40 health risks that explode after 40

Here are the health conditions you will need to search once you hit your forty.

Some people are afraid to turn 40, but this is certainly not considered such ancient age in the way it was only a decade ago a decade ago. And some say that life does not really take offup to 40. You are cemented in yourcareer, you have masteredThis relationship relationshipAnd, hey, you might even raise a family. Once you have reached the age of the age of stage, there is a good chance that you have a better sense of who you are and what you want from life - and you hope to have the ability to go out and get it.

However, hitting the BIG 4-0 comes with its fair share of concerns, and not the least of them being the rise in health risks. Just like your chances of sufferingSerious symptoms of COVID-19 Increase as you get older, so you risk developing a number of health conditions. As for most things, the best offense is a good defense. By arming up to know what to expect, you can help protect yourself from many potential health problems. With this, here are 40 common conditions to search after 40 years. And for more than one condition in particular a particular condition, discover40 early signs of everyone from Alzheimer's disease more than 40 years old should know.

Heart disease

man in hospital, heart risk factors

The risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) exponentially increases with age. In fact, according to 2013Data ofAmerican Heart Association, about 70% of people aged 60 to 79 have a form of CVD. By affecting for more than 80 years, this number passes to an average of85%. It is therefore important to start taking steps to improve your cardiac health in the quarantine of your forties, including to remain physically active and maintain a healthy diet. And for more advice to stay healthy as you get older,Discover 40 cardiac risk factors you need to pay attention after 40.

Chronic fatigue

Tired woman on couch

Chronic fatigue defined as a condition of regular fatigue, not bound to a disease, which lasts more than six months - affects those of all ages (except, perhaps adolescents growing). But, according toHARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOLIt is much more serious if you are in your fifth decade. Once chronic fatigue sets after your passage 40, it can be exponentially more difficult for yourenergy levels return to what they were before the condition.


stressed woman sitting in a chair, risks after 40

It isalmost impossible to avoid stress In your 40s, not to mention during a pandemic. After all, you have probably got a charge of responsibility on your plate. Nevertheless, it is important to handle such stress - take a vacation or, at the very least, a personal day from time to time - to avoid supporting a part ofStress of more living side effects of life Can bring, such as weight gain, high blood pressure, hair loss, depression and increased risk of heart attack and cerebral stroke. And for more ways to feel submerged can take his toll, check18 silent signs Your stress hurts your health.


sad woman looking out to the side

According to a 2015 study published inPerspectives on psychological science, Social isolation is associated with "increased risk of mortality". Since many people are found with fewer friends near forty, with much of their free time to socialize engulfed by work and other obligations - it is crucial to take steps to avoid loneliness.


Closeup of woman's hand holding dental floss

According toNational Institute for Dental Research and CraniofacialAbout 17% of people over 65 have paroontal or gum, illness. Although aging is a risk factor for periodontitis that you do not have much control, youcan Check some other factors that cause disease: smoking, drug addiction and silk. (Yes,Your dentist was right.) And for the things you make that shock your doc, check25 things you do this horrible your dentist.

Epstein-Barr virus

sick at home series with a japanese man and woman.

The Epstein-Barr virus, or EBV, is the virus that causes a mononucleosis - and once a person is infected with her, they can wear a latent form for the rest of their lives. In fact, whenUniversity of DukeThe researchers tested topics over 60 for EBV, they found that, between 90 and 97%, had it in their blood.

Lower back pain

lower back pain, health risks over 40

To be sure, no one is safe from lower back pain. Behind the common cold is the second most common reason for Americans are heading at the doctor. But it is much more likely to hit in your last years: in fact,some studies Suggest 70% of the elderly will undergo regular back pain. And for more useful information delivered in your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Vitamin D deficiency

female health concerns after 40

Vitamin D - which is most easily available in nature from direct sunlight orFoods like eggs and fish-When an important nutrient that attracts throughout the construction of strong bone to regulate the levels of vital minerals in your body. Unfortunately, although age comes with vitamin D deficiency. In fact, a 2017 study published in the journalNutrients Determined that about half of all people over 65 do not have enough vitamin D in their blood.

