50 secret messages that your body tries to tell you

These surprising symptoms are the means of your body to tell you that something is wrong.

When you stop and think about it, it's amazing what our bodies can accomplish themselves. Metabolism, temperature control, healing and organ function are all automated, without the need for back and else conversation. But that does not mean that your body is nottrying Communicate with you all the time. As vehicle warning lights of a car, your body is equipped with many useful indicators - you may not know what they mean. In this spirit, we have compiled 50 surprising symptoms of your body to tell you that something is wrong.

You have a metal taste in your mouth = You could have a chronic renal disease

Man making a disgusted face

When your kidneys did not work properly for a long time, a substance called UREA accumulates in the blood, causing a condition called uremia. A diePrimary symptoms of uremia knows a metal taste. If it's your only symptom, it is almost certainly caused by something else, but combined with changes in urination and back pain, it could be a renal disease.

You have diagonal ear folds = you could have heart disease

Earlobe crease

Take a look at your ear lobe. If it has a line of wrinkles that fall, you may want to put an extra effort to strengthen your heart health. "There are many studies that support an association between [the fold of an earstone] and [coronary artery disease]", according to a 2015 report in theMedical Science Archives.

A number of studies have found that such folds were a sign of an increased risk of coronary heart disease. A 2016 study published in theBritish medical newspaper have found that those who have folds on both ears were at a greater risk than those with a fold on one ear.

You have a lot of skin tags = you are at risk of diabetes

Skin tags

The labels of the skin are small and benign of the growths on the surface of the skin. Diabetes is a condition that causes chronic high blood glucose. What is the connection? Scientists are still unsafe, but multiple studies, including this notable 2007 study published in theInternational Dermatology Journal-Have people with multiple skin tags are at higher risk of contractingType 2 diabetes.

You have a painful jaw = you could have a Lyme disease

Man experiencing jaw pain

Lyme disease is one of the most difficult diseases to diagnose. But if you fear that you can have it, take note of your jaw. If you suffer from chronic pain that come and go, the cause could, in fact, be this tick disease.

Although a health professional can see this jaw pain as TMJ-or "temporal mandibular articular disorder" - your body can try to tell you that it's something more serious, so make sure you Ask questions about Lyme specifically. AsLaura Landro to crushWall Street newspaperThe symptoms of Lyme disease include not only muscle headaches and muscular pain, but also complications that affect the joints, including the jaw.

You have the desire to chew ice = you need more iron

ice maker 50 amazing things your body tells you

If you like nothing more than groaning an ice drink so that you can go on the ice cubes left to the bottom, it may be time to reach a bottle of multivitamins.

A 2014 study published in the journalMedical assumption found that these two things are connected. Your body needs iron to help transport oxygen to your brain and muscles, and people who lack iron have fewer oxygen in their blood. The researchers think that the act of overturning on the ice triggers an answer in which your body sends more blood to the brain, which can produce feelings of greater vigilance.

If it looks like you and you are deficient of iron, the best sources for getting more iron are meat, poultry and fish.

There is a gray ring around your cornea = you have to watch your cholesterol

close up of arcus senilis during ophthalmic examination. - Image

A gray or white bow above your cornea is known asArcus Senilis. And if you have one, it can be a sign that you need to reduce fatty foods.

Arcus Senilisis the most common in adults and the result of fat deposits around the edge of the cornea. In more serious cases, especially when it occurs in younger people, this may result from high cholesterol or high triglyceride.

Your nails have white lines = you could have kidney disease

Nails with white lines

If your nails suddenly become white, the white lines appear on it, it could be a sign of something serious, such as kidney disease or liver. As a dermatologistChristine Poblete-Lopez, MD, says theCleveland Clinic, "White streaks and distinct tasks on the nails can indicate chronic renal disease." It also notes that dug nails, creating a spoon shape, can be a sign of renal problems.

But if you have always had white spots on your nails, you have little to fear - it's a normal event.

You have yellow pieces on your eyelids = you are at a higher risk of heart disease


The yellow bumps on the eyelids are called Xanthelasma, and according to theHarvard Heart LetterThey are a legitimate reason to be worried about your cardiac health. These pieces are actually small cholesterol deposits, similar to those who form in blood vessels and cause blockages. People with Xanthelasma are 40% more likely to develop cardiac disease and 51% more likely to have a heart attack.

You still have heartburn = you could have barrett's esophagus

Older woman experiencing heartburn

Most people suffer from stomach burns at one point during their lives, but if you are constantly, you risk developingBarrett's esophagus. If the lower part of your esophagus is chronically subjected to gastric acid, the cells that will start changing and can even become cancerous. Barrett's esophagus often leads to esophageal adenocarcinoma, so make sure your doctor knowsyour heart burns.

