There is a scientific reason that you always feel tired after drinking coffee

Your genetic makeup could be responsible for the second and third cups.

Are you still tired half an hour after drinking coffee? Do you spend half of your morning stumbling through tasks, waiting for your MAKNING BREW to knock you? If your partner is already sailing the day while you are wondering if you accidentally accidentally bought the DECAF land at the grocery store, there could be a genetic difference to blame. Experts have found that there is a scientific reason why it takes more time for some people to feel theEffects of caffeine that others, others - and why these effects can disappear faster.

A 2014 study in the newspaperMolecular psychiatryFound six variants of genes that seemed to affect theTreatment of caffeine And so the coffee consumption of a sample of coffee drinkers. Some of the variants are located near genes associated with "rewarding effects of caffeine", by a statement by the Harvard School of Public Health, which has been involved in the study, which means that everyone does not receive the same benefits to ingest it. Others are close to genes associated with the metabolization of caffeine - in other words, transforming it to the point that you no longer feel its effects.

Senior couple drinking coffee at cafe
Shutterstock / Jacob Lund

An evaluation article of July 2020 inThe New England Journal of MedicineNote that "The absorption of caffeine is almost complete Within 45 minutes after swallowing, the blood levels of caffeine culminating after 15 minutes to 2 hours. The liver is responsible for the metabolization of caffeine you eat or drink, and your genetic makeup helps to determine how quickly it can do it quickly.

"The half-life of caffeine in adults is typically 2.5 to 4.5 hours, but is subject to a significant variation from person to person",NejmStates of the articles. This also emphasizes that other conditions can affect this half-life, including smoking, which cuts it in two and the pregnancy, which extends it. Some drugs, these researchers say, "Can slow the clearance of caffeine and increase its half-life, usually because they are metabolized by the same liver enzymes". It is therefore important to adjust your caffeine consumption if your doctor or pharmacist recommends it.

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All this is to say that your body's response to caffeine is extremely specific and could be partially inherited. Those whose bodies metabolize caffeine can quickly feel its effects almost immediately and for a relatively short period. Those who are genetically predisposed to the metabolization of caffeine may not be able to have a sweet frappuccino in the afternoon without ruining this night of sleep. And these genetic variants probably determine the behavior of coffee consumption. So do not assume that colleague who can survive on a drip coffee with your triple-shot americano is simply more productive. They may be metabolizing caffeine on a much slower schedule than you. And if you are looking for decaffeinated solutions to increase your productivity, here's25 ways to boost your energy level without coffee.

Categories: Health
Tags: food / Health Facts
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