Low magnesium

magnesium supplements

If you have high cholesterol levels - which tend to increase with age, it could be due to a lack of threaded magnesium, saysDr. Carolyn Dean, author ofAtrial fibrillation: remineralize your heart. "If there is not enough magnesium to limit the activity of the cholesterol conversion enzyme, we must make more cholesterol than necessary." That's exactly why, she says, in our "current circumstances of Magnesium deficient soil ... cholesterol has become raised in the population".

High homocysteine

male health concerns over 40

Dean notes that "20 to 40% of men over 40 have high levels of homocysteine". Although it is a chemical, you might not be fully aware, men with high levels have almost four times the risk of suffering from a heart attack, "she says.

Some ways to reduce this dangerous by-product of digestion include avoiding dairy and red meat, exercise and reduction or elimination of alcohol consumption.

Breast cancer

female patient receives bad news with older male doctor

People of all ages, ethnicities and yes, the genders should havebreast cancer On their radar, but it is a particularly urgent concern for women over 40 years old. A woman on eight in the United States will develop breast cancer during his life, while, according to theAmerican Cancer SocietyFor men, the risk of life of breast cancer is about 1 out of 833. Nevertheless, 500 men die of the disease each year, it is worthwhile to be aware.


sick white man in bed with tissues

Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs that can be fatally fatally if it is not treated. In fact, in 2013 alone, pneumonia and influenza were responsible for56,832 deaths In the United States, making them the eighth most murderer diseases in the country. Although it is natural to think that the disease affects young and old identical, it is much less common in children. According to a 2009 study published in theJournal of Aging and HealthThere are four times more cases of pneumonia observed in elderly patients each year than in people under 65 years of age.

Hearing loss

woman with gray hair cupping her ear because she is hard of hearing

According toNational Institute on AgingAbout one third of all individuals aged 65 to 74 suffer from a certain form of hearing loss, and nearly half of all the peoples of more than 75 years have trouble hearing. Although some people are trying to suffer from their hearing problems, it is important to note that these problems may worsen if it is not treated untreated. More scary, the results of a 2011 study published inJama Reveal that untreated hearing loss is associated with increased risk of dementia.


female health concerns after 40

Alzheimer is one of the most serious health risks after 40 years and women should monitor more than men. According to a report of theAlzheimer's association, about two-thirds of all Americans with the disease are women, because women tend to be more sensitive toGenes that cause Alzheimer's Compared to their male counterparts. Yet it's something that everyone should keep an eye on. ContagiousAlzheimerAnd other forms of early dementia can help slow the progression of the disease.

Memory loss

woman with a headache

The loss of memory means more than forgetting your keys: it means a frequent disability to remember even the most fundamental things. As you get older, your risk of loss of memory points dramatically - in fact, according to a review of the research published in theBritish medical newspaper(BMJ)With more than 65 years, about 45% of adults will deal with a form of memory loss or another.

Kidney stones

man kidney function

No, kidney calculations do not just affect men. In fact, according to a 2004 study published inBmj, kidney calculations affect about 5% of the population (even if so, are twice as likely than men than women). While the peak age of their appearance is 30 years old, the chances of forming a secondkidney stone After spending a first jump at a height absurdly50 percent within five to seven years.


Toilet with lid up, dad jokes

Incontinence - Politically, "the inability to conserve it", due to a weakening of the bladder muscles and the urethra - tends to come with age. According to a 2001 study published inOksner Journal, up to 20% of the elderly are limited by the disease.


woman falling down stairs How Depression Affects the Body
Shutterstock / 9nong

The fall is a serious health risk as we start growing up. According to a study of 57,000 topics published inThe Journal of Trauma: Injury, Infection and Critical CareThe elderly patients are three times more likely to die due to injuries suffered from a groundfall compared to people under 70 years of age.

Hip wounds

Man with hip pain

According toCDCMore than 300,000 people over 65 are hospitalized each year for hip fractures, many of which are the direct results of the fall. These fractures become more dangerous - and can even be the life of life - with age, so be more vigilant about slippery floors and iced sidewalks.


man holds head, health risks for men over 40

A cerebral concussion when you are young is ... well, not great. But when you are older, it's worse. Braincoms can cause headaches, confusion, vertigo and, according to a 2012 study inExercise and sports science Reviewsa permanent cognitive impairment if it is not treated.