You want salty food = you could have Addison's disease

Potato chips

Some people like salty food. But if you find that you suddenly want chips, fries or other salty snacks - or look for the shaker at each meal - it can be a sign of something more serious. Adrenal deficiency, also called Addison's disease, may result in an intense agreement for salt, such asTodd B. Nippoldt, MD, says theMAYO Clinic. Especially if they are accompanied by other symptoms such as muscle fatigue and abdominal pain, a desire for salt could be useful to ask a health professional.

You have trouble hearing = you might have kidney problems

Woman having trouble hearing

If you have difficulty hearing what others say, it may not be simply your ears that need to be checked. According to a 2010 study published in theAmerican Journal of Renal DiseasesThe elderly with chronic kidney disease are more likely to have hearing loss than without that.

"Hearing loss is commonly linked to syndromic kidney disease. However, this study suggests a strong attachment to [chronic renal diseases] in general," said the author of the study,David Harris, Associate Dean of Sydney Medical School-Westmead at Sydney University.

Your breath feels Sweet = you might have diabetes

Woman smelling her breath

If your body does not produce enough insulin or if it does not work properly, which is happening with diabetics-chemicals called ketones begin to accumulate in your blood. Your body will try to get rid through your saliva, which forced your breath to feel gentle or, in some cases, like the solvent of nail polish. It is such a reliable sign that a 2014 study published in theJournal of Huele Search I found that the breath perfume is a reliable and non-invasive way to say whether young children have type 1 diabetes.

You have a size on your colLarbon = you could have gastric cancer

Woman touching her collar bone

Located at the top of your collarbone near your neck is a lymphatic node called the virchow node and strangely sufficiently, it can serve as a warning signal for your digestive system. When this knot swells - a condition calledSupraclavicular lymphadenopathy-It may be the first sign of stomach cancer, intestines or colon.

Your military hair = you need more iron

woman hair thinning 50 amazing things your body tells you

If you notice that your hair is increasing, it could be another symptom of iron deficiency. According to a 2013 study published in theKorean Medical Science Journal, a lack of iron, which helps to move blood and oxygen to your brain and muscles, could drop the hair.

You laugh or fold in an uncontrollable way without reason = you could have mmer

Man crying in public

This symptom is called Pseudobulbar affect (PBA), and it is much more painful and embarrassing than just laughing too hard to a bad joke.Miriam franco, MSW,Association of Multiple Sclerosis of America Written that the PBA "occurs in 10% of people with MS, although some research suggest a much larger percentage".

Your eyes are always swollen = you can have kidney or cardiac disease

Puffy eye

The problems of the kidneys and the heart can prevent your body from getting rid of the excess liquid properly, and it can start building in unusual places, especially in the morning. Although many other things can cause pockets around the eyes - including the lack of chronic inflated eyes of sleep could be a symptom of a serious problem, according to theNational Foundation of Reins.

Your wounded ears after eating a big meal = you could have acid reflux

Woman experiencing ear pain

The pain returned occurs when an injury or trauma to a part of the body causes another party to another party. In this case, the esophagus and the ears are located both along the wave nerve, so that gastric acid that irritates the esophagus can cause pain elsewhere on this nerve, including in the ears. According to an article inAmerican family doctorYou can have a gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (Gerd) without ever feeling stomach burns - and a possible symptom of Gerd is a pain in the ear.

You have a cough that will not stop = your air route decreased

Woman Coughing in Bed 50 amazing things your body tells you

This constant hackingcan be a persistent coldBut it could also be something more serious like post-bronchitis syndrome, according toMitchell Gaynor, MD, Professor Clinic Assistant Medicine at Weill Cornell Medical College. Similar to asthma, it means that your respiratory tract temporarily have a smaller. "People think unless you whistle and short of breath, it's not asthma, but it's not true," said Gaynor toMen's newspaper.

You are colder than everyone around you = you could have a sub-active thyroid

Man freezing in his living room wearing a jacket

If you put additional layers when around you sweat, your body may be trying to tell you that there is something with your thyroid. A common symptom of a sub-active thyroid feels unusually cold - even when the temperature is objectively warmed.

AsMatthew Thorpe, MD, wrote forSatelliteThe heat is a by-product of calories on, so if your thyroid does not burn as many calories, it means that you do not generate as much heat.

