23 things impolite that you did not realize that you do every day

Even the most conscientious people find themselves doing them from time to time.

You hold the door for people behind you and still standing right when you're still on an escalator. On the surface, there is no doubt about it: you are not only attentive,you are polite. Unfortunately, while you may be able to stay on the right side ofEmily Post In some situations, there is a good chance that you would take inadvertent decisions every day that are so raw that they leave other people up to. With the help of label experts, we have gathered the impolite behaviors you do regularly without even realizing it. And if you want to be more polite, make sure to enter these50 things you do every day that hinder others.

Use speaker

young white guy using speakerphone
Shutterstock / Insta_photos

Your conversation can be fascinating for you, but it's a distraction for everyone around you.

"Nobody needs or does not want to hear your private conversations," says Licensed ConsultantRachel Wagner, founder ofRachel Wagner Label and Protocol. Not only is it impolite towards the people who decipate: "You respect the confidentiality of the appellant, whether it is a commercial appeal or a personal case," said Wagner.

Check your phone in footballs

young woman looking at her phone in the car
Shutterstock / Monkey Business Images

Not only this behavior is not onlyPotentially dangerousIt's downright rude too.

"It's boring and discounted with the drivers aligned behind you when you seem inattentive to traffic lights," says Wagner. And if you want to go up your label game, make sure to know and avoidThe most boring text you send all the time.

Talk on your phone when you order

Barista handing over two cups of coffee

If you do not give up your attention to theperson who takes your orderYou are undeniably rude for them and people behind you online.

"Paying your bill should be the goal, do not make social plans," says Expert LabelLisa Caves, Aka theGAL GAL rules. And for more great stories delivered directly in your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.


Woman on phone surprised reading viral dating story

Although this text message can feel as if it deserves your immediate attention, if you answer in the middle of a cluttered sidewalk or in the door of a busy store or supermarket, you are rude with those around you.

"Stop to check that our phones are safer, but [it's rude to do it in the middle of the bridge," says Expert LabelDiane Lee, founder ofStreet Smart Label. If the message can not wait, get out of the other way and respond somewhere you are less likely to cause bottling.

Take phone calls in public bathrooms

woman in gray shirt on her phone in the bathroom, rude behavior
Shutterstock / Nito

This onerude In many ways: it's coarse (and disrespectful) to the person you have on the phone, and this also hosts the line for those who may need the stall of the stall to which you occupy. Lee says that everything you do other than to attend the call of nature can - and should you expect to be some private share.

Do not say "Please" and "Thank you" to people on service positions

Worst Things to Say to Customer Service, rude behavior

You probably hear tons of other people who aboy ", can I get a great American?" At Baristas so often that it seems to be a totally normal thing to do. But that's the kind of trend you want to encircle so to avoid being rude.

"Many of our" thank you "and" thank you "opportunities are neglected," says Lee. Not only takes the time to add these pleasures to your conversation make it more likely that you will get what you want in a timely manner, it can also "follow the stress of daily interactions" - and we think, people participating in the needs Hundreds or thousands of customers a day are stressed enough for you two.

By just passing salt

Salt and pepper shakers

Of course, someone may not have only requested salt, but if you want to avoid being perceived as rude, you should also transmit them to pepper.

"They are adopted as a couple," says Caves. "Even if a person on your right can simply want salt, a person halfway around the table may want both," she explains.


Self care concept. Waist up reflection of young smiling woman in white bathrobe enjoying her morning while applying favorite perfume before bathroom mirror (Self care concept. Waist up reflection of young smiling woman in white bathrobe enjoying her m

Your personal perfume preferences are not the cup of tea from everyone, and they can even be a serious headache for sensitive people.

"A little goes a bit far, then make a perfume check when you leave the house, especially if you drive to public transport," or spend time with others in confined spaces, says Caves. And if you want to avoid a false fake,This is the most embarrassing way to create an email, search shows.

Request a visit to someone's house

children running in empty home, rude behavior
Shutterstock / Monkey Business Images

It is natural to be curious about what a friend's new house looks like when you are invited for dinner. However, asking for a guided tour is nothing less coarse, according toKaren Thomas, founder ofKaren Thomas Label. "The biggest false people do when [visit] someone else's home request a tour," she says - especially because everyone does not have time to store their home before hosting a company.

And that does not mean that you should go to the clip when you are in the bathroom, either; The only time a visit is appropriate, it is when the host insists on her, says Thomas.

Using the words "actually" or "just" in the conversation

woman gestures at husband in frustration during serious conversation

These two words may seem harmless, but they cango out when used with casualness. Consider the difference between "our boss needs the report by Friday" and "Really, Our boss needs Friday's report. "Similarly, a little word makes a big punch when you look" you have to choose the head "versus"only Need to choose your head. Without adding much to the content of your message, these words minimize the position and concerns of the person at the end of the reception.

