These states have just loosen restrictions despite Covid surges
In the midst of the spikes in cases of coronaviruses, these states undermine mask mandates and other restrictions.

WithCOVID SHIKING NUMBERS Once again in the countries of the country, health experts fear aggravated conditions throughout the fall and winter. After the regular declines of the end of the summer, it seemed for a moment that thecoronavirus pandemic Maybe slow down and maybe that's why some areas are moving forward with their current reopening plans, even as they start to see aUplick in new cases. In fact, several states now relax their restrictions despite Covid surgeies active.
To be fair, at least two states responded to recent peaks and take steps to mitigate the propagation of the virus. At Utah, where September was the stateworst month since the pandemic has started,GOV. Gary Herbert Reopatatization rolled in Provo and Orem on September 22, while public health officials published a public health order implementing a new mask mandate. And Wisconsin, faced with one of theWorst epidemics in the country, extended hisFacial mask mandate in November.
Many states in difficulty have loose restrictions months ago, while others have never had any restrictions to begin. But the following states have imposed mask mandates, crowd limitations and other laws designed to reduce coronavirus transmission and some of these restrictions are now lifted, as are the numbers. Here is a look at the new orders and where these states stand. And for more states of control against epidemics,These 7 states now see the worst peaks of Covid to the US
1 Florida

September 25,GOV. Ron Desantis raised all restrictions On restaurants and other Florida companies, ABC News Reports. Restaurants and bars are now allowed to operate at full capacity, although the governor said it would allow local governments to limit 50% bars. Guest removalConcern of health expertsincludingAnthony Fauci, MD, who said Florida was "requesting trouble."
While Florida's Covid figures had been on the decline, the state now sees aSpike in new cases: September 29, the cases jumped from 738 the watch at 3 266. In the last seven days, there was a little more than 16 015New cases of coronavirus in Florida,The New York Times Reports, contributing to more than 706,500 cases overall.
2 Massachusetts

Massachusetts officially entered his next reopening phase, withGOV. Charlie Baker announcingRelaxed covidation restrictions September 29, according to theBoston Globe. Interior performance halls can open again, while gymnasiums and museums are allowed for additional capacity. Baker stated that these activities had not caused coronavirus peaks in other states.
But Covid is alreadySpiking in the Massachusetts, as NBC Boston reports, although officials have awarded theclimb in positivity Rate of increase of tests in universities. Last week saw a little over 3,600Additional coronavirus cases, give the state a total of more than 132,15 cases. And for a bit of good news on the pandemic,Dr. Faisci has just said the four words you were waiting to hear.
3 Mississippi

On September 30, Mississippi became the first state toEnd an end to a mask mandate, throughStrong. The mandate started on August 4 and had been extended byGOV. Tate Reeves. Although he left the command expire, Reeves said, "I want to be clear, I still believe that the masks work. I still plan to wear one. It's the smart and prudent thing and wise to do."
AsThe big book of Clarion Notes, Mississippi was one of the hardest states during the summer, withCase and death in July. The numbers started to decline in August, but according toThe New York Times, Mississippi is always one of the states where "The new cases are higher and remain high. "Plus 3,615New COVID cases During the last week, I gave Mississippi a total of 98,190 cases.
4 Nevada

Nevada, another of the states faced with important challenges in the summer, seemed to have contained the COVID epidemic. Now, however, however,The New York Times The categorize as a state "where new cases are lower but amounts". Nevertheless, KTNV Las Vegas reports thatGOV. Steve Sisolak significantlyincreased the capacity of important gatherings As of October 1st. The limit, which had 50 people, is now 250 people or 50% of the capacity of a room. Conventions and conferences may have up to 1,000 people, if certain security protocols are in place.
The current overvoltage of Nevada is reflected by the more than 3,175New cases of coronavirus Over the past seven days. There was a little less than 80,085 cases of Covids in Nevada so far. And for a state in need of immediate intervention,This state lastly touched has by far the worst epidemic of Covid in the country.
5 new York

Once the epicenter of the coronavirus epidemic in the United States, New York has emerged as one of the greatest stories of success forCOVIDATION CONDUIT. The status of the state as a model to follow can now be at risk, however, likeThe new cases are on the rise In some parts of New York, according toWall Street newspaper. The citySautéed positivity rate at more than 3% after more than one month of living less than 1%, which health commissioner in New YorkDave chokshi Called "alarming" at the press conference of the 2nd September.
The increase in new cases has not stopped providing for theBack of indoor dining room In the city, restaurants open up to 25% capacity guests on September 30th and September 29th,Elementary schools reopened, with students returning to courses in person. It should be noted that despite the recent point, the figures of the state in their set were rather stable: 6,765 additionalcase over the last week Are a relatively minor contribution to quasi-463,370 cases of covidation since the beginning of the pandemic.
6 Tennessee

September 29,GOV. Bill Lee announced that it would beLifting Coronavirus Restrictions on companies and large gatherings in 89 of the 95 Tennessee counties, by theChattanooga times the free press. Excluded counties are the six most important of the state, and they will be able to define their own restrictions for another month, said the governor. Hamilton County, for example, still has aMask mandate to stareJim MayorAlthough it is not clear what will happen on October 8, when it has to expire.
Tennessee is always listed byThe New York Times As a state "when cases are higher and remain high", despite progress in the control of the epidemic. Over the past seven days, there were nearly 9,300New cases of coronavirus Statewide, giving Tennessee a total of nearly 193,360 cases of Covid so far. And for more than that feeds these epidemics,New evidence shows how Covid can spread outdoors.
7 Texas

Texas has had upper tops and lows during the coronavirus pandemic, emerging as one of the key epicnets after New York, but showing significant improvement. September 17,GOV. Greg Abbott Loose Covid Restrictions In several parts of the state, according to the TEXAS platform. Updated regulations allow restaurants and shops to operate at 75% capacity, 50%.
But Texas is not yet out of the wood and there have been recent signs of another coronavirus surge. As NBC DFW reported on September 30, new cases andCovid hospitalizations are on the rise. According toThe New York TimesThere was just more than 30,475New cases coronavirus in Texas During the last week, with a total of more than 784 025 cases in total.
8 Wyoming

September 29Casper Star-Tribune The title clearly said: "As a case of coronavirus surge, WyomingHome Restrictions. "Restaurants can now collect up to eight people at a table and there is no need to leave people in stands.GOV. Mark Gordon Published a statement indicating: "Restaurant-assisted catering did not contribute significantly to the spread of COVID-19 throughout the state." Meanwhile, some mask masks and the rally boundaries of the crowd remain.
Something must contribute to the thrust of Wyoming's Covid, however, and Gordon recognized "a growing number of active cases". In the last seven days, the state has seen nearly 780New cases of coronavirus, Puck Wyoming closer to 5,950 cases overall. And for more information up to date,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

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