The worst thing # 1 that you can do at someone else's house right now

The experts warn of doing this if you visit friends or loved ones in the middle of Covid.

WithNew coronavirus cases on decline In many parts of the United States, people use the downward trend as it is safe to startVisit friends and loved ones again. But the truth is that coronavirus is still there - and it is no less likely that you can transmit or contract the virus right now. That's why visiting someone else's home is not as easy as pre-covid; There are still some security measures you need to take into account. In fact, experts warn to do one thing especially when visiting a friend or family member in the middle of COVID:go inside their house.

"A factor that determines the infection is the size of the space - a smaller and smaller space is the worst," saysLeann Poston, MD,medical adviser for the health of the guest. "A lack of ventilation or low ventilation is also a factor that increases the risk." Multiple studies have proven that you are much more likely to catch Covid inside, including a Japanese April study that has found that the chances ofGet coronavirus in a closed and interior environment is more than 18 times higher than in an outdoor environment. The study noted that all places with the greatest chance of transmitting the coronavirus were locations "with a minimum ventilation rate".

Due to research like this, disease control and prevention control centers (CDC) also indicate thatThe lowest risk meetings, other than a virtual, are "Smaller and in-person gatherings In which individuals from different households remain spaced at least 6 feet away, wear masks, do not share objects and come from the same local area. "

A side view of a female healthcare worker wearing a protective mask knocking on her grandmother's front door, she is dropping off groceries and flowers during the Coronavirus pandemic.

But even if you arehave a small gathering outdoors, Go inside someone's home just to use the bathroom is another danger of experts warning against. "According to studies, bathrooms and toilets especially are part of theThe most contaminated places with COVID-19 particles, "saysDimitar Marinov, MD, a deputy professor working with theControl and Prevention of Infectious Diseases. "For example, it is known that the toilets are known to create an aerosol that significantly increases the risk of propagation."

One of the Marinov studies refers to June's research that found that about 60% of aerosol particlesreaches high above the toilet seat When rinsing - meaning thousands of particles potentially contaminated with theCoronavirus could spray high enough during rinsing to be inhaled or land on another surface that someone could touch.

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However, if youare will enter someone's house and / or use their bathroom, both Poston and Marinov recommend that you use the greatest caution and notMake care precautions coronavirus. For example, Poston says you shouldnever Enter someone's home without a mask.

It also recommends that people consider two other factors: the number of people in the House and the time spent inside. "The more people in space are increasing the risk," says Poston. "In addition, consider how long you go into this space-longer term increases your chances of infection." For your reference, theCDC considers Anyone within six feet of someone with COVID for more than 15 minutes at risk of contracting the virus. And for more risky things you can do now, discover24 things you do every day that put you at risk of Covid.

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Categories: Health
Tags: Coronavirus
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