A new survey reveals nearly half of the Americans do not change undergarments daily

But wait for you how many people wear the same pair for a week.

Have you ever missed underwear during a trip or do you simply think: "This pair is still clean enough, I'll send it back?" Well, get ready to be justified - ordisgusting-First a recent survey of 2,000 Americans revealed the frequency with which your fellow citizens are reallychange their underwear, and the court is: not often at all.

According to one AugustIntimates Tommy John brand investigation45% of Americans haveworn the same pair of underwear Two days or more, although men are much more likely to stay on the same pair as women. In fact, 20% of men reported wear the same pair of underwear for athe week at a time. (Yes, you read this right: an entire week in the same pair of underwear!) Only 8% of women said the same thing.

Any doctor will tell you that it's aSurefire Way to have an infection. AsMelissa GOIST, MD, an OB / GYN at the University of Ohio State Wexner Medical Center, explained toHealth"Underwear can trap moisture and [bacteria and yeast] like multiplying in a warm and humid environment".

The Tommy John study also revealed that 38% of Americans do not know how long they had their oldest pair of underwear, which is another source of concern, considering thatHealth reports that underwear under-year underwear have a greater chance of talkingUrinary tract infections and other diseases. After all,Charles Gerba, professor of microbiology at the University of Arizona who has done extensive research on germs, saidABC News, "If you wash a load of underwear only, there will be about 100 million E. coli in the washing water." Pretty raw, huh?

With all this in mind, experts say you should replace your underwear every six months to a year. Although it may seem like nothing seeks to fill and keep something that is not exposed to the outside world, when your health is compromised accordingly, it's time to make a swap. And for more raw things that you do every day without realizing, here is13 daily habits much more raw than you think.

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Categories: Health
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