19 surprising means on the weather affect your health

The change in seasons has a significant impact on your body.

Between apple picking festivities, non-chillic sweater time, and flavored pumpkinall, the fall is an easy season to love. One thing you could do not realize, however, is that the temperature change has somewhatEffects on your healthAlso - some for the better, and some for the worse. Here are 19 surprising ways that the automotive weather affects yourwell-being, according to the experts.

Your risk of cardiac attack increases.

man clutching chest having heart problems

Your heart is certainly not a fan of this cold in the air. "In cold weather, we generally see heart attack rises," explains the internist and cardiologist based in New YorkEdo Paz, MD, a doctor withK Health. "There are various reasons for this, including increased blood pressure and an increased risk of blood clots. The best way to mitigate this risk isDress warmly. "

Your eyes are dry.

woman using eye drops

The cold and dry air of the fall tends toDry your eyes and leave a burning sensation in his wake. "Seasonal changes like dryer are worse a dry eye," according to experts fromPiedmont Eye Care In Charlotte, in North Carolina. This is because they "can not produce enough tears or produce low-quality tears".

When your eyes begging from moisture, you can get relief using artificial tears or getting your doctor's eye drops. Piedmont's optometrists also suggests getting a humidifier, protecting their eyes outside with a hat or sunglasses, staying hydrated, taking pauses on the screen and negotiate in your contacts for glasses.

Your skin becomes cracked and dry.

woman putting on lotion

The cold is not just bringing the dryness of the eyes. It also dries your skin, says Paz. To combat the problem - and make sure you are not itching and cracked all season, use a lot of lotion,Load on a sunscreenAnd jump the long showers and hot baths, which do not dry only your skin even more.

You feel more pain and pains.

man with back pain sitting on a bed, signs you need a new mattress

Always feel more of a pain in the coldest months? You're not alone.Research showed that there may be an association between colder temperatures and an increase in pains and pains, in particularIn back and neck regions.

There are several theories behind that, but a single eminent, according to the University of Chicago Medicine RheumatologistAnisha Dua, MD, MPH, is because of the "drops of barometric pressure, which causes tendons, muscles and surrounding tissues to grow". According to Dua, "because of the confined space in the body, this can cause pain, especially in articulations affected by arthritis.

Your levels of vitamin D whisper.

hand holding vitamin d capsule fall weather health

In summer, all this sun that you absorb gives you more than enough vitamin D. However, once the season changes, it is no longer all in case.

"In the fall, our levels of vitamin D fall quickly," saysWhite kristine, PhD, RPA-C, owner of the New YorkIntegrative healing center. According to white, when your levels of vitamin D fall, you are not just more likely to cold and influenza, but this can also affect your hormone levels. "Vitamin D is a pre-hormone and helps sex hormones resembling DHEA and testosterone-stay at healthy levels," she says. "Good levels of sex hormonescan affect the sex drive, as well as motivation for doing work,hobbyand even to work. "

You feel depressed.

sad, depressed, or tired man in his bed, parent divorce

The fall should bring joy in the form of pleasureFamily holidays and comfortable film evenings at the fire. However, it is also known to provide a seasonal emotional disorder (SAD), which "can cause symptoms of depression typically due unless exposure to the sun," says Paz. His advice? "Paste on a regular training routine" to keep your endorphine levels up.

And you miss energy too.

MS symptoms

Sad does not just affect your mood. This also affects your energy levels. In addition to making you depressed, seasonal disorder can also make you feel slow and agitated to come down, according to theMAYO Clinic. If this is the case for you, discuss with your doctor about treatment options so that changing seasons do not prevent your mind.

You have trouble breathing.

Woman Using Her Inhaler Fall Weather Health

Once the air is cold, you may have a more difficult breathing time. According toAmerican Pulmonary AssociationCold and dry air can irritate the respiratory tract of those already dealing with breathma problems or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). If you know you have air problems, always make sure to group you and avoid exercising outside when the air is particularly dry.

You are at a higher risk of getting sick.

Man getting sick at his desk in his office

When the temperature drops and you spend more time inside, you are at a higher risk of going down witha cold or influenza. According toBerkeley Well-being In at the University of California, people pick up viruses in the fall no time itself, but from the moment passed inside Suite near the others. Of course, sitting within reach of someone who is increasing your chances of illness to pick up theirgerms.

Your allergies take a ride.

man sneezing

Your allergies will inevitably be impacted by the climatic conditions of autumn. However, whether for the best or the worst depend on what you are allergic to exactly.

