The director of the CDC shocked everyone with this sentence

Robert R. Redfield, MD, offered a new surprising perspective on Covid protection.

We have known for a long time thatFacial masks are an essential tool for slowing the spread of COVID-19 and their widespread use has had a dramatic impact on thecoronavirus pandemic At the same time, many people have had hope that the development of a CVID vaccine will be able to help the country to contain once and for all and to normality. But at a hearing from the Senate Committee as of 16 September, centers of director of disease control and prevention (CDC)Robert R. Redfield, MD, relaying a check of shocking reality:Masks can provide more efficient protection against COVID than a vaccine.

"We have clear scientific evidence that they work," said redfield of face coverings. "ThisThe facial mask is more guaranteed to protect me Against Covid-19 that when I take a Covid vaccine. "

Redfield also called a facial mask "the most powerful public health tool we have". "I use all the Americans to kiss these face coatings," he added.

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The idea that easy masks are incredibly useful inMitigate the propagation of the virus Is not it a new one, but the notion that they could finally be more important than a vaccine is certain to change the way many people think about the future of the pandemic. After all, the potential Vaccine of Covid-19 is often discussed as the way life will come back how it was at the beginning of 2020.Anthony Fauci, MD, the main expert on the infectious disease of the nation, recently described back to theaters - without masks - as something that could be possible per yearAfter a vaccine is developed.

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But it is important to note that any speech of a vaccine is always theoretical: there are multiple vaccines in development and that we finish withmay not be as effective As experts hope it will be. In fact, it is likely that Covid vaccine does not completely prevent infection, but the probability of becoming sick and developing severe infection.

To put things in perspective, a July study of the University of California, Davis revealed that face masks can reduce your ownRisk of contracting Covid 65%. (The masks are even more useful to prevent those around you from getting sick, if you are a carrier.) And if scientists hope to develop a 75% effective coronavirus vaccine, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will allow a vaccine who isOnly 50% effective.

With that in mind, the words of Redfield have meaning - the provenMasks efficiency Keeping away from coronaviruses, can make it a more important tool in the containment of COVID than the vaccine, which remains a major stranger. Nevertheless, it is a shocking statement to consider, especially for the people who looked at theCOVID vaccine As the end of the pandemic, or perhaps, at least, the end of the need to wear masks. And for more CDC advice,40% of the cooviding patients went here before getting sick, said CDC.

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Tags: Coronavirus / News
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