Recall the stories of others to yourself

couple talking to each other on the couch

While you might think that you are helpful by saying your friend or another significant thing that you have "spent exactly the same thing", it can then discharge. As much as someone can appreciate to hear that they are not alone in their problems, thatkindness is compensated by the meaning you are self-involved. "Do not forget to listen to hear ... rather than responding immediately," says Thomas.

Offer an opinion without being requested

bored in conversation

Say what you are in your mind can sometimes be useful, noteHeidi McBain, aChartered Marriage and Family Therapist In terms of flowers, Texas. But it is important to know when it is not the time or the place to do it. To be safe, it is better to offer your opinion that when you have asked. Otherwise, you run the risk of being naughty in a chiming despite "the non-verbals of those around you that what is said is hurtful," says McBain.


woman putting hand on her friend's shoulder, rude behavior

Even if what you are looking for does not really deserve a sharp disapproval, your face can be invited by chance otherwise. "Have a default face that seems mean, angry or concerned when you really can not cause problems," says Lee. His suggestion? When you catch your reflection and notice that you do a face not so nice (or if someone mentions you), put a smile after a while, it will be like a second nature.

Do not accept compliments from people close to you

man complimenting woman on bench

For many people,accept compliments Maybe a challenge. Whether due to modesty, aLack of self-esteemOr simply the feeling that praises did not deserve, hearing beautiful things about ourselves members of our inner circle can be difficult. But rejecting a compliment surpassing not only perpetuates these insecurities, it also enters as coarse. (This does not mean that every compliment deserves a grateful answer, even if it is inappropriate or a stranger the shouts to you in the street, you are not obliged to express gratitude for that.)

Make people hurt not knowing something

a boss angry at an intern, rude behavior

Most people have a skill they excel, whether they are a coding genius or make a medium German chocolate cake. However, having expertise gives no one to give a license to that others feel bad about their lack of knowledge on a specific subject.

Instead of making fun of their questions, try taking a second to think about how you want they answer if you had to change their place. This is called the golden rule for a reason.

Not allowing others to merge

Traffic in a City, rude behavior

Few people are blocked in traffic. That said, not allowing other people to merge in your way is not better the problem - and it's pretty nasty, starting. "You are in the dead-end traffic, so how much does it hurt the next car merge in your way?" Lee request.

Picking food to work

hand putting salmon filet into microwave, rude behavior
Shutterstock / SeasonTime

If you want to stay on theright side of your colleaguesThomas says it always pays not to heavy dishes and heated fish in the office. After all, for people who are particularly sensitive to smells, this delicious meal for you could mean a rage headache or a nausea skin for them.

Do not make an introduction

man shaking hands with bosses across a conference room, rude behavior

When you know two people or more people who meet for the first time, it's not just disdain, but downright rude, not to introduce them. Of course, it can sometimes slip your mind, but it is important not to give priority to your enthusiasm to see again an old friend to make others feel comfortable.

Forget the names

People meeting and shaking hands and forgetting names

You should not need to constantly remind you of the names of people in your life. To forget the names of those you interact with often signals that they are not worth the little effort to connect a name with a face. And no, blame on your bad memory is never a valid excuse.

Tell people to smile

girl talking to sad friend, rude behavior

Although you may have a good day, it does not mean everyone around you feel the same. By demanding a smile of someone who looks blue, you do not just impose your unjustified opinions on them, but you may also do what's wrong despite their lives worse.


older woman sighing, stress signs

It is normal to sigh in response to painful stimuli - but that could act from the constraint of anyone who resembles the end of these noises. The fact is that even if what another person says or madeIs Offend us, there are better, less passive-aggressive ways to let them know that sits openly.

Cross your arms

Man sticking to his guns because of his baby, standing firm. He's a better man

Crossing your arms can be comfortable - or even keep you warm for a cold day - but it can also make you look at the stop. Before saying each other unconsciously with yourbody language Whether you do not want to do anything with them, consider adopting a more open posture. Put your hands on your hips, in your pockets or at your side, you can make you appear instantly more kind and more affordable.

Ask people if they have children

older woman smiling at younger man, downsizing your home

Of course, this may seem like an innocent question, but the question of another person's family goes through rude driving. The fact is that there is no reason to ask someone that you are not so familiar with whom they have children. In addition to being none of your business, you never know who has trouble getting pregnant, had a recent miscarriage or does not want to defend their decision to stay without a child, again. Worried that you are not as polite as you can be?It's the slightest thing you can ask someone, label experts say.

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