald Trump's repeated promotion of this as aEffective treatment possible For those with COVID-19. Wednesday, aSurvey of Global Physicians Treating People Affected by Coronavirus Captured a lot of attention to search for any news of positive medical news.
The survey was conducted by SERMO, which describes itself as the "data collection company of the greatest health and the world social platform for doctors". Sermo noted that the report "took advantage of its capabilities to publish a COVID-19 study with more than 6,200 doctors in 30 countries. The study was completed in three days. The data cover the options of Current treatment and prophylaxis, the time of the epidemic peak, the effectiveness of the government's responses, and much more. "The specific part of the report that has eyebrows raised the highest?
- The three most commonly prescribed treatments among Covid-19 cheats are 56% analgesic, 41% azithromycin and 33% hydroxychloroquine
- The use of hydroxychloroquine among COVID-19 treaties is 72% in Spain, 49% in Italy, 41% in Brazil, 39% in Mexico, 28% in France, 23% in the United States, 17% In Germany, 16% in Canada, 13% in the United Kingdom and 7% in Japan
- Hydroxychloroquine was generally chosen as the most efficient therapy Among the COVID-19 Treters of the 15 Options list (37% of Covid-19 Treaties) of 75% in Spain, 53% of Italy, 44% in China, 43% in Brazil, 29% in France, 23 % in the United States and 13% in the United Kingdom
The fat part above was what many set to zero. But, for a Friday morning appearance onFox and friends, Fauci was questioned about this new positive and said: "It was not a very robust study. It is always possible that there is a beneficial effect ... on a scale of proof force, this is not extremely strong. It's an indication, an index. "
He added to theFox and friendsAnchors: "I think you said you said 37% of doctors" that it's beneficial - we do not sue on how you feel. We operate on what proof is, and that the data are. So, although there is a suggestion with the study that has been suggested just mentioned ... I mean, it is recommended to suggest that there is an advantage out there, I think we have to pay attention What we do not do this majestic jump to assume that it is a knockout medicine. It's understandable why people may want to take something anyway, even with the slightest punch of it affecting. "
So whereas there may be reasons of positive thoughts, depending on Fauci, which has largely welcomed bipartis praise for its leadership in this global public health crisis, it is too early to see hydroxychloroquine as a cure for Coronavirus. And for more facts, check15 myths of coronavirus, you have to stop believing, according to doctors.

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