"This is why the low levels of thyroid hormone make you feel colder than others around you. About 40% of the little thyroid people feel more sensitive to cold than usual," he writes. "If you have noticed, I felt colder than normal lately, it could be a hypothyroidism sign."

You have a brilliant color language = you need more B12

doctor inspecting woman's tongue 50 amazing things your body tells you

If your language has bright red air, it could mean that you need more B12. Like people toLivetrong Put it, "this change of appearance comes from the dug of the tongue: the loss of the small bumps that normally give the language a clear pink appearance, velvety ... without these small bumps, called papillae, the tongue looks Red and weather. " Health professionals even call this "beef language".

According toStanford MedicineThis means that your body could use more iron, folate and vitamin B12. You can do stocks on B12 by eating more pork, low fat yogurt, salmon, chicken and eggs.

You have a foggy brain = you must reduce gluten

man with headache 50 amazing things your body tells you

If you walk in a slight mist after lunch, even after having had a good night's sleep and doing exercise regularly, you may be that your body told you to tell you to cut bread and pasta - or, worse, that you have disease celiac.

Like Gaynor saidMen's newspaper, "There is a huge gut-brain connection and if gluten causes inflammation in your intestine, you are malbopering nutrients and you have disturbed the microbiome of your Gut."

You have a brown trail under your nail = you could have skin cancer

Nail with brown line

Once again, there is no need to jump directly to a diagnosis of cancer if you have something brown in your nail bed. However, it should be known that skin cancer can indeed (although rarely) develop under your nails, and it looks like a black or brown trail. This is the most common in people of color, according to theCanadian Dermatology Association, and it's called subungal melanoma.

You feel things that are not there = you should see a neurologist

Girl smelling something bad

Phantosmia is a condition in which your nose catches a puff of something rotten eggs, wet dogs, something else as unpleasant - it's not in fact.

These "ghost odors" can be your brain that allows you to know that something is disabled. According toMAYO ClinicThis could be a sign of something as simple as inflamed sinuses or as a result of a cerebral tumor, epilepsy or Parkinson's disease. Anyway, your body gives you a head to call your doctor, Stat.

You have red and white spots on your language = your taste buds have been worn

woman sticking out tongue

A language with red and white spots is nothing to panic. It's just a sign that yourGustatic taste buds have worn, Maybe because you temporarily damage them with too many acidic candies (surprisingly common) or eating hot foods that burned them slightly and caused desensitization. Give him a little time - and stop damaging the buds - and they will reproach all health in no time.

Your fingers and your toes are regularly blue = you should get your lungs and checked heart

Cold toes

Your fingers andtoes can become blueIn the cold due to reduced blood circulation. However, if this happens when you are not in a cold or high altitude, blue coloration (also known as cyanosis) could mean that the blood does not have enough oxygen. According to a publication of theNational Institute of Health (NIH), a number of pulmonary and cardiac problems can cause cyanosis.

You have unexplained muscle cramps = you could not get enough potassium

Muscle cramp

Most of the people enough potassium in their diet to prevent the symptoms, but if you lose a lot of liquids, for example, if you sweat excessively or an influenza that causes vomiting and diarrhea you can enter a state ofhypokalemia. If your potassium rate gets quite low, your muscles can feel a weakness, pain or cramps unrelated to the exercise. Usually, eating a banana or drinking a sports drink is sufficient to restore balance.

You can not stop perspiration = you could have a heart attack

Sweating woman

When you think about theSIGNS OF A CARDIAQUE CRISISYou probably imagine pain in the chest and shortness of breath, but not everyone displays these symptoms. A less known sign is sudden, uncontrollable perspiration. AsRobert J. Bryg, MD, wrote forOnhealth, Breating a sweat when you are not hot, exercise or fever is a common symptom of a heart attack.

Your eyes yellow = You must get your liver checked

young man pulling down eyelid to check eye in mirror

If the white of your eyes are no longer white, but bright yellow, you might havejaundice. Usually, your skin will take a yellowish hue, too. Several conditions can cause jaundice, but they are all meaning that your liver does not properly break bilirubin, a pigment in the bile that causes yellow color. You wantGet your liver examined By a doctor, especially if you have a fever too.

You urinate frequently = you could have diabetes

Man going for a late night pee

Have you recently noticed that it's hard to pass through a movie without bath interruption or two, or are you jumping often in the middle of the night to make a bathroom race? While you could chalk until you have a small bladder, you should consider if something else can be at stake.

