That's what happens to your body when you sit all day

It's time to invest in this general position!

If you are one of the millions of Americans with aoffice work and again to jump aboard thebandwidth, then you are probably used to spend the bulk of your sitting day. And, as you can expect you to expect, spend more than eight hours by moving little more than your fingers you type do not exactly wonder for your overall health - especially during a career of decade. But what exactly does all these hours do?Refine in your office chair so harmful? Muscle pain with respiratory problems, read it to find out what happens to your body when sitting all day.

The muscles of your shoulders weaken.

No matter how much you try to prevent you from collapsing at work, long hours spent staying in an inevitably in the same way - with your back folded forward and your shoulder blades collapsed in a slouch that forces them Point forward and curvature. So, as you can imagine, this voltage added on the shoulders can create a little pain, especially for those seduced day and day for months, years or even decades.

Over time, if this slavery finds its way into your lifeoutside the office, it can actually change the way your shoulder blades and work, according to a 2008 2008 study published in theAmerican newspaper of epidemiology. In fact, after long periods of the session, the study participants found that it was harder to raise their arms over their heads - a motion that becomes more difficult for the muscles of your shoulder after they are used to a collapsed position.

And, as it turns out, this slavery also has a profound effect on your spine. Maintain a bad posture while sitting for hours at a time (even if it is only a few times a week) can also create wear on your discs and seals.

The muscles of your back and legs weaken too.

After an hour or an hour of session without break, your postural muscles (the muscles along your back and legs that work to maintain your posture) begin to lose their power to pull or be able to engage properly. And, according toLara Heimann, a physical and creator therapist of Lyt Yoga, unless you assure you only these muscles are actively used and tightened while sitting, this could lead to a significant drop inposture After just a short time.

"As they" composed "their shooting power, your muscles will give less support to rest ... So you will sag in the seat," says Heimann. "Unless you bring a conscious consciousness to your sitting position and [keep] the basic postural muscles slightly engaged, you will sink more in your joints and let the gravitational forces take over."

The blood flow decreases.

The decrease in your cooking power of postural muscles also represents a decrease in blood flow in your lower limbs. According to a 2011 study published in theBritish medical newspaper, Sitting for long periods can cause a slow blood flow, especially in the legs. This can cause blood clots; When these clots go to your lungs, they can cause a pulmonary embolism.

You feel intense pains from the lower back.

After a few hours of session, your sacrum bone (the bone just above the coccyx or coccyx) tends to move the position, to rigidate and cause discomfort. "The sacrum bone that lies between the pelvic bones gets stuck in the vertebrae of the lower back and sacrosally joints," explainsLetrinh Hoang, TO DO.

Since the session for long periods can also make postural muscles around the lower sacrum, this combination of symptoms can result in inflammation of the sacred joint. Inflammation causes pain to radiate theEntire, in the legs or out of the hips. In fact, according to a 2015 research review published inPlos a,There is a significant association between time as a person seated and the intensity of their pain at the bottom of the back.

You can develop back arthritis.

As your postural muscles weaken and your sacrum bone changes, the joints of your hips are also beginning to suffer. When your body begins to grow used to sit for hours at a time, it relaxes the flexors of the hip - the muscles charged with lifting the knee and to carry the thigh to the abdomen - causing them to weaken and Shorten, according to Hoang. This shortening of hip flexors often leads to a more important issue that occurs in chronic guards: back arthritis.

Since the flexors of the hip - which controls the movement of the basin and, subsequently, the lower back - are constantly stretched by seated, this increases the pressure on the facet joints of the lower vertebral column. According to a research review in 2013 published inNature Reviews RheumatologyOver time, the degradation of the facet joints can contribute to arthritis and lower back pain.

Your lungs produce less oxygen.

Yourlungs Have less space to grow when you breathe when sitting. They do not work at their normal capacity and no longer provide a healthy oxygen amount to the rest of your body. This can cause symptoms such as lightness, confusion, fast heart rate and shortness of breath.

Your abdomen is compressed, leading to digestive problems.

In addition to the lungs, your abdomen is also compressed when you stay sitting at your desk for hours at a time. And, since this compression of the abdomen includes parts of your gastrointestinal tract, you are likely to experiment withdigestive problems like bloating and gas, cramps, stomach burns and discomfort after eating, according to a 2015 study published inMicrobial ecology in health and illness.

Your risk for Alzheimer's increases.

As you already know, sitting all day can dramatically reduce blood circulation in all areas of the body - andyour brain is not immune to this change. In addition to this decrease in blood flow, spending a lot of your sitting life can reduce the production of new neurons, limit plasticity and increase inflammation, according to a 2018 study published inPlos a.This activity decreased in the brain is responsible for a loss of thickness in the temporal medial lobe - the part of the brain responsible for the memory, among others. This is why, according to the study, 13% of Alzheimer's cases have been directly related to sedentary lifestyles.

In addition to this increased risk of Alzheimer's disease, your sitting habits can also negatively affect your cognitive performance in another way - including the reduced speed of treatment and the ability to plan and organize, according to a study of 2017 published in theBritish newspaper of sports medicine.

Your risk of diabetes increases.

After only one day of prolonged sitting, these inactive muscles of your body have more time to respond to insulin, according to a study of 2011 published in the journal.Metabolism. Insulin is the hormone produced by your pancreas to help decompose glucose for energy. So when your body does not decompose effectively with glucose, your risk of diabetes skyrockets. Ready to stop sitting and make your work day a little healthier? Check these40 work habits that you have to drop 40.

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