There are "emerging evidence" that Covid spreads in this way, who says

Global health leaders are going to mount evidence that Covid is transmitted through the air.

Whether or not itCoronavirus is airborne has been debated since the US Covid-19 pandemic in March. But in the months that show, there has been evidence that the air particles can potentially transmit the virus, resulting in increased pressure for global health managers to accuse the connection. This pressure culminated in a letter of 6 July signed by239 scientists calling for the World Health Organization (WHO) to recognize airborne transmission. Now the message seems to have been received. On July 8, who acknowledged that there were "emerging evidence" thatCoronavirus spreads in the air, Reports CNN.

The change of tone came while addressing the group letter during a daily press briefing. Who technical manager for the prevention and control of infectionsBenedetta Allegranzi, MD, noted that many of the recipients collaborated with the health agency. "We recognize that there is emerging evidence in this area, as in all other areas concerning the Virus and the CVIV-19 pandemic, and we therefore believe that we must be open to this evidence and understand its implications for themodes of transmission And also with regard to the precautions to be taken, "she said.

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Throughout the pandemic, the official position of WHO was this coronavirusspread widely the respiratory droplets "When a person is in close contact (less than 1 meter) from someone with respiratory symptoms", like coughing or sneezing. A modification of the suggested mode of transmission would probably lead to a change in guidelines and regulations that would focus on social distance andwearing mask, which was also late to adopt.

Allegranzi pointed out that WHO took the time to seek more definitive evidence before changing its official position on the new coronavirus being airborne. "The possibility of airborne transmission in the public parameters, especially under very specific conditions - cluttered, closed,Poorly ventilated parameters-It is described, can not be excluded, "she said." However, the evidence must be gathered and interpreted. "

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Nevertheless, WHO officials declare that they bring this evidence together onHow the coronavirus spreads and does not excluding possible modes of transmission. "We talked about the possibility of airborne transmission andTransmission of aerosol as one of the modes of transmission of Covid-19, as well as gout, "Maria van Kerkhove, PhD, responsible for the emerging diseases of WHO and Zoonose unity, told Briefing. She added that a brief formal scientist on the issue would be released from WHO in the coming weeks. And for more information on how coronavirus can spread, checkIt is who transmitting more than 50% of COVID cases..

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