Cerebral accident

Man having a stroke

According to a 2011 study in theNewspaper of the American Society of Geriatrics, the risk of suffering from acerebral accident Double every decade after the age of 45, which means that it is high time to start paying attention to your own risk factors. Among other things, these include smoking, high blood pressure and a sedentary lifestyle.

The good news? You do not need to engage in the training of marathon to reduce your risks: by a historical study out ofColumbia UniversityEven tranquil physical activity can reduce your risk of cerebral stroke.

Type 2 diabetes

woman testing blood, health risks after 40

Type 2 diabetes is the result of your body producing insulin, pancreatic hormone, but does not use it effectively. Although, according to theNational Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Renal DiseasesSome risk factors are in your control - your weight, for example, or your cholesterol - there is a major who is not: be over 45 years old.


female health concerns after 40

Once you have passed 40, your risk of osteoporosis - a disease that weakens the bones and exponentially increases the risk of a major-skyrocket break. In fact, according to theNational Foundation for Osteoporosis, one in two women and one in four on 50 will break a bone following the disease.

Chronic obstructive bronchopneumopathy

Woman having trouble breathing

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a debilitating disease caused by external substances, such as smoke, which affects the lungs and makes it difficult to breathe. Although COPD is frequently found in the geriatric community, a 2012 study published in the journalJama Noted that "the treatment of the elderly patient with COPD is very difficult" thanks to conditions such as osteoporosis that are more widespread among individuals over 40 years old.COPD RatesCOPD rates for women have not declined significantly since 1999. (Nevertheless, men are affected at a higher rate of 9% than women.)


sick man coughing outside

The emphysema is a condition in which lung air bags are damaged, leading to chronic shortness of breath. Since the main cause is exposed long-term to air suspension irritants, such as pollution, dust or smoke (especially tobacco smoke) - the risk of developing emphysema increases with the age. According toMAYO Clinic, the emphysema related to tobacco appears most often between 40 and 60 years old.


female health concerns after 40

In your 40s (and beyond), you can no longer rely on yourmetabolism keep youslim and healthy. But many elderly people seem to have trouble adjusting their way of life to accommodate this metabolic slowdown. In fact, a 2009 study published in theOnline Journal of Nursing Questions revealed that the number of older adults in difficulty with obesitydouble Over the past 30 years.


tendonitis women's health issues after 30
Shutterstock / Siam.pukkato

As you age, your tendonsbecome less able Tolerate stress and movement, leading to increased risk of tendonitis. This painful condition in which a tendon becomes inflamed - can be caused by all, tennis gardening, and is likely to linger if it is not treated. If you start feeling pain in your joints, stop the activity that probably causes it immediately and try to sizzle the injury; If the pain persists, excessive anti-inflammatories can help, but you should also consult a doctor.


middle aged asian man with female eye doctor wearing hijab
Shutterstock / Svrsly picture

According to the search for theAmerican Academy of Family Physicians(AAFP), about one in three people will suffer from a form of vision loss during which they are 65. An eye disease that patients should particularly monitor once they are more than 40 years old, glaucoma is a Typically hereditary condition that damages the optical nerve. Glaucoma tends to be asymptomatic at first, but if it is not treated, this can cause permanent blindness. It is therefore important to see the doctor of the eyes every year or two just to confirm that everything is fine, even if there seems to be any problem.


A doctor performing an eye examination in a hospital.
Shaun / iStock

According toAAFPLess than 5% of people under the age of 65 suffer from cataracts. On the other hand, almosthalf of all individuals over 75 suffer. So, they are certainly something to conscience.

Huntington's disease

female health concerns after 40

When people are born with a defective gene on chromosome 4, they have a gradual brain disorder called Huntington's disease (HD), which causes member movements, concentration problems and uncontrolled depression. According toHuntington Disease Society of AmericaThe symptoms usually occur between 30 and 50 years old and gradually develop for a period of decade. So, do not ignore this combination of symptoms if you embark on you.