"Often, one of the first symptoms of diabetes is frequent need to urinate, which is called polyuria," saysMike Bohl, MD, Main Medical Editor atHealth guide. "In fact, the word" diabetes "comes from the Greek word for" siphon ". When a person has diabetes, they have high levels of blood sugar. As the kidneys filter the blood, the sugar also gets into the urine ".

Due to osmosis, explains Bohl, this sugar pulls the water with it. "It actually creates a large volume of urine," he says. "It means people with uncontrolled PEE diabetes often, and they usually drink a lot to do for it. »

You wake up with headaches = you could have sleep apnea

Woman waking up with headache

Snackings and diurnal drows are common signs of sleep apnea, a condition where you pause or stop breathing during sleep. These respiratory breaks can cause your blood oxygen level to fall,Robert Oexman, MD, saysturnYou can wake up with a headache. In addition, the effort to start breathing can still force the muscles of the neck, which also leads to headaches.

You start losing hair of your eyebrows = you could have a thyroid

Thinning eyebrows

Our eyebrows tend to decline like us, but hypothyroidism a thyroid gland that does not put enough hormones-can causeeyebrow hair. Usually, it is the third external eyebrows that are affected. The good news is that with the treatment, the hair will repel in a few months.

You have fungus nails = you could have a liver disease

doctor examining patient's toes

According to a 2010 study published in theJournal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereteology Patients with hepatitis B, hepatitis C and liver cirrhosis, those with liver disease were much more likely than the general public to see changes to their nails or nails. Onychomycosis or fungal nail infection, is the most common. Most anti-fungal drugs are difficult on the liver, patients in need of liver disease to look for alternative treatments.

Your hands are pale = you could be anemic

Pale hands anemic woman

Anemia is a condition that occurs when a person does not produce enough red blood cells or existing red blood cells do not work well, which means that the blood can not provide sufficient oxygen in the body. Another result ofReduction of red blood cells is a lack of color in the skin, especially in the extremities. If your hands are pale and yellowish, it may be time to check your iron rate.

Your feet are stirred at night = you need more iron


In addition to provokeing pale hands, iron deficiency anemia can cause Willis-Ekbom disease, known more often as restless leg syndrome (RLS). The link between low iron levels and tingling or creeping sensations in the legs is still unknown, according to theHarvard Health LetterBut oral iron supplements seem to relieve the problem substantially.

Your major is folded = you could have rheumatoid arthritis

old woman rubbing her wrist

Rheumatoid arthritis causes swelling of the joints, especially in the fingers and hands. Pain and rigidity are the most common symptoms, but swelling can also cause a number of hand deformations. As an orthopedic surgeonAnuj Netto, MD, wrote forHealth of arthritisThese include the deformation of the trigger and the deformation of the boonnière in which the average knuckle becomes stuck in a folded position.

Your cuticles are red = you could have lupus

young man in suit looking at his fingernails

Anyone who watched the showlodge know that theAuto-immune disease lupusMay cause a wide variety of seemingly unconnected symptoms. This is because lupus affects almost all parts of the body, including the cuticles of your nails. The skin around a lupus patient's nail can become red and inflamed, although this is usually accompanied by other skin symptoms and joint pain.

You have a bump under your arm = you could have breast cancer

Armpit pain

Many people know the importance of self-examinations for early detection ofbreast cancerBut it is important to know that a mention under the armpit can also be a sign of this disease. There are lymphatic nodes located in your armpits and they can swell for a number of reasons, including breast cancer that spread to these nodes. You can feel a size in your armpit before finding one in your chest.

Your nails have white spots = you need more zinc

Brittle nails with white spots

Leukonychia or white tasks on the nails, is usually caused by a kind of damage to the nail bed. Less often, however, it can be caused by aZinc deficiency in your diet. This mineral helps your body heal and produce new cells. Most Americans get a lot of zinc, but as it is more abundant for red meat and poultry, some vegetarians may not get the recommended amount. The growing consumption of wild seeds and rice can do the trick.

You have cold hands = you need more vitamin B12

Woman warming her hands with a heater

Vitamin B12 is the key to form red blood cells, among other health benefits.

"A deficiency in this level of vitamins can reduce the production of red blood cells [and subsequent anemia]", "NESOCHI OKEKE-IGBOKWE, MD, a specialist in internal medicine at the Nyu Langone Medical Center, saidHuffPost. "Anemia results in a decrease in the oxygen supply of the body, which can cause cold hands."

Your heels are cracked = you could have a thyroid problem

close up of white woman rubbing heel of bare feet

While hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism have opposite meanings, these two thyroid conditions can cause thickening and drying of the skin, which is generally more perceptible asDry and cracked heels.

Your ankles are swollen = you could have high blood pressure

Older Woman with Swollen Ankles {Heart Disease Symptoms}

According to the U.K.Blood pressure association,Hypertension Gives the heart stronger, which ends up making it less effective to circulate blood throughout your body. This can cause liquids to accumulate in your lower ankles or legs, which makes them swell. Most of the time, it is simply a disadvantage, but over time, it can start damaging the skin and blood vessels in your ankles.

Your stool is black = you could have a stomach ulcer

Woman flushing toilet button
Feely feeling / Shutterstock

All kinds of digestive diseases lead to unusual stools, so your stool changes color or consistency, be careful.Black stools Can be the product to eat dark food or take iron supplements, but they can also mean that there is blood in your higher digestive tract. If your stool is black and you have stomach pain or stomach burns, you could have a bleeding ulcer.

You have wounds inside your mouth = you could be intelenting gluten

white female doctor using tongue depressor on white man

Celiac disease, or the inability to digest protein gluten, usually affects the digestive system and the mouth is the beginning of the digestive system. According to a significant 2009 study published in the journalBMC GastroenterologyThe wounds of the recurrent mouth can sometimes be the only symptom of celiac disease. If regular treatments do not seem to move wounds away, gluten-free diet can sometimes do the trick.

The sounds of everyday sound seems inappropriately noisy = you could have a Lyme disease

Man covering ears from noise

HyPracusis is an auditory disorder that makes common sounds like running water or normal conversation seems painfully strong. It's a bit like having a hangover, but no alcohol is involved. Most of the time, an earlier exposure to strong sounds is to blame, but like Lyme disease attacks the nervous system, including the nerves of the face, this can cause this hypersensitive audience. According to an important study of 2003 published in theJournal of the Royal Society of Medicine, Hyperacusis Symptoms "Increases in times of fatigue, anxiety or stress".

You have chronic tingles in your arms and legs = you could block in your arteries

Woman holding her wrist

Atherosclerosis, or plaque accumulation inside the body's blood vessels, affects almost everyone to a certain extent during their 65. However, if you are an older adult and you often feel Tingling in your extremities, this can be a sign that your blood can not circulate correctly because your arteries have become blocked. This is a common and serious problem, then theMAYO Clinic recommends consulting a doctor as soon as possible.

Your nails are fragile = you could have diabetes

Brittle nails

Although it is probably not the first sign the first or most obvious of diabetes, blood flow problems that come with the disease can cause nails and nails to become fragile and fragile. Nails can even move away from the nail bed, leaving an infection room and causing misshapen nails, likeRowan Hillson, MD, wrote forPractical diabetes.

Your neck is too stiff to put your chin at your chest = you could have a meningitis

Woman with a stiff neck

The main symptom of meningitis or an infection of the fabric around the brain and spinal cord is a headache, but many different conditions can cause headaches you can not say alone. However, a headache combined with flu symptoms and aInability to flex your neck In front, which occurs in about 70% of people with meningitis, could be a sign of this very serious infection.

Your eyes are dry = you need more vitamin A

Man with dry tired eyes

If you notice that your eyes are perpetually dry, you might be that you do not get enough of this soluble vitamin in meat, fish, eggs and dairies.

"Dry eyes, or the inability to produce tears, is one of the first signs of vitamin A deficiency,"Lizzie Streit, MS, explained toSatellite.

It emphasizes that in extreme cases, particularly in developing countries, a long-term lack of vitamin has even lead to complete blindness. Increase vitamin A in its diet can quickly reverse dry eyes. A 1995 study on the cited published inInvestigation Ophthalology and Visual Sciences, found that high doses of vitamin A have decreased dry eyes in infants and 63% children.

You tend to drop things = you could have a carpal tunnel

woman dropped her phone cracked

The median nerve connects your arm from your hand and doing it, it must pass through a small hole between the bones of your wrist called the carpal tunnel. So swelling of the tissues of this area pinch the median nerve, the doctors call the conditioncarpal tunnel syndrome. This can cause a tingling and numbness in your fingers (with the exception of your Pinky) and thumb, but it can also prevent muscles around your thumb to work properly, which takes you to drop things you are trying. to possess.

You have nocturnal sweats = you could have cancer

Woman with night sweats

If you tend to wake up with soaked sweat, there is no reason to suppose immediately that you have cancer - many other things can cause nocturnal sweats. However, certain cancers such as Hodgkin's and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and mesothelioma provoke night sweats like an early symptom, depending onResearch Cancer United Kingdom.

Categories: Health
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