The new coronavirus symptom that appears weeks after being sick

The experts say that this symptom can even take months to present themselves to coronavirus patients.

Although the coronavirus has existed for six months, we always learn new things on the virus every day. And although there is a lot ofCommon symptoms well known, the virus does not always have the same person in the same way. And now, there are reports from another newSymptom coronavirus It seems to appear weeks after people fall ill:hair loss.

"Istarted to notice outgoing hair goes When I took a shower. At first, I thought it was that I was using a cheaper shampoo, but it quickly became obvious, like more and more people out, that it was something else: "Travel NurseJuli FisherA travel nurse who took care of coronavirus patients in an assisted facility when she was infected in March, told Webmd. And she is not the only one who has experienced the unexpected symptom.

Woman losing hair on hairbrush in hand

Fisher joined a Facebook group called "Longuits", a forum for Patients Covid-19 withpersistent the symptoms of coronavirus discuss persistent problems, quickly realize others noticedhair loss also. "When I saw the others had, I realized, Oh, it's also related to Covid." She recalled. Another group of the group stated that he had symptoms of coronaviruses for more than 100 days of hair loss being one of them.

But why has not the symptom been recognized until recently?Sara Hogan,MD, a health science clinical instructor at the David Geffen School of Medicine in UCLA, told Webmd. This is because hair loss usually takes three to five months after a serious illness or stressful event.

"There are three common cycles in the hair life cycle," Hogan explained. "Up to 90% at any time increases, 5% are in a rest phase, and up to 10% are losing. When you have an important event or shock, up to 50% of your hair can sprinter with phase loss. "

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Experts say that this phenomenon of coronavirus hair loss is similar to TELOGEN effluvium (TE), hasform of temporary hair loss This usually occurs after stress, shock or traumatic event. According to webmd, it can be caused by "stress, high fever, illness or weight loss of more than 20 pounds", which areTypical symptoms that appear at COVID-19 patients, also. However, it can be even more noticeable with the annual season "Spring Hanga".

"Some people make more hair in the spring and we do not know exactly why," Hogan said. "Some people think it's related to a natural and seasonal cycle, and others think it emerges several months after the stress of the winter holidays." But now she seesNew coronavirus patients who know unusual hair loss fights.

"People fall ill, lose jobs and deal with many uncertainties related to their income and well-being, and I knew that [hair loss] was going to be important," she said. She said. "And [now] we are in the period for this with regard to the pandemic." And for more side effects of Covid, check the4 symptoms of coronaviruses most likely to be fatal.

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Categories: Health
Tags: Coronavirus / hair
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