Alcohol abuse

liqupr store

In your 1920s and 30, an additional or six drink might not be a huge deal. But once you spend 40, it's a bit. Health problems associated with strong cirrhosis of alcohol, pancreatitis and hypertension, not to mention psychological disorders - ask a question.

And then there is the risk of alcohol poisoning, which is significantly higher among the elderly: according to theCenters for Disaster Control and Prevention (CDC), 76% of alcohol intoxication deaths occur in people over 35 years old.

Pancreatic cancer

male health concerns over 40

Pancreas cancer rarely affects people under 45 - but the 2013 research published in the journalPancreas revealed that the incidence of the disease begins to point shortly after. Refixed to the fact that the survival rates of pancreas cancer remain devastating low, it is essential that people educate risk factors for the disease, including obesity and tobacco use, as they AGAIN.

Kidney disease


Renal disease, like many other health concerns, is positively correlated with age. (Being more than 60 croipes significantly your chances.) More scary, theKidney American Fundsuggests that up to one in three people is at risk. The problem is that renal disease may not have symptoms until the organ has lost much of its function. Therefore, if you have other risk factors - diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease - it is particularly essential to ask your doctor a blood test.


open toilet strange house noises

A 2015 study published in the journalCanadian family doctor Belowed that, between individuals over 65, about 26% of women and 16% of men suffer from constipation. And moreover, this frustrating place of theater can lead to serious health problems such as hemorrhoids, cracks and rectal prolapse.


Man Holding His Stomach in Pain, health questions after 40

Depending on the search forHARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOLThe duodenal ulcers - a wound in the mucosal of the small intestine - generally occur between 30 and 50 years and are a little more frequent in men than women. Stomach ulcers, on the other hand, are more likely to arise after 60 years and tend to affect women more than men.

Colon Cancer

Man with Colon Cancer male health concerns over 40

TheAmerican Cancer Society Believes that in the United States alone, more than 100,000 cases of colon cancer will be diagnosed this year, with men and women with an equal risk (4.49% versus 4.15%, respectively).

While the prognosis of those who catch it early continues to improve, the disease always leads to more than 50,000 deaths in the United States each year. And for those of 40 years of age and early 1950s, this number is on the rise: the deaths of colorectal cancer among people under 55 years of age have increased by 1% per year from 2007 to 2016.

Skin cancer

Dermatologist inspecting patient for skin cancer

Currently, more than 50% of all cancers are diagnosed in people over 65 - and according to a 2017 study published in the journal.Aging and diseaseThe elderly with white skin are more at risk of developing skin cancer. Evilcutaneous cancers Are mainly caused by external environmental factors (such as sunburn and exposure to UV rays), so it is important to ensure that you always take appropriate care when you go outside.


woman getting mole checked at the dermatologist, skin cancer facts
Shutterstock / Gordana SermEk

"The damage of the sun are cumulative," saysDr. Joshua Zuckerman, MD, FACS. As a result, the risk of melanoma compounds and increases with age. In addition to regularly wear solar screen -including in winter-People more than 40 should be hyper-conscious of any modification of their skin, such as new crises or discolorations.


female health concerns after 40

Although people aged 25 to 29 are most likely to get HIV, people over the age of 50 accounted for 17% of all new HIV diagnoses in the United States in 2016, according to theCDC. Although we all have the same risk factors for HIV, older individuals are not tested as often and are therefore more likely than their younger counterparts to be diagnosed when the virus is at its subsequent stages - which means that the disease is much more likely to lead to serious damage and even death.

Quarantine crisis

mid-life crisis

While treated as a Sitcom punchline, aquarantine crisis is anything but. Depression is not just something you can "scatter of" -il is a good faith medical condition. According toJohns Hopkins MedicalYou are more likely to develop it if you are 45 to 64 years old. In addition, those with depression are more likely to have CVDs, lower back pain, arthritis, diabetes and arterial hypertension. Seeing that all these conditions are more likely once you spend 40, depression is like the eye in a maelstrome of health risks.

Categories: Health
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