That's exactly how many hours of coronavirus can live on your skin

Influenza can be a great enemy, but Covid-19 can live much longer on your skin, a new study shows.

Now scientists have done a lot of research on the life of the coronavirus onDifferent types of surfaces. But it has changed somewhat after it has become clear that theThe virus is mostly widespread through contact droplets with person to person. Although the focus of a prevention of handwashing infection to wear a mask and social distance, medical experts have never ceased to remind the public to wash your hands as often as possible to stay safe and healthy. And according to new research, it's definitely a good thing since theThe evidence shows that theCoronavirus can live on human skin For more than nine o'clock, up to four and a half times more than influenza. Before reading, if you want to make sure you can say to Covid of the flu, know thatThere is a chance of 80% you have Covid if you have this symptom.

A Japanese study, which has been published in the newspaperClinical Infectious DiseasesOn October 3, 3, determined to determine how long the coronavirus novel (SARS-COV-2) could survive on different surfaces such as stainless steel, glass, plastic and human skin compared to a common strain of the Influenza, influenza A flu virus. . The researchers found that the new coronavirus remains active longer on all surfaces, including human skin. In comparison with more than nine o'clock, Covid can live on your epidermis, the influenza virus survives only for 1.8 hours.

an african american woman coughing into her hand

Even on non-human surfaces, the results have also shown that theCoronavirus lasted much longer than influenza, survive for about 11 hours with a much shorter influenza of the flu of a little over an hour and a half.

The only thing they shared in common? Influenza and coronavirus have been inactivated in just 15 seconds when aEthanol-based sanitizer has been used.

The authors of the study conclude that the long period of survival of the coronavirus novel could lead to an "acceleration of the pandemic". They point out that the conclusions help to prove the importance of the advice that "a hygiene of the appropriate hand is important to prevent the spread of SARS-COV-2 infections".

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While medical experts always emphasize that you aremany more likely to catch covid of expired droplets Wear the virus, new information also come as the influenza season start in the United States, with the best advisers of disease control and prevention centers (CDC) warning that aoverlapping of the two viruses Could have catastrophic consequences on a hospital system already forced. However, there may be a very thin silver lining at the current coronavirus pandemic. TheCDC recently reported that there was a drasticlower in the cases of flu globally, Most likely thanks to the regular hand washing health practices and the use of face blankets, people have adopted because of COVID.

Nevertheless, the main health leaders urge the public to remain vigilant and continue to follow the security protocols - andMake sure to get their influenza shots. And to keep your hands - and so your eyes, your nose and mouth-of-covidation, check15 things that the CDC says you should not touch unwashed hands.

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