"The arrival of autumn time will bring relief for some, and an aggravation of symptoms for others," says the doctor in CaliforniaAlexandra Stockwell, MD. "Anyone who suffers from a pollen allergy begins to feel a certain relief when the temperature drops, moisture improves and pollen is no longer in the air. And for people allergic to mold, the fall time can exacerbate the symptoms. Prosperous mold in piles of leaves, piles of compost, and is the decomposition of organic matter everywhere. Because it is in the air, you can undergo negative effects by molds in the surrounding areas ".

You get more headaches.

old woman fell and is holding her head

It is not uncommon in cold weather for headaches. Indeed, according to theMAYO ClinicThe autumn season is full of migraine triggers, ranging from dry air to atmospheric pressure changes.

You sleep better.

woman sleeping unhealthy heart habits

When youget enough sleep every night, Your mood improves, increase your energy levels, and you haveLess desires of junk food. And the transition of summer in the fall could be the key to finally help you get a solid sleep schedule.

"Do you want to bed earlier that it gets dark earlier resultsa better quality sleep, Better control of insulin, and the feeling rested enough to work the next day ", saysMonica Moreno Austlander, MS, RD, LD / N, nutrition consultant forRER NUTRITION In Miami Gardens, Florida. It is a victory in the room that translates more success in the kitchen, to the gym, and almost everywhere else.

You feel hair loss.

female hair loss hairbrush

According toCHOE center for hair restoration In Virginia Beach, Virginia, people usually lose between 50 and 100 strands of hair a day. However, in typical months autumn in October and November-this number tends to get closer to 100. If you notice aAdditional excretion In the shower or when you brush your hair in the fall, it's probably nothing to fear.

Your diet could improve.

man and woman cooking in a brick-walled kitchen, better wife over 40

During thesummer monthsIt is fun to go out and enjoy the hot weather in outdoor bars and restaurants. In the fall, however, you are much more inclined to make the most of your kitchen, which are excellent news for your well-being and both your size.

"The cooler temperatures drop a great time to hit the producers' markets and add some local food and season in your diet," saysSheli MSALL, Rdn, the back dietitianNutritionista abroad. "It is also a season of pleasure to cook and cook, as you do not bother me warm the kitchen now that it gets colder outside. »

Or you can pack on the books.

man and woman eating junk food

While autumn can bring on healthy eating habits, seasonal change can also have the opposite effect. "When weather turns colder, we generally adjust our eating styles to warm comfort foods associated withFamily events and public holidays, "saysBrenda Rea, MD, DRPH, PT, RD, the family and the doctor of preventive medicine atLoma Linda University Health In Loma Linda, California. "This has often been drinking hot and sweet drinks, hot soups loaded with saturated fats and salt, and classes with sugar, saturated greases and refined flour. »

Fortunately, REA says that these comfort foods can easily be replaced by similar and much healthier! -Alternatives that are just as satisfactory. "Hot drinks can be replaced by water from warm green tea or lemon, soups may have less salt and fat-free, while maintaining a fabulous taste, and fruits can be consumed fresh and transformed into a Compoted with fruit with dates to sweete, "she suggests. And speaking of teas ...

You could inadvertently, the inflammation ward off.

warm tea

Chronic inflammation can lead to a long list of health problems, fromCardiac diseases with autoimmune disorders. The good news? Have the desire to sip a tea during the Filly Fall months could help fight. "Autumn teas and spices are anti-inflammatory," says Moreno. Come sip green tea, curcuma tea and ginger tea for best results.

You could become more active.

Woman running outside in the fall fall weather health

During summer,The sun is strong-Fort too hard to allow execution or any other type of external training. Once autumn strikes, however, time cools a little, making it a good time to reach your activity levels before hits hits.

"As time cools, it's a perfect opportunity to cycle,walk, or run outside in time falls autumn, especially in the morning before work and weekend, "says Moreno." Who does not like to lore the beautiful foliage? "

But you could also become more sedentary.

Two Black Women on Couch watching a movie Fall Weather Health

However, for some people, fall subsidy temperatures are ideal for outdoor activities, for others, it's the opposite. The cold weather could send youdirectly in the hibernation mode, forcing you to give up yourHabite in favor of lounging on the couch.

If you avoid the outdoors, make sure you integrate at least some exercises at home in your routine. There are many different applications, online training programs and free videos on YouTube to enjoy.

You are amplified on the oxytocin.

couple reading a book in bed

"With lower temperatures and a moisture drop, people sweat less, and cuddle together on the couch or a chimney become attractive," says Stockwell. "Time features time often leads to more physical contact, more cuddling, more hugs and an overall increase in contact contact."

So, what does it have to do with your health? Well, according to Stockwell, "physical touch is important for general well-being, as well asMental and emotional health, so be sure to take your time and keep you warm with those you like. And for more relationship counseling, do not miss these40 ways to be a better partner after 40.

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