It's when doctors say they will stop wearing face masks in public

A recent survey has asked epidemiologists when they feel comfortable without one.

Even in the states that reassociate, masks or face coatings are suggested or necessary for the public. Disease and Prevention Control Centers (CDC) indicate thatcovering your face and your mouth Helps disrupt the propagation of potentially infected respiratory droplets, which is particularly important when social distance is not possible. With that in mind and the fact that any viabilityVVID-19 vaccine Years or even years ago, is there a scenario in which the recommendation of the mask is lifted from time to time? Whether or not, experts in infectious diseases will make their decisions based on their experience.The New York TimesRequested 511 epidemiologists When they expected themselves that they would stop taking certain precautions against coronavirus, including face masks, and their answers reveal that life will not come back to "normal" for a long time.

Among the epidemiologists interviewed, 52% say they expect to stop "carrying a face covering" in a year or more. Forty-ten per cent say they will continue to wear masks for three months and a year, while only seven percent say they will stop from time to time this summer. The remaining percent expect that they never abandon to carry masks in public.

Asian woman wearing mask and gloves in grocery store
Shutterstock / Hananeko_Studio

Of course, respondents' responses refer to non-medical / personal protective equipment (EPP) parameters is de facto in their work. AndTheTimesPiece also includes a non-responsibility clause that reads as follows: "Their answers are not guidance for the public and incorporate the circumstances of the individual life of respondents, risk tolerance and expectations in the event of a generalized test, Contact, Treatment and Vaccination Tracing for Covid-19. "It is enough to put, these are personal answers and take into account the persistent uncertainty as to the future holds for the pandemic.

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Nevertheless, some doctorsareMake predictions about what will be expected from the public in the future. Talk toAtlantic,Trish GreenhalghProfessor of Primary Health Sciences at Oxford University, said thatPeople should continue to wear masks Up to the point when there are "there are no new cases, neither very few cases" coronavirus.

Others believe that we will wear masks until the widespread distribution of vaccination. "I think you're going to need to wear masks as long as Covid is a threat, and Covid will be a threatUntil you have a vaccine, "Shan Soe-Lin, immunologist and speaker at the Yale Jackson Institute for World Affairs, saidToday's show.

WhatTheTimesThe highlights of the survey are that the decision to wear a mask or not can become even more personal than it is already if companies and other public spaces do not require it. And for more coverage of your face, here isThe rumor of facial mask you have to stop believing.

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