That's why Covid kills some people and others are without a symptom, the study says

"It could help explain why some people show softer disease symptoms while others are seriously ill."

At this stage of pandemic coronavirus, one thing has become very clear: a brush with the new coronavirus isnot The same thing for each patient. The way someone's body is affected by Covid-19 canvaries savagely from the person to the person. And while some end up die as a result of intense battles with the virus, there are others who manage to never develop as much a mild fever or a minor cough. Now a new study highlights why some people have little symptoms of Covid after taking the virus - and itmay have to do with thatPesky Rerol you fear each year.

Based on the new study published in the newspaperScience, the presence of the memory of the immune systemT cells could be the key Understand why some infected patients remain asymptomatic. Since colds is another type of coronavirus, an earlier exposure to a cold may provide a more effective immune response, due to T cells essentially recognizing the deactivation of coronavirus faster. This would do COVID-19 infections a much less difficult and potentially significant combat lessTypical symptoms of Covid others experiment.

photo of two black men, one who's coughing and one who's not

"We have now proven that, in some people, pre-existingTUR OF THE MEMORY OF THE CELL AGAINST COMMON CORONAVIRUS Can cross Sars-Cov-2, up to the exact molecular structure, "co-director of the studyDaniela Weiskopf, PhD, Institute of the Jolla Institute of Immunology (LJI) Professor of Research, said in a declaration. "It could help explainWhy some people show symptoms of softer disease while others are seriously ill. "

The research itself was built strongly on the previous work of the researcher LJI ScientistShane Crutty, PhD, whose study found that 40 to 60% of people ever presented before at SARS-COV-2 still had specific T cells that can react to the virus. After studying the people exposed to "less dangerous cousins" of COVID-19 ", the analysis showed that patients had never presented before the coronavirus novel could have been able toproduce T cells that fought against Sars-Cov-2 as well as four different types of common coronaviruses.

"Immune responsiveness can be translated by different degrees of protection", co-chief of the studyAlessandro Set, PhD, says in a statement. "Have a strong T cell response, or a better T cell response can give you the opportunity to mount a much faster and stronger answer."

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Previous research on the reasons of serious COVID-19 cases Trod heavily ongenetic markers such as blood type, thePatient's ageand exactlyHow the virus enters the body. And while the authors of the new study agree that more research is needed to justify their conclusions, they are also convinced that these data could help develop efficient powerful vaccines.

"We knew there was a pre-existing responsiveness," said SET. "This study provides a very strong direct molecular evidence that memory T cells can" see "very similar sequences between cold coronaviruses and SARS-COV-2." And for more information on the propagation of COVID-19, checkMr. Fauci says there is now proof that coronavirus spreads in this way.

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Tags: Coronavirus / News
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