Dr. Fauci says he recommended a national closure for the early Trump

This was the most crucial decision, the Faucion says he did during the Pandemic of Covid.

Throughout the last year, many people have sought toAnthony Fauci, MD, for the perspective andTips on the pandemic. As a result, the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) is responsible for a handful of difficult decisions over the last seven months. Recently, Fauci said that the most difficult decision to do during the pandemic was to adviseDonald TrumpImplement a national closure. Read it to find out what went in the choice of Fauci and for more warning words by the doctor,Dr. Faisci has just said it's a "bad sign" for Covid.

On October 6, Fauci took the time to answer the questions from the students of his Alma Mater, the College of Sainte-Croix. During the forum, a student asked for Fauci about theThe most crucial decision He had to do during the pandemic and the critical thinking process that accompanied him.

"It was a decision to make a recommendation to the President," said Fauci. "It was not my decision that I could implement." This recommendation was to close the United States to significantly slow down the propagation of coronavirus.

According to Fauci, its recommendation has been made early in the pandemic, before the US saw.major epidemics. "When it became clear that we had a spread of the community in the country, with some cases of spreading the community - it was long before there was a major explosion as we saw in the North Corridor -Is diluted by the metropolitan area of ​​New York - I recommended to the president that we close the country, "said Fuci.

Closed due to COVID sign

Although the decision was not easy because of theeconomical consequences It would come with that, Fauci finally decided that it was the only way to contain propagation. "It was a very difficult decision because I knew it would have very serious economic consequences, what it did. But there was no way to stop explosive propagation that we knew would happen if we do not did not do it, "he said.

As we now know, even after a partial closure, Covid has moved throughout the United States, striking more difficult areas than others. Depending on Fauci, the virus continued to spread wildly because the United States is never completely closed.

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Fuci has cited other cities that had more success containing the virus after committing a complete closure. "Unfortunately, since we did not doclose China has done China, the way of Korea, the way Taiwan has done so, we really saw themselves even if we were closed. "

Although advising the president to put the country into Lockdown was a difficult decision to do, he would finally have been able to save millions of lives. A study published in July bySocial Science Research Networkfound that thepartial stop registered Between 900,000 and 2.7 million American people. And for more insight of the main infectious infectious expert of the nation, checkThe warning expiring from Dr. Faisci on the state of